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NFL Offseason 2: Free Agency or: How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Squicken

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I don't think he's wrong. The "add more playoff games, go to 18 game season" line of reasoning Goodell (the owners) throws out with dollar signs in his (their) eyes is a road to ruin.

For that matter, the shitshow that is Thursday Night Football is going to have a negative effect eventually. Don't know how long it'll take though.

i hate the idea of an 18 game season. i also don't like all the thursday games. with that said, i talk to hardcore football fans who are friends and they said "MORE FOOTBALL BRAH! MORE THE BETTER!" so maybe goddell is right when he says the average fan wants more. but not for me. football is like a rimjob. if you have it every night of the week you get kind of tired of it. hopefully the idiot owners realize whats happening and be satisfied with how much they are already profiting


Having football on EVERY night would be stupid as fuck and dilute the brand's excitement.
Its already dumb having to watch Thursday night clusterfuck. Cant imagine a Tuesday or Wednesday game.



Previously, in NFL-GAF Prison Chronicles:

NFL-GAF Prison part 1.
NFL-GAF Prison part 2.
NFL-GAF Prison part 3.
NFL-GAF Prison part 4.
NFL-GAF Prison part 5.
NFL-GAF Prison part 6.
NFL-GAF Prison part 7.
NFL-GAF Prison part 8.
NFL-GAF Prison part 9.
NFL-GAF Prison part 10.
NFL-GAF Prison part 11.
NFL-GAF Prison part 12.
NFL-GAF Prison part 13.
NFL-GAF Prison part 14.
NFL-GAF Prison part 15.
NFL-GAF Prison part 16.
NFL-GAF Prison part 17.
NFL-GAF Prison part 18.
NFL-GAF Prison part 19.
NFL-GAF Prison part 20.
NFL-GAF Prison part 21.
NFL-GAF Prison part 22.
NFL-GAF Prison part 23.

As always, click on any of the smaller images to get the full res screenshot.


Released: None
Released (Parole): Tom Penny, Slo
Missing/Escaped: Godslay
Dead: None

Due to a new change, prison workers are now required to be properly certified before working in the kitchen or workshop. We expand the Cleaning Cupboard and reduce the size of the Storage room so that we'll be able to assign more workers to the cleaning crew. Once we get another round of funds, we'll put in a wall to properly separate the two rooms as well as tear down the old Cleaning Cupboard and expand the Laundry room.

19 days and counting for Kave.

With the work crew done moving things around, we assign the maximum amount of workers to the cleaning crew.

Now that there's an AM Free Time session once again, tensions in the prison population is starting to come down. Even BlackGhost's long list of complaints is starting to come down to more manageable levels.

As the morning work shift starts, Buckethead starts hauling dirty laundry to the Laundry Room.

Now that we have an army of workers assigned to cleaning, we see rapid progress in the cell block getting cleaned.

The large cleaning crew also means more areas can be worked on at once. Doomsayer and his family watch as the janitor, Coldplay, and Batman clean the visitation room.

As always, Frankman takes control of the laundry duties. Everyone else keeps their distance.

DM pulls off the dick move of the day by insisting on making sure the solitary cells get properly cleaned and gets the guard to open them up. He drops a couple insults on Fantomex as he cleans the cell he's in.

Doomsayer's visit with his family is over, as are the cleaners. As they leave, chuckddd's parents as well as his girlfriend have come by for a visit. Doomsayer's father takes a peek into the Storage room on the way out.

The laundry crew deliver new uniforms as the cleaning crew finish up the cell block. In just about 2 and a half hours the army of cleaners were able to finish up the whole cell block.

Meal time, and its bacon and eggs. The inmates seem stoked about the menu selection.

chuckddd wraps up his family visit and tries to rush over, but meal time ends just as he gets to the door and the PM work shift starts. No food for chuck!

Trying to get his mind off of having to wait a full 24 hours until the next meal, chuckddd unloads a batch of laundry from the washing machine.

squicken takes over and starts ironing the washed uniforms.

The army of cleaners make their way through the workshop.

They quickly make their way through the room.

In about 30 minutes they wrap up the workshop and head out to their next destination.

At this point the massive group splits up. Some start cleaning the storage areas.

Another group cleans up in the Common Room.

The storage areas are complete just as the work shift ends and everyone heads to the yard.

The weight benches are quickly taken up, and cajunator has decided to join the workout crew.

With the benches all taken, RBH starts jogging laps around the yard.

WedgeX joins RBH and starts running as well.

MechDX jumps in on the running as also does laps around the perimeter.

Later on in the night during the last bit of Free Time is conspiracy discussion time!

Somehow during the cell assignment shuffle that happens whenever someone gets a solitary penalty, Futurevoid ends up having to stay in the Holding Cell this night.

As the new day rolls over, we use our funds to hire a second doctor and fulfill our remaining grant requirement, giving us another $10,000 in funds!

With our new cash, we expand the recreation options in the common room by adding 2 more pool tables and, in the bottom right corner, a small TV and a bookshelf.

We put in a proper wall to separate out the storage areas.

We set up a second washing machine in the laundry room.

We add another fridge and another stove in the kitchen.

To help with the constant contraband problem, we install a metal detector at the canteen door. We also add 3 more weight benches in the yard.

We add some metal detectors in the cell block entrance.

We add more capacitors to beef up the power supply to help with all the newly added appliances and the metal detectors.


Now that things have stabilized, our next priority will be to unlock education and setup a classroom so that we can start training inmates and ideally get the workshop going and get a larger income going so we can expand the facility and build a new cell block wing.


Reminder - For anyone wanting to see the master list of who's in the game, who needs more in-depth prison bios, and info on how to get your name on the list or more info for your character, go to this post:


And as always, all images and posts are being archived here: https://xianaphryz.imgur.com


For all the talk of 18 games, more playoffs teams/games, and Thursday night football, the larger problem in the very near future is who the fuck is going to actually want to go to these games, and who wants to stay locked in for 12 hours, or there about, on a Sunday?


Had to check the air date of this family guy episode where the Bills are the dominating team.

2014. :jnc

LJ writes for family guy.


For all the talk of 18 games, more playoffs teams/games, and Thursday night football, the larger problem in the very near future is who the fuck is going to actually want to go to these games, and who wants to stay locked in for 12 hours, or there about, on a Sunday?

All of the games are gonna be in London.
Oh, and as a reminder here's the list of names I currently have that need a bio written:


Full time student, part time barista, thrown in the clink for soiling the lattes of some bratty teenage girls.

I'm also short with brown hair and slender features, so I'll be prime prison bitch material.
Ninja Scooter is a former registered sex offender who was able to clear his name only to be framed for murder by the evil warden who wants him back in because he liked the way NS ironed his pants.


Oh, and as a reminder here's the list of names I currently have that need a bio written:

Jason "jakncoke" Bay
Big Baybee
Ninja Scooter
Squall ASF
Grover Cleveland

I want in and a bio, please.


A nice, gentle fun-loving, cougar hunter (word to a certain university that shall not be named Mom's weekend), known for being a pillar of the community and great 'Merican.
Obama in in mah town! Showing him what a first world country looks like.

Schefter said:
Ravens HC John Harbaugh said he was "disappointed" at the moves the Broncos and Patriots made this off-season. "It disturbed me," he said.

Eat a dick, John.


Been on a bit of a movie binge as I convalesce

-American Hustle, aside from all the cleavage, is just okay. JLaw is so damn sexy ...

-... that it is a testament to how shitty Hunger Games 2 was that even her hotness couldn't keep me from being bored to tears

- Thor 2 I honestly had no idea they made another Thor. It's good. Kind of elaborate how they keep using Loki, but the actor who plays him is so good I can see why


I thought White House Down was alright. But I like Tatum, so that helped get through it, but yeah it is pretty ridiculous. I've got Olympus has Fallen queued to watch sometime, see how they compare.

I tries to watch 'Goon' on the weekend and had to stop it. Terrible.
Been on a bit of a movie binge as I convalesce

-American Hustle, aside from all the cleavage, is just okay. JLaw is so damn sexy ...

-... that it is a testament to how shitty Hunger Games 2 was that even her hotness couldn't keep me from being bored to tears

- Thor 2 I honestly had no idea they made another Thor. It's good. Kind of elaborate how they keep using Loki, but the actor who plays him is so good I can see why

Amy Adams >>>>> Jlaw

Lawrence annoyed the shit out if me in American Hustle


I had really bad diarrhea yesterday and fevers :(
when will it end
Bad diarrhea is pretty bad.

Especially when you are traveling. On the road you never know when the next restroom might be and there is the real possibility of shitting your pants.

Hope you feel better and can defecate in peace at home.

I have been sick too but I am too manly to complain about it.


All that Taco Bell
A friend of mine sent me this picture lol...


Bad diarrhea is pretty bad.

Especially when you are traveling. On the road you never know when the next restroom might be and there is the real possibility of shitting your pants.

Hope you feel better and can defecate in peace at home.

I have been sick too but I am too manly to complain about it.
I had all day yesterday but today I needed to come in to work. I feel my insides working against me right now.
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