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NFL Off-Season |OT2| My Beautiful Dark Twisted Fantasy Draft

So Nike has a bit on their site that the Packers maintained the original aesthetic for the design as well the "original fabrication" (whatever that means) for the jersey. Since the subject of the material used came up yesterday, I thought that would be of interest. 9 teams total did not incorporate some of the new tech like the flywire collar.


With Nike now on the NFL scene, only one team has made a major change to its standard uniform design.

So far.

For some of the other teams, the changes came from the way the jerseys are made. But five teams have chosen to make no changes will be made to the appearance of the jerseys or the manner in which they are made.

“The Green Bay Packers have chosen to stay with their traditional design aesthetic as well as their former uniform fabrication for the coming season,” Nike explains at its website.

A similar message appears for the Panthers (who nevertheless have added the “KEEP POUNDING” message to the inside of the jersey), the Falcons, the Eagles, and the Raiders.

Four other teams have incorporated the Nike technology without the “Flywire” in the neckline, including the Patriots, the Chiefs (who also have moved their numbers from the sleeves of the jerseys to the shoulders), the Steelers, the Texans.

Also, a twitter update on some of the teams that were present for Pete Konzs' Pro-Day.

Dan Graziano ‏ @espn_nfceast

RT @TonyPauline: O-line coaches from NY Giants, Lions, Falcons, Bengals & Ravens on hand for Peter Konz pro-day today.


I'm irrationally in love with this thing, just like I still am with the DC. Nothing could ever beat that console for me.

I urge everyone to actually try it out. People are repelled by the words Microsoft and Windows, but I've seen the most hardcore Apple fanboys jealous once they played around with it.
There are some very good things about WP7 but I am probably too entrenched in iOS to change until and unless Apple really fucks up shit in the future. MS's problem is they just got in waaaaay too late. I still remember back in 07 Balmer was mocking the iPhone and then later the iPad saying that they were not for serious business users. And now every lawyer, doctor and even most other professionals I know is using an iPhone (unless they are locked into a Blackberry).

I liked the DC but not as much as some of the fanboys. My favorite game on it was NBA2k, which is still the best basketball game ever created in my opinion. Crazy Taxi was pretty cool too, but a lot of those games did not age well at all. I do remember it was impossible to go back to the PSX or N64 once I got a DC though. Too bad it died quickly, Sega was putting out quality shit back then. Now they are worse than dead.

Dedicated handhelds? What are you 12?

Ya I don't get why ppl would be playing hand helds in public, it's not a good look. Or why the hell you would be playing a handheld at home.

I kinda wish I got a Vita over my 3DS.

I mean yeah the 3DS is cool and all but I havent played it in a long while. It seems like the Vita will be getting a lot of stuff that is true to console.

Maybe I'll pick one up when I have some disposable income.
Which I shouldnt have as a student on a fixed income

I dont play mine in public (if you do you are strugglin'). I own one because they often get exclusive games and I can play while multitasking.
I will never understand this. Who the fuck on this planet will think you are a nerd if you play a Nintendo handheld but somehow cool if you play a Xbox or PS? News flash, unless you are a gamer all of that shit looks incredibly lame. There is a reason we go to a weird message board to talk about video games, they are only socially acceptable for younger people. Once you hit 30 any sort of gaming looks weird to a substantial amount of people. But why give a fuck? I play the shit that is fun to me, not to try and get laid by some uggo fat chick at Game Stop.

The DS was my favorite console last gen. Yes its 3D graphics were shit, but the games had no loading and a lot of them were a shit ton of fun. I was not really digging the 3DS at all until I played my nephew's 3DS (he happens to be 11). I would have wanted that game on any platform because it was ballin!

If handhelds are for 12 year olds then I would argue in return that attaching your self worth or personal image to your console is for retarded 10 year olds.


I agree but who did that in this thread? Lol

Minivan - I don't get your troll at all.
Certainly not me. I got out of the console wars business once I turned 16.

I definitely have my preferences but I couldn't give a fuck what other people like or don't like.

I also agree that strip clubs are gross. At least the ones I have been too. My friends always tell me that I have gone to shitty ones. I am skeptical but I have not been to that many to begin with. :lol I remember sneaking into a shitty strip club in Reading, PA (what a shit hole of a city) when one of Michael Jackson's whore sisters was to perform there (I have no idea why we thought this was a good idea) and even though I was only 17 and had not seen a lot of titties I was severely disappointed. Not worth whatever the fuck we paid to get in there!

The hell is this ?
I will never understand this. Who the fuck on this planet will think you are a nerd if you play a Nintendo handheld but somehow cool if you play a Xbox or PS? News flash, unless you are a gamer all of that shit looks incredibly lame. There is a reason we go to a weird message board to talk about video games, they are only socially acceptable for younger people. Once you hit 30 any sort of gaming looks weird to a substantial amount of people. But why give a fuck? I play the shit that is fun to me, not to try and get laid by some uggo fat chick at Game Stop.

The DS was my favorite console last gen. Yes its 3D graphics were shit, but the games had no loading and a lot of them were a shit ton of fun. I was not really digging the 3DS at all until I played my nephew's 3DS (he happens to be 11). I would have wanted that game on any platform because it was ballin!

If handhelds are for 12 year olds then I would argue in return that attaching your self worth or personal image to your console is for retarded 10 year olds.

Its not so much Im worried about what people will think of me, its that I dont want another thing in my pocket when I have an iPhone anyway.

Its like I said, I play my handhelds for exclusive content. It just so happens that the exclusive content I generally want to play on these handhelds are the type of games you dont play in 5 minute bursts.


Its not so much Im worried about what people will think of me, its that I dont want another thing in my pocket when I have an iPhone anyway.

Its like I said, I play my handhelds for exclusive content. It just so happens that the exclusive content I generally want to play on these handhelds are the type of games you dont play in 5 minute bursts.
Fair enough. I understand laziness and not wanting to carry too many things. Those things make a lot of sense to me.

I don't care what people like I just despise game fanboys.

If all someone wants is an iPad and iPhone more power to them.
Well I'm going to give my senior seminar in about 1 hour.

I hate public speaking. It not like I lock up or anything but I always feel more nervous when I have a planned order of talking points as opposed to winging it.

Heres hoping it all goes well I guess.
Well I'm going to give my senior seminar in about 1 hour.

I hate public speaking. It not like I lock up or anything but I always feel more nervous when I have a planned order of talking points as opposed to winging it.

Heres hoping it all goes well I guess.

Don't write it all out.

Keypoints only.

They are for your brain to structure the speech.
That's all you need. Provides flexibility in what you're going to say.

Also don't change your speech. If you're informal, be informal. Faking it will only add to the stress.


Well I'm going to give my senior seminar in about 1 hour.

I hate public speaking. It not like I lock up or anything but I always feel more nervous when I have a planned order of talking points as opposed to winging it.

Heres hoping it all goes well I guess.
Speak slowly and be just to stare at whichever girl has the biggest set of tits in attendance (just so there is no confusion, be sure to stare directly at her rack).
I will never understand this. Who the fuck on this planet will think you are a nerd if you play a Nintendo handheld but somehow cool if you play a Xbox or PS? News flash, unless you are a gamer all of that shit looks incredibly lame. There is a reason we go to a weird message board to talk about video games, they are only socially acceptable for younger people. Once you hit 30 any sort of gaming looks weird to a substantial amount of people. But why give a fuck? I play the shit that is fun to me, not to try and get laid by some uggo fat chick at Game Stop.

Am I doing it right NFL-GAF?


So Nike has a bit on their site that the Packers maintained the original aesthetic for the design as well the "original fabrication" (whatever that means) for the jersey. Since the subject of the material used came up yesterday, I thought that would be of interest. 9 teams total did not incorporate some of the new tech like the flywire collar.


Wonder how many teams will skip the third alt jersey. Bills are getting a pro combat style uni, thats the word from the players anyway, George Wilson wants a red one, lol.
Before I go, this whole Vikings-Parcells rumor is bullshit right?

Because it sounds pants on head retarded as fucking bullshit ass if it ends up true.

Why in the hell would you alienate your new headcoach and newly promoted GM?



Before I go, this whole Vikings-Parcells rumor is bullshit right?

Because it sounds pants on head retarded as fucking bullshit ass if it ends up true.

Why in the hell would you alienate your new headcoach and newly promoted GM?


Yup its bullshit. What I heard is that they talked to Parcells way back in December, but they have no interest now.


Tony Pauline says the Giants were all over Zeitler.

I had flipboard installed for months but never really used it for more than a few minutes. Been using it the last couple of days and it's a really cool app.


Parcells is 70 and too old to coach a team now.

Now way the Vikings could be that stupid to want to get him for one season when they are rebuilding. At this point the best he could be is a consultant.


Well I'm going to give my senior seminar in about 1 hour.

I hate public speaking. It not like I lock up or anything but I always feel more nervous when I have a planned order of talking points as opposed to winging it.

Heres hoping it all goes well I guess.
Good luck!
I don't care what Foster was saying on twitter. Texans GAF must be dancing in the streets now that Foster is out of the Madden running.
Is Finley in the running?

If so, I'd vote for him 300 times then buy 3 copies of the game just to make sure that the curse has extra curse-iness.
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