I can multitask, the funny thing about pot is that I don't really see the big problems it's creating in the US. Besides the fact that it gets shipped in from South America and Mexico and those cartels make a shitton of money by selling it, thus making more money so they can spend that on weapons, corrupting their governments and their coke production.
Wouldn't you destroy that market by legalizing it and appointing people/companies to grow it?
Or would the high taxes make the 'American-made' weed so expensive that people would still import?
Or is there a problem created by stoners that affects American citizens more directly? Besides having all those stoners keeping Taco Bell in business, therefor giving other people the change to get fat.
Legal pot isn't affecting this country in a negative way as far as I know, it only brings a lot of tourists.
It's because Tebowmania on ESPN mostly. Plus he was on the Broncos, and then him being a terrible QB but some how kept winning games really bothered me. Oh and also because he made the Raiders terrible defense look god awful.