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NFL Off-Season Thread 5 - Everybody Do The Flop




Fear of a GAF Planet
List of ex-Steelers currently on the Bills:

Stevenson Sylvester
Doug Legursky
Corbin Bryan
Dennis Dixon
Ikponmwosa Igbinosun
Brian Moorman
Frank Summers
Kraig Urbik


List of ex-Steelers currently on the Bills:

Stevenson Sylvester
Doug Legursky
Corbin Bryan
Dennis Dixon
Ikponmwosa Igbinosun
Brian Moorman
Frank Summers
Kraig Urbik
Legs is decent.

I recognize most of those players and the ones I recognize are all garbage. Why on Earth d the Bills want trash like Sylvester and Dixon?


Dennis Dixon going to be 30 next Jan, wow. I thought he was still like 25 lol.

Also that Ikponmwosa Igbinosun doesnt even have a wiki but he did show up on the Arizona Rattlers current roster as a other league exempt, what that means.

Sylvester is prob on their special teams unit and nothing else because thats all his value extends to.


Who here knows a thing or 2 about botulism. paging Talon for his GF. So a lot of youtube channels mess around with eating older stuff, well today while I was fixing my coffee. My brother was rooting through canned goods for lunch. He found a can of pumpkin expired apr 2004. Im thinking of getting yt(prob not) famous by eating it but may concede to what wreckless eating does with older goods and roll it around their mouth for a minute or so and spit it out. Thoughts?

This is a sound, well thought out idea that can't possibly have any negative consequences. You should do it.


I don't know. Moorman was awesome for us and punters are weird. He may be alright. Legusky isn't spent yet. The rest? Who the hell knows.
Legs was actually a great backup. I don't know how good he currently is.

But Dixon and Sylvester are not players you want on your team at this point in their careers.

Goro Majima

Kitty Genovese Member
I prefer my reality where ez is in reality a self-hating Jew from Wisconsin (the one place on Earth where Poles, Krauts, Czechs, and Jews can co-exist peacefully) that looks, acts, and talks like Ruxin and has a hot wife.

Bionic is Kevin because his wife runs his life.


Isn't bionic actually a Jewish lawyer?

Cricket looks rad! Teach us more! I know wickets and that is takes forever and that Indians are awesome at it. Fill in the blanks.


Isn't bionic actually a Jewish lawyer?

Cricket looks rad! Teach us more! I know wickets and that is takes forever and that Indians are awesome at it. Fill in the blanks.
Not jewish.

But I am a lawyer.

And my wife doesn't run my life. The kids run both of our lives.


Well that's a new development, did she finally leave when you couldn't upgrade her vehicle?
For your information I am about to leave work to accompany her to go look at overpriced designer furniture.

I am going to get some new underwear and socks and maybe a new pair of running shoes. Whatever I want because I am a man dammit!


For your information I am about to leave work to accompany her to go look at overpriced designer furniture.

I am going to get some new underwear and socks and maybe a new pair of running shoes. Whatever I want because I am a man dammit!

Splurge bro, get a tie. That'll show her you are equals.
Isn't bionic actually a Jewish lawyer?

Cricket looks rad! Teach us more! I know wickets and that is takes forever and that Indians are awesome at it. Fill in the blanks.

It's like baseball in that you have a guy with a ball trying to hit a ball that some other guy flings in his direction. It is also slow and takes forever to play. All fans also use a variety of random stats right down to a couple of decimal points to argue the superiority of one player over another.

Differs from baseball in that you are not tied down by lame commie restrictions such as foul lines and your at bat ending after getting a hit. In cricket 360 degrees around the batsman (batter for Americans and uncivilised Australians aka Australians) is all fair territory.

If you get a hit, you don't have to run if you don't think you can reach the other end successfully because FREEDOM.

If you get a hit then your innings (at bat) continues for as long as you can bat until you are out because this isn't socialism where you are penalised for being successful by having to go and sit down after hitting a home run so the other guys on your team can have the opportunity to face as many pitches as you do in case their feelings are hurt.

If this means that a team has to stand in the field all day watching the same two players batting on and on then tough shit, be better at cricket and get them out.

Also, there is no designated hitter because if you're going to hit someone in the head with the ball then you better be ready for a taste of your own medicine.

Goro Majima

Kitty Genovese Member
I thought Ruxin had the hot wife?

And yes she is attractive.

And no you can't see pictures of her.

They're both hot, Sofia is just hotter.

I also have to commend "the League" for being the closest I'll ever come to caring about fantasy football whatsoever. I mostly watch it because it's the closest thing out there right now to Always Sunny, which I practically have memorized at this point.

For your information I am about to leave work to accompany her to go look at overpriced designer furniture.

I am going to get some new underwear and socks and maybe a new pair of running shoes. Whatever I want because I am a man dammit!

Splurge bro, get a tie. That'll show her you are equals.


bionic makes my single life feel pretty awesome


Splurge bro, get a tie. That'll show her you are equals.
Fuck ties. I have too many of them as it is.

My next big purchase is a desktop computer for my office.

Undecided between gaming PC or iMac or Mac Mini. I don't know if a 27" monitor will be enough so I am kind of leaning towards a gaming PC with 2 monitors. But at the same time OS X has spoiled me so it will be hard to go back full time.


Damn, I gotta grow up to become rich and successful to have a hot wife like Bionic, it's the american dream after all!!

They might as well rename it Sex Panther


Cam has nice lateral deltoids but his lats leave a lot to be desired!! Do some pullups dude!!

Goro Majima

Kitty Genovese Member
Fuck ties. I have too many of them as it is.

My next big purchase is a desktop computer for my office.

Undecided between gaming PC or iMac or Mac Mini. I don't know if a 27" monitor will be enough so I am kind of leaning towards a gaming PC with 2 monitors. But at the same time OS X has spoiled me so it will be hard to go back full time.

Get a gaming PC already so we can stop hearing you bitch about how console games suck.

PC is like everything you've ever wanted and more.
Oh and like baseball one of the great appeals of seeing cricket in person (the lone appeal of watching baseball), is sitting in the sun and drinking with your buddies.

Cricket even does this better because it has incorporated a lunch break into play where you can go and stuff your faces with a proper meal before coming back to your seat and continuing to drink for the rest of the afternoon.

The only advantage baseball has over cricket is that the general standard of baseball games is vastly superior to the turds that are most cricket video games throughout the history of mankind.


"Honey, I think one of the kids said he wants to be a Clippers-Patriots fan"

"Time to take them out back. We had a good run."
Being a Clippers fan just shows poor judgment.

But a Pats fan?

Thats when its time to look into adoption...

Thank Tebow I don't have to worry about this. My son was already a Kobe fan at 2 and they both associate the Steelers colors with football. See you deadbeats, this is why it pays to be a kickass father.

Get a gaming PC already so we can stop hearing you bitch about how console games suck.

PC is like everything you've ever wanted and more.
I have had a ton of PCs. Not sure I want to go back...

Goro Majima

Kitty Genovese Member
Damn, I gotta grow up to become rich and successful to have a hot wife like Bionic, it's the american dream after all!!

Most lawyers will tell you not to do law.

It's expensive, the hours suck, unless you go to a top tier law school you're screwed, and there's too many of them. A lucky few make big bucks, many make a good living (but you have to factor in extra years of schooling and lost wages, the cost of law school, etc.), and there are several who get stuck as public defenders or doing research the rest of their lives making $40k a year.

I would do Petroleum Engineering if I could do it over again. Six figures right out of college.

Although a Master's in Accounting isn't bad because between obscure tax laws and the public's general distrust of large firms, there's always a demand for accountants. Bonus points: accountants are the last ones to get fired in any corporation.
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