Not bad for $15!!
15$? return that
heres the same thing for 10 - http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B0029XQKAU/?tag=neogaf0e-20
Not bad for $15!!
Your pic doesn't show up, but the URL makes me proud. A true German.
Not bad for $15!!
When you say you don't need Devin Hester because you have Ted Ginn Jr. you already lost.Do you even realize what we are talking about? Punt returns, not Wr. Teddy with 0 fumbles since coming to the 49ers so you can wash his balls with a warm wet rag
Your pic doesn't show up, but the URL makes me proud. A true German.
Get that over rated hunk of drunk Suzy Kolber wannabe lover off of that plate and put JA back on!
I'm really hoping this blows up in the Saints face. Why are they being so stingy? They need Drew more than ever and refuse to pay him. You'd think theyd be more willing with Payton missing, but I guess not.
Still mystified why Joe Vitt is their HC when he's also suspended for 6 games of the season.
When you say you don't need Devin Hester because you have Ted Ginn Jr. you already lost.
Stop trying to save face.
You're done.
You team signed Brandon Jacobs even though you had 4 RBs as good/better than he is.
saving face for what? we have no need for devin hester. you are still working on the premise that i care about ginn at WR (which i don't, but hester is a shitty WR too).
as for brandon jacobs, that's funny that we signed him even though we had 4 RB's as good as him despite the fact that when we signed him we only had 3 RB's on our roster (gore/hunter/dixon). dixon isn't better than jacobs. beyond that, $1.5 mil for jacobs is risk free and he will be better than gore or dixon on the goalline since gore/dixon are the worst runners ever on the goal line.
maybe you should stick to your animes rather than talking about football!
Your GM pulled a DCX on running backs, how can you possibly defend that?
1. Gore will get hurt this year
2. Brandon Jacobs is better than Anthony Dixon
what is there to defend? lamichael will see the field a lot in the slot and in 3rd down situations, probably in conjunction with hunter. i love our RB's, jacobs included!
DCX! GM OF THE YEAR! Jacobs was even one of the RBs he signed.
Man, Dallas is more bloated than a Pre-Meth Freeman taco binge on Cinco de Mayo. I wouldn't be surprised if someone said it's one of the largest "metropolitan areas" in the world.
Have you ever been to Pennsylvania?
Freeman would look thin in most parts.
And a movie about the Cheats would be the greatest thing ever put on film right?That movie would suck
And a movie about the Cheats would be the greatest thing ever put on film right?
Kinda like Belicheat watched the video he recorded of other teams?At least people would watch it,unlike the Bucs.
And a movie about the Cheats would be the greatest thing ever put on film right?
When your friend can't hold his liquor and puts a well placed puddle of semi-digested spaghetti right in front of his toilet bowl. Good times.
That smell. My god, that smell.
Dutch is already hard.Tammy Brady as Wonder Woman?
I always pictured Philly being more condensed since it wasn't built during the era of urban sprawl like Dallas.
I've been talking about the ridiculous amount of land area that the Dallas-Fort Worth metro area takes up. Boston and Milwaukee are my only real comparisons that I've lived in and I feel like I can fit 6 of either into the size of this place.
Makes sense that Jets Avengers happens in May. Offseason Champs.
Makes sense that Jets Avengers happens in May. Offseason Champs.
Yeah I get that but wouldn't you of preferred the jersey of a better quarterback, like Tim Tebow?
But if the Jets are the offseason champs, where does that leave the Redskins?
Draft champs?
But if the Jets are the offseason champs, where does that leave the Redskins?
2 QBs in the first 3 rounds? I don't think so
That's part of my point...
From what I've read, Tebow has slightly improved. Threw a couple picks in OTAs, but is no longer throwing dirt balls. Sanchez has looked better in 7 v 7, but then again it's practice. Sounds like the leash is pretty short with Sanchez.
Draft champs?
Your sarcasm was lost on me -_-
Sanchez is the better quarterback (lol), but New York wants Tebow.
Sanchez is the better quarterback (lol), but New York wants Tebow.
Sanchez could be putting up godlike numbers early in the season, but people will still be calling for his head on a plate. I sometimes feel for the guy...
Then I realize he's fucking Kate Upton.
So no, I say fuck the guy, he can eat one of FMT's bags o' dicks.
We need a universal sarcasm font.
We need a universal sarcasm font.
Are you implying that there a moments when people on this topic aren't sarcastic?
Osi fired his agent today. Drew Rosenhaus incoming!
EDIT: Hines Ward hired by NBC as an analyst..