Ha! That's what I mean. Some people just assume that Nintendo/Sony/Japan rule the industry. I started with an Atari way back when, graduated to a Sega Genesis in the early 90s and then went toward PC gaming. Diablo, Unreal Tournament, Command & Conquer. Obviously much more action heavy, bloody and less story-driven. No spiky hair. No androgynous weirdos with really long swords.
So the PS2 really didn't do it for me. I didn't like Ico. I didn't like Final Fantasy VII.
I loved Halo though. And Fable. I have over 100 X360 games still in my collection, and that doesn't include all the ones I finished and traded in.
I don't label the Nintendo games as being kiddy, but I really don't find them appealing. I'd rather play Darksiders than Zelda.