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NFL Off-Season Thread 5 - Everybody Do The Flop


I really believe these next three to four years we will win a Super Bowl. And Stafford will be the QB for one of those teams. IMO the stars are aligning and Stafford and the Lions win a Super Bowl this year.

This is an incredible amount of denial, insanity, and optimism. How much of your soul do you have to give up to reach this level? I salute and envy you


I've never even had Chipotle.



The football Gods decide this.

The year Matthew Stafford gets drafted is after the 0-16 2008 season, and the end of the Booby Lane curse.

Rodgers gets passed up by his hometown Niners, plays a few years under Brent and has great success.

As a Lions fan I take Staford, but you can't go wrong either way. They are two of the best pocket QBs in the league in terms of pocket presence, arm strength, leadership etc.

I really believe these next three to four years we will win a Super Bowl. And Stafford will be the QB for one of those teams. IMO the stars are aligning and Stafford and the Lions win a Super Bowl this year.

Denial ain't just a river in Egypt.


Hey why is it called a "free kick" if they form a wall in front of the kicker? That's like a free throw in the NBA with a whole buncha guys standing in front of the shooter.


IMO the stars are aligning and Stafford and the Lions win a Super Bowl this year.

Short of complete breakdowns in the 49ers and Seahawks teams, no way in hell is anyone but them winning the NFC this year. The Lions may make the playoffs, but they will do it as cannon fodder for much, much better teams.


I'm going to start putting a Disclaimer on all my posts from here on out.

The above post does not reflect the opinion of the majority of LionsGAF. Opinion may be controversial.

Here's is a prediction for NFLGAF: Nick Fairley will have a better season than JJ Watt putting him in the conversation of the best defensive lineman from the 2011 Draft. He's in the best shape of his career and is playing for his contract. If he can be consistent he is a Top 5 DT.

Edit: :jnc @ that Twitter account. That is note but I've been wanting to switch to twitter for awhile now.

You have gone from entertainingly crazy to batshit insane.

Fairley isn't even qualified to carry Watts jockstrap.

Its like comparing Stafford to Richard Simmons. Both built like marshmallows but Simmons is twice the man Stafford can only hope to be.


^ and neither team will sniff the playoffs.

At noon today the bracket starts. Winner of the first best of three is guaranteed $500,000 and has a shot at $5m. Loser gets $50k.

But yeah, watching femalephobe goons in the FGC fight to see who wins a sack of White Castle sliders and a used, greasy fight stick is fun too.

(I wish they were playing new smash like at E3, then I'd watch. Or Playstation All Stars!)


^ and neither team will sniff the playoffs.

At noon today the bracket starts. Winner of the first best of three is guaranteed $500,000 and has a shot at $5m. Loser gets $50k.

But yeah, watching femalephobe goons in the FGC fight to see who wins a sack of White Castle sliders and a used, greasy fight stick is fun too.

(I wish they were playing new smash like at E3, then I'd watch. Or Playstation All Stars!)
There's no way I could participate in a team video game for that kind of money. I'd feel like shit if I cost the team anything, and I'd probably want to choke someone out if they blew it.


There's no way I could participate in a team video game for that kind of money. I'd feel like shit if I cost the team anything, and I'd probably want to choke someone out if they blew it.

How is that different than any work? You may work in the mail room but if you lost a RFP or some other important document that cost me money I would throw you into the river with a letter opener in your gullet.


How is that different than any work? You may work in the mail room but if you lost a RFP or some other important document that cost me money I would throw you into the river with a letter opener in your gullet.
they are 5 people on the same level, getting paid the same amount (I'm assuming)

although let me know if there's an opening in your mail room if I get your salary!


they are 5 people on the same level, getting paid the same amount (I'm assuming)

although let me know if there's an opening in your mail room if I get your salary!

So basically you just want no responsibility ever.

You're basically a euro



I laughed. At first I was like oh nbd just helping someone drunk puke without getting in her hair. Then i got to the coke and photoshoot part and hah! So basically he got charged because he didnt want to leave the bathroom? Also he played the do you know who I am card, lol famous people( well not jimmy smith because honestly..)


Are there any other shows like the west wing about countries other than the US?

What would a Canadian west wing look like?

Harper to settle the great maple syrup strike?
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