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NFL Off-Season Thread 5 - Everybody Do The Flop

Goro Majima

Kitty Genovese Member
Noticed injustice is like 8 dollars on PSN, anyone pick it up? Should I bite?
Not a huge fighting game guy

I bought it and beat the story.

It was probably worth 8 bucks for that anyway. The actual fighting mechanics are pretty blah to me (probably because I suck) but I haven't played a Mortal Kombat game in ages. Most of my fighting game experience comes from the Soul Calibur series.


He was Brazil and I was Germany. He just kept lofting me to death and Brazil would just outrun me. I'm still new at the game so I'm probably doing something wrong.
Pro-tip for defense, when he has possession and is making his way quickly towards your goal focus on catching up with your midfielders instead of switching to your defenders and bringing them up (and out of position). Most of the time players ignore what's happening behind them so you can get a lot of steals sprinting up from the back, and you also avoid getting destroyed by lobbed through passes.

Once he is well into your third you will probably have to start playing your defenders, at which point you should focus on staying in front of the attacking player. Don't sprint a lot at that point, just strafe in front of them and wait for a good tackling opportunity. Also, at that point slide tackling should be an absolute last resort, abuse it and you will die.

One more little tip: always try to push your opponent towards the sidelines when you are controlling a defender. The most dangerous shooting opportunities obviously come from the middle of the field so do your best to coerce your opponent into moving away from it.

Sorry for the rambling but I love FIFA.


Yeah I'm debating getting the full game at home, we have an XB1 at work that we played on, but the new one comes out in Sept so I feel like spending 50 bucks now would be a waste.

Thanks for the advice TDR (reminds me of The Dragon Reborn! woo WoT), I'll keep it in mind. Initially I was slide tackling everywhere but I've learned to jostle for the ball instead, which has cut my fouls into like one or two a game.

For whatever reason I could never get good 'wood' on my headers when they went into the box with Germany, which has to be crazy since they're rated right there with Brazil.
If any of you PS4 bros ever want to play some friendly FIFA matches just let me know. I'm usually available between 8-12 PM EST on weeknights. PSN name is the same as my name here. I can never get enough but I don't have many people to play with!


If they start hoyer Cleveland will riot
You're talking about Brian Hoyer, right?

The St. Ignatius grad, Big 10 product, lifelong Cleveland sports fan Brian Hoyer?

Also, :jnc at this part tucked at the end of the story:

Sources said Manziel looked sharp on his first day of practice Thursday and had a good grasp of the plays being run, a sign that he's had his nose in the playbook.
"People will see how hard Johnny works once this thing gets rolling,'' said a source. "He'll get more mature as he goes along. He's 21 and people want him to be 35. I would not count him out.''

Mary Kay has to be the trolliest beat writer in the entire country. Smh.


Manziel was gonna be a party animal going into the NFL. I seriously doubt the Browns honestly believed he would change so quickly.
I just hope they dont end up with a Ryan Leaf type. Though at least they didnt have to pay so dearly to get him and got a real first rounder already.


ones that aren't here 4 ur entertainment

fuck you guys

if they re-made SOCOM II, I'd never play another game
I don't even like taking a shit in a public bathroom. And that is what they are designed for!

Fucking a girl in a toilet stall is gross and shows you the low moral character of both of the degenerates involved. You can take the man out of the trailer park but you can't take the trailer park out of the man.
I kinda want Manziel to be successful mostly because Cleveland's long line of busts at QB isn't fun to laugh at anymore and it's hard to get excited for a 90 percent chance of winning twice per year.
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