Wii U to cost $599 and be bigger than my PC's case, modern enough for you?
How about 2 sku system with one higher priced and one budget priced? With Nintendo not making a profit off of the original sku of the system. That would at least force them to be seriously committed to both 1st and 3rd party development. I should be able to purchase a Wii U and not feel like I'm receiving an inferior product when compared to the other 2 big consoles. Though I have a feel the hardware and specs will be targets towards a more mainstream focus with Nintendo making a significant profit on the hardware. Dev teams won't want to develop on the system because the target market of the average Nintendo game will be either Mario games or more casual Wii Fit /Just dance games. I don't need 16 gbs of system ram and a 4 gig gpu but I do need to see a commitment aside from a resistive touch pad which makes no sense other than to cut down on costs.