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NFL Off-Season |OT3| Josh Freeman is fat and eats too much food. Fat. Fatty. Fatfat.


They might win 3 if they're lucky. Most likely scenario is that Janoris Jenkins blows all his money by week 5 and has to work a 2nd job at McDonald's to survive.

The Rams had the worst offense in 25 years and it took 7 Patrick Peterson punt return TDs for you to outscore them. Old punter is gone and Fisher will cut the new one if he kicks it to him. I'm sort of booking 1 win versus you guys and probably gonna get a sweep after Fitz goes to jail for murdering your awful QBs
The Rams had the worst offense in 25 years and it took 7 Patrick Peterson punt return TDs for you to outscore them. Old punter is gone and Fisher will cut the new one if he kicks it to him. I'm sort of booking 1 win versus you guys and probably gonna get a sweep after Fitz goes to jail for murdering your awful QBs
Don't be jealous that we have PP, sure he might be 75% of our offense but damn if it isn't better than every aspect of that sorry Rams team that you have currently.
Fitz is the gentleman of the league and the Cards don't tolerate the criminals, drunk drivers, murderers and irresponsible man children the Rams have tolerated over the last few years. Fitz will beast no matter what failure of a QB we have throwing to him.


Dumb debate. Steve Wyche saying RGIII and Luck will "arguably" become the top pair of QB's to come in the league from the same draft. Uh, okay.
Jared Allen to Matt Kalil: Don’t hold me and we won’t have to fight

Before Vikings rookie left tackle Matt Kalil can line up against defensive end Jared Allen in training camp, Allen wants to make sure Kalil knows his place.

In an interview on NBC SportsTalk, Allen said that his instructions for Kalil will be simple: No holding, no illegal hands to the face, defer to the veteran and there won’t be any practice-field fights.

“Just don’t touch me,” Allen said. “I’m too old to deal with overzealous rookies right now. Keep your hands out of my face, don’t grab my jersey and we won’t have to fist fight. That’s pretty much what it is.”

As the best player on a bad team, Allen said he knows no one is predicting big things for the Vikings this year, but he doesn’t mind.

“I don’t know what our expectations are, and that can actually be a good thing,” Allen said. “Coming off a 3-13 season, no one expects us to do anything, so we can fly under the radar, focus on being a solid team and putting win after win together.”

I love Jared.



Terrible stuff happening in Colorado, can't wait to hear what possible motive there is for this massacre.

Yeah my gf was telling me about that. fucking insane.

Also that is fantastic news that Johnathan Scot is gone. shitty player plus saves us a few mill

edit: haha jared allen is crazy awesome


My wife has thrown the gauntlet down today.

She said we're going to see the Dark Knight today. If we don't make it she's gonna be pissed.

She's still mad that I went with my friends to see Transformers instead of her. If this get messed she'll drown me with complaining.
Some people are so fucking stupid.

They keep posting some guy his Facebook and calling him the shooter, without having any proof that it's him.


My wife has thrown the gauntlet down today.

She said we're going to see the Dark Knight today. If we don't make it she's gonna be pissed.

She's still mad that I went with my friends to see Transformers instead of her. If this get messed she'll drown me with complaining.
Sounds like you did her a huge favor.


Kenny Britt arrested for DUI. Tough offseason for him. Surgery on both knees and now this. Guy was looking close to elite before he got hurt last year

And what a crazy day. Shooter has booby traps now? And Penn State is going to tear down Paterno's statue? Goodbye productivity for a lot of offices today


Yeah I'm staying out of that GAF thread. People already up to their usual stuff.

I guess this isn't Britt's first brush with the law.

He had three bouts of legal trouble in 2011 for charges ranging from theft-by-deception to leading police on a car chase and resisting arrest. That led to a meeting with Commissioner Roger Goodell that did not achieve its goal of scaring Britt straight if the radio report is true. He wasn’t suspended because the incidents came during the lockout, but Britt’s record dates back beyond that — seven previous arrests altogether — something that’s sure to impact a decision about punishment from the league.

I have to wonder if Penn State is using today's events to bury the Paterno statue thing. You wouldn't normally think something like that but the school isn't above anything


I have a significant amount of family in Denver. My cousin went to the DK last night. We are in Wyoming visiting family and woke up to the news that there was a shooting in Aurora. We couldn't get ahold of him right away, but he texted back saying he was up to 330 A.M, so he just woke up around 9ish. Granted he doesn't live in Aurora, and Denver is a large city, but it's still enough to raise the worry level. Definitely a weird feeling to wonder the status of someone.


Kenny Britt arrested for DUI. Tough offseason for him. Surgery on both knees and now this. Guy was looking close to elite before he got hurt last year

And what a crazy day. Shooter has booby traps now? And Penn State is going to tear down Paterno's statue? Goodbye productivity for a lot of offices today

I did not think they would do it. I don't think they should tear it down but they should move it to some shitty part of the university. The dude is part of the universities history, good and bad.

And does anyone know what the shooters motive was? Was there a reason he picked batman or is he just crazy?


I cant wait for people to stop talking about Penn St on the internet. I think im going to start weening myself off of forums for like 2 years till people find something else to talk about
I cant wait for people to stop talking about Penn St on the internet. I think im going to start weening myself off of forums for like 2 years till people find something else to talk about

Don't worry; the only time people will talk about Penn State going forward is when someone asks about shitty schools you wouldn't let your children go to.

I did not think they would do it. I don't think they should tear it down but they should move it to some shitty part of the university. The dude is part of the universities history, good and bad.

And does anyone know what the shooters motive was? Was there a reason he picked batman or is he just crazy?

I imagine the events of this week at Penn State (the plane flying around threatening to tear down the statue, the student group vowing to protect the statue) forced their hand. They probably wanted to take some more time to evaluate the situation, but things were threatening to get out of hand. It's an important statue, but it's not worth shit (possibly) getting violent over.

Speaking of violence...I'm just shocked and speechless over those shootings in Colorado. Such mindless loss of life...

He picked Batman, because he knew that it would draw a huge crowd and thus would allow him to inflict as much pain and suffering as possible. The death penalty is too good for that monster. Make him sit in a jail cell for the rest of his life with the pictures of his victims plastered all over the wall.


Have jim carrey screaming yak 24/7 in his cell as well. and when he finally goes deaf and random like i dunno punching bags punch at him from the wall.



I did not think they would do it. I don't think they should tear it down but they should move it to some shitty part of the university. The dude is part of the universities history, good and bad.

And does anyone know what the shooters motive was? Was there a reason he picked batman or is he just crazy?

I'm sure he has a reason. Hinckley shot Reagan thinking it would make Jodie foster love him. But also he was a crazy. This guy has bombs and boobie traps at his house. Probably crazy too.

I also think they should leave up the statue, and the NCAA needs to stay out of it. Giving them the death penalty for football and tearing down the statue does the school a favor. Lets it slink out of the spotlight.


Unreal, and to quote a Batman flick, this country needs an enema. Can't even fucking go to the movies now without thinking about this mental fuck nut.

And now they're putting his picture up on the news....fuck him. He doesn't deserve the publicity.

Why? I mean, I doubt there is a place in the world where a killing hasn't taken place. You'd be thinking about murder non-stop and that, my friend, makes you the monster.


Fear of a GAF Planet
Why? I mean, I doubt there is a place in the world where a killing hasn't taken place. You'd be thinking about murder non-stop and that, my friend, makes you the monster.

Yeah. It isn't the terrorists that are fucked in the head, it's the terrorees.


Yeah. It isn't the terrorists that are fucked in the head, it's the terrorees.

If you worry about getting murdered by a lunatic in a movie theater, then the terrorists have won my friend.

I worry about bed bugs when I go to a theater and I am ok admitting that they indeed have won the war, now just go away!
If you worry about getting murdered by a lunatic in a movie theater, then the terrorists have won my friend.

I worry about bed bugs when I go to a theater and I am ok admitting that they indeed have won the war, now just go away!

I may not put it as blunt as our friend ez, but he's right.

My friend was telling me he doesnt want to go to the opening night showing any more and I was not hearing it. Cant live your life scared.
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