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NFL Off-Season Thread 5 - Everybody Do The Flop


Despite being a shit load of seasons old, the Bears leading passer is Jay Cutler and less than 15k yards.

Don't leave out the part that he came back when the Steelers started to win some games again.

Im going to hire Bionic as my lawyer as that is slander and not went down. What went down is the thread decided to ignore obvious failed calls against the Steelers and went into full troll mode. I came back after the game.


I don't know what all the debating is about, America clearly has the most attractive soccer fans.


U-S-A! U-S-A!


Going through the thread:

Ya'll crazy.

1. Never Forget
2. Argentina winning in Brazil would be hilarious and provide much schadenfreude
3. Argentina are Western Hemisphere
4. Can't have Milch celebrating
5. Underdogs rule

Also, I like Messi and like to see him get his legend

Everything about this post is the worst.


This was the hottest girl at the World Cup though.

Everything about this post is the best.

I want Germany to win for Milch.


Thanks bro.



Terrific goal

That was some cunty ass shit




I liked that Özil showed some sweet moments in this game.

Fuck Germany

Fuck Gata

Seriously. The ladies of German will never be more excited than right now. He better be in the streets getting his hump on

Already back home. It's raining and I have to be up early. :-(

I'm jealous of Milch.

Don't be. We'll win the Super Bowl this year, and then we'll know what REAL happiness is like.
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