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NFL Off-Season Thread 5 - Everybody Do The Flop


There is a serious lack of talented enough qbs in the nfl ecosystem, So most teams are pretty much fucked if they lose their starting long term or if their current starter is still their start long term.
Patriots have 3 HOF-caliber QBs. Other teams, like the Browns, have 2.
Conner Shaw is a hero!
Pat Traina is doing an excellent job reporting on Giants camp. She does one for each day. Here's todays:



This is just an early observation on my part, but I’ve noticed that quarterback Eli Manning is calling fewer audibles at the line of scrimmage.

Now that’s probably a result of him not having the offense down 100 percent yet, or maybe it’s the concept of the new language making it easier to call audibles. Whatever the case, there have been two benefits to emerge from this.

One, there have been far fewer delay-of-game buzzers sounding off this camp. Sur, you still get the occasional one here and there, but I’m noticing that it’s happening more with Ryan Nassib at the helm so far in this camp than it is with Manning.

Two, it contributes to the offense playing more up-tempo. I always thought all the gesturing, audibles, etc. made for confusion with some of the players.

By going back to the “KISS” method (keep things simple silly), the Giants offense is starting to fly around out there and is not allowing the defense to adjust as well as it did in the past.

We’ll see how that goes when they get into the preseason games, but file this note away for when you watch the games and let me know if you don’t see a difference as well in the time it takes for Manning to have the ball snapped.

That ought to make Giants fans smile. How many times have we heard "Omaha, Omaha..set" right as the clock strikes zero and have a play go very very badly. I'm down for a more up tempo pace. It's going to be both fun and frightening watching the team execute a new offense.


Fear of a GAF Planet
Anyone have any thoughts on when I should make the preseason thread? Sometime between this weekend and next, I'm thinking.


Pat Traina is doing an excellent job reporting on Giants camp. She does one for each day. Here's todays:


That ought to make Giants fans smile. How many times have we heard "Omaha, Omaha..set" right as the clock strikes zero and have a play go very very badly. I'm down for a more up tempo pace. It's going to be both fun and frightening watching the team execute a new offense.

I always knew that was on Gilbride. It was by far his biggest vice.
There's some football going on right now at Fenway Park.

Seeing corner kicks with the Green Monster in the background sure is an interesting sight

Spoilered to avoid DOTA backlash.

I do find it funny that the owner of my favorite baseball team owns the rival of my favorite European football team and the owner of my favorite European football team owns the rival of my favorite NFL team.

I found my midrange jumper!



I also rediscovered that I need a callus on my left big toe to continuously shoot my midrange jumper. :(

But still, not being able to walk normally never felt so good.
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