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NFL Off-Season Thread 5 - Everybody Do The Flop


except the seahawks and niners both showed they could put up big points. when did the cowboys or broncos ever show they could play defense against even a middle-of-the-road offense? didn't happen

cowboys: 5th ranked offense, 26th ranked defense
broncos: 1st ranked offense, 22nd ranked defense

seahawks: 8th ranked offense, 1st ranked defense
49ers: 11th ranked offense, 3rd ranked defense

Hanging points on bad defensive teams is hardly something to brag about. Which both Seattle and San Fran did last year. Those stats are bloated. When they faced a legitimate defense they showed who they really were offensively. Which was just middle of the pack in reality.

When the Denver defense was healthy they held their own. Shut down Philly (2nd overall), SD and NE in the playoffs, but besides that they just had to be good enough. Team was never predicated on defense, only high powered offense.


Setec Astronomer
Hanging points on bad defensive teams is hardly something to brag about. Which both Seattle and San Fran did last year. Those stats are bloated. When they faced a legitimate defense they showed who they really were offensively. Which was just middle of the pack in reality.

When the Denver defense was healthy they held their own. Shut down Philly (2nd overall), SD and NE in the playoffs, but besides that they just had to be good enough. Team was never predicated on defense, only high powered offense.
If only there was some metric that accounted for the defenses a team was playing against...

Oh wait, Seattle had the 7th best offensive DVOA last year! (1st def, 5th ST, 1st overall)
Hanging points on bad defensive teams is hardly something to brag about. Which both Seattle and San Fran did last year. Those stats are bloated. When they faced a legitimate defense they showed who they really were offensively. Which was just middle of the pack in reality.

When the Denver defense was healthy they held their own. Shut down Philly (2nd overall), SD and NE in the playoffs, but besides that they just had to be good enough. Team was never predicated on defense, only high powered offense.

niners/seahawks fattened up on bad defenses? why didn't denver/dallas fatten up on bad offenses? god knows they played plenty of bad offenses on the year but couldn't manage a top 20 finish on defense


If only there was some metric that accounted for the defenses a team was playing against...

Oh wait, Seattle had the 7th best offensive DVOA last year! (1st def, 5th ST, 1st overall)

That's great, look at the teams though. The teams they faced outside of the NFC West weren't that great defensively or offensively for that matter. It's the same reason why Arizona came out with the record they did.

Jacksonville, Houston, Tennessee, Tampa, Atlanta, Minnesota, New Orleans, NYG.

That's half a schedule right there. Throw in the division games, and we are at 14, which are either high scoring affairs or low scoring depending on which game you choose. So the other two games they didn't do so hot. Beat by Indy, only scored 12 on Panthers. It's not hard to have a high ranked offense when you are pissing on loser teams and shutting their offenses down. I guess the DOVA won't tell you that though.

Oh, Godslay, you put up this level headed persona then pout so hard despite it.

Doesn't count in the sense that the game was an anomaly as far as the offense was concerned. It was the worst possible game they could have put up, at the worst time. No pouting here. Basically saying the game was an outlier as far as I'm concerned. For the sake of argument, not to try and sleight the effort that was given by the Seahawks. That is all. If you want to put it that way, go for it.

niners/seahawks fattened up on bad defenses? why didn't denver/dallas fatten up on bad offenses? god knows they played plenty of bad offenses on the year but couldn't manage a top 20 finish on defense

I would argue we did. Look at some of the scores of the bad teams we played. Typically ~20 or below in points. When we faced better squads, they could score at will. No argument there. Plus you have to account for the accelerated pace at which we scored, and how the defense had cushions at points. Skewed the stats, but it wasn't a good squad in general for a variety of reasons.


Setec Astronomer
That's great, look at the teams though. The teams they faced outside of the NFC West weren't that great defensively or offensively for that matter. It's the same reason why Arizona came out with the record they did.

Jacksonville, Houston, Tennessee, Tampa, Atlanta, Minnesota, New Orleans, NYG.

That's half a schedule right there. Throw in the division games, and we are at 14, which are either high scoring affairs or low scoring depending on which game you choose. So the other two games they didn't do so hot. Beat by Indy, only scored 12 on Panthers. It's not hard to have a high ranked offense when you are pissing on loser teams and shutting their offenses down. I guess the DOVA won't tell you that though.
NO, NYG, and Tampa were not bad defenses. Also we played Houston prior to Schoob Implosion. Turns out that when you play a good defense each yard and score is valued more highly.

Doesn't count in the sense that the game was an anomaly as far as the offense was concerned. It was the worst possible game they could have put up, at the worst time. No pouting here. Basically saying the game was an outlier as far as I'm concerned. That is all.
The game was hardly an anomaly. Just because you Denver fans clung to Manning hype instead of actual football analysis doesn't mean what happened was unprecedented. You had a short passing game that got blown the fuck up by a defense that knew how to pass rush, tackle, and force turnovers. Yes, force.


I've been riding a freedom buzz since Thursday.
Pounding the Freedom Hammer at the moment.

BBQ GAF is fucking legit.
My beer fridge still has a shelf 1/4 stocked with Cider last time it was asked for. Fuck that noise.
The only real thing you can do to steak is fuck it up so bragging about it is stupid. That said, I prepare an excellent steak.

Go Bucs!


NO, NYG, and Tampa were not bad defenses. Also we played Houston prior to Schoob Implosion. Turns out that when you play a good defense each score is valued more highly.

The game was hardly an anomaly. You had a short passing game that got blown the fuck up by a defense that knew how to pass rush, tackle, and force turnovers.

If we are going by FMT's metric of PPG, then yes Tampa Bay and the Giants are right there with Denver @ 18 for the NYG and 21 for the Bucs, Denver was ranked 22. New Orleans is ranked 4th by this metric and did play well, so I'll give you that, but they didn't play well when facing the NFC West considering.

As far as the Superbowl being an anomaly, the OL got beat plain and simple. Which considering how they played the entire year justifies the outlier/anomaly tag in my book. I won't take away that Seattle played a masterful game, but Denver didn't bring their best stuff, for whatever reason. If you take it as a personal sleight towards the Hawks, that's fine with me, but that's not what is intended. So if you want to attack this persona I have built up, knock yourself out.


Setec Astronomer
All I know is that Seahawks defense couldn't handle Luck biiiiiiiiiiiiiitch!

it's all I have, let me have it
Luck wasn't afraid to test us deep.

If you take it as a personal sleight towards the Hawks, that's fine with me, but that's not what is intended. So if you want to attack this persona I have built up, knock yourself out.
I don't take it as a slight on the Seahawks, but informed football discussion. At some point you have to admit that much of the conversation leading up to the Superbowl was straight up delusional and then refusing to accept what actually happened moreso.
Wait, Advanced NFL Stats changed their name to "Advanced Football Analytics"? Why?

Although maybe this is just to troll soccer fans, in which case I'm ok with it.


NO, NYG, and Tampa were not bad defenses. Also we played Houston prior to Schoob Implosion. Turns out that when you play a good defense each yard and score is valued more highly.

The game was hardly an anomaly. Just because you Denver fans clung to Manning hype instead of actual football analysis doesn't mean what happened was unprecedented. You had a short passing game that got blown the fuck up by a defense that knew how to pass rush, tackle, and force turnovers. Yes, force.

Oh how glad I am that this is now the case.
Watching bad NO defenses has really messed with my head.


I don't take it as a slight on the Seahawks, but informed football discussion. At some point you have to admit that much of the conversation leading up to the Superbowl was straight up delusional and then refusing to accept what actually happened moreso.

I knew the Seahawks were capable of winning. It really was dependent on how the game was played. If Denver would have had adequate protection, it would have been a different game even with LOB. Seattle still might have prevailed, but we are entering into hypothetical world, so I guess it doesn't really matter. As far as I remember, I was humble in the sense that some predicted a blowout for Denver, but I never did. If you can find a post that says otherwise, then I'll gladly eat that crow. I know I had too much to drink that night, had to wash away the defeat, but I remember actively not trying to be too salty over it. Besides giving Bread a hard time.


Sign me up for the boat party, I can bring alcoholic beverages!!

We just gotta make sure we don't get Kolb'd!!

Mike Glennon took his team into Seattle and pushed their shit in.
Quarterback of the future.

I think I've watched that game like 3 or 4 times and it still doesn't make any sense. Seriously what a weird game. Mike James with 150+ yards rushing, AND like a 2 yard jump pass to their scrub TE??

Still, not enough props in the world can be given to Glennon, man he had a hell of a game.
I hope he beats mccown for the starting job this year


Still, not enough props in the world can be given to Glennon, man he had a hell of a game.
I hope he beats mccown for the starting job this year
Nah, Mike will finish the season in the third slot.
Luke McCown will be second.
Just like 2002.


Fear of a GAF Planet




*Consults instagram for more evidence her tea party leanings*

*Upon reviewing evidence the verdict results in ewwwwww*

Is she calling for armed revolution from christians in a covert way?

I vote for FUCK THE PATRIOTS, FUCK MASSHOLES, and FUCK BOSTON ENTIRELY. No offense to any massholes, bostonians, or patriots fans of course.

Jimmy Graham should leave the Saints. His coach doesn't support him and played a role in not receiving his wish in arbitration. He needs to come to Arizona.
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