I dont see how anyone can think this. It had a ton of great games, 1st and 3rd party. The best visuals out of any console this gen, free mp that has most of the features on XBL, tons of great PSN games, PS+ turned out to be an amazing feature, replaceable HDD, ability to stream music and movies, it really blows my mind to still see people put the PS3 down.
First of all keep in mind I am obviously not a Sony fanboy like you are so I have a different perspective on things.
A little background. The PS2 to me was objectively one of the greatest systems of all time and I liked the PSX before that (rpg heaven for me), so obviously I expected a lot out of the PS3. I bought the system at $499 and got MGS with it, and with a price like that my expectations for the system were even higher and honestly I have not been this disappointed with a system since the N64 (which followed the SNES, my favorite system of all time).
I was not impressed with the games for the most part. I hated next gen Madden, for whatever reason most of the Japanese development seemed to be on the DS, and I liked Sony's first party games (and they were visually amazing), but that was not enough to make up for the other disappointments. I was also pissed at how expensive the controllers were and how often my batteries died in them (this is partly my fault and partly the fault of Sony, the batteries in the DS don't react well to long periods of inactivity). I was shocked that Sony had no service to repair the controllers (I had to change the batteries myself).
Obviously the PS3 was not a total waste, almost no system ever is. It had some great games (some of which I still have to play like Read Dead and Uncharted 3), but to me at least it was a shit system and a huge disappointment. Though outside of the DS this entire generation has been a huge disappointment for me.