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NFL Offseason thread (i.e. Niners pre-superbowl domination thread)

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Drunky McMurder
skinnyrattler said:
My point is: Stop annointing them with these accolades until they do it. It's the same story for the past 5 years. Every fuckin year, I swear. How do we know which team over/underachieved last year? Well, at the end of THIS year, we'll have a good clue. It's like the media wants them to do well, overlooking the Cowboys. If anything, Parcells has proven to turn around franchises and to overlook them as a threat is ridiculous. My bet is on the Cowboys to be scary. Parcells has already cleared a big hurdle and will have them thinking they can actually win. Gibbs still has to do that.

BTW, how can the Redskins underachieve when they've only one 5 and 7 games over the past 2 seasons? Missing the playoffs 2+ years in a row isn't underachieving, it's a trend.

Yes, it was a trend marked by having the worst coach(at the very least, the most stubborn for no good reason) in the league heading their team, along with a bad owner.



"Im back, FMT!"


DCX said:
Brock Lesnar got his first tackle :) A SSP off of an offensive lineman.



Just when it looked like Brock Watch would be a real snoozer, the action picked up for the former WWE champion.

At 10:34 a.m., the team drills portion of the Brock Lesnar era in Vikings history began. The third-string defensive tackle was silenced by fellow former Gopher Adam Haayer and Cory Withrow.

But wait. At 11:16 a.m., Lesnar took down Larry Ned for his first tackle since 1995 at Webster High in South Dakota. There would be no more tackles, but his helmet did pop off during a pass rush at 11:24 a.m.

"He made his first tackle; so he got his first kiss," Tice said. "He grew up some. We were pleased. He's been working hard, and I thought it was important for him to get a little taste today and see what it's like. I'm sure his head was spinning some, but he was able to make a tackle."

The Vikings were going to hold Lesnar out of team drills until Wednesday. But Tice wanted all 12 defensive linemen to share the workload because of the heat and humidity. Lesnar split time with rookie Spencer Johnson on the third team.

At 12:38 p.m. Lesnar was heading for the lunchroom. He spoke about everything from his first tackle -- "I more or less just fell into it. But that's how it goes. I was working hard," he said -- to how the wear and tear of college wrestling and 280 nights a year of WWE roughhousing has affected his body.

"I'm 27, which, in this league, I am not a young man," Lesnar said. "After 21/2 days of camp, I felt like I was 60 years old when I woke up this morning."


Drunky McMurder
Whooo, Roethlisberger signed.

Fricking sweet.

Also, I almost jumped out of my seat in celebration when I saw that NFL Live was on at 4:30, and it's on again tonight. Training camp is upon us, the season is just ahead.


First NFL game is on MONDAY!

First realization that preseason football sucks ass happens about 3 plays into that game. Then the realization that football is still a month away :(


Drunky McMurder
DJ_Tet said:
First NFL game is on MONDAY!

First realization that preseason football sucks ass happens about 3 plays into that game. Then the realization that football is still a month away :(

Preseason football doesn't actually suck until the second half of the third game. First game--FOOTBALL IS BACK, second game gives you some time to see the starters and a few players who might turn out better than expected, first half of the third game does the same, but after that you get to see Brock Lesner play and that's about it.


On principle I agree. But the thing is, the first two games (about 3 quarters) and the last two (about 3 quarters total) are spent just HOPING that your stars don't go down in a meaningless game.

I can't stand that.


Temp Banned for Remedial Purposes
Looks like Rivers and the Chargers are in some ugly contract negotiations. Damn, Eli sure is smart to have avoided that train wreck of a franchise.

On Sportscenter tonight Peyton talked about how bad the Patriots DBs held the WRs in the AFC Championship Game. He said he didn't blame them for it since the refs weren't calling it but he's glad the league is changing the rules for this year.

Also, you DirecTV customers can watch the Manning family describe the features of NFL Sunday Ticket on channel 218. In between the informative discussion of the service, they manage to poke good-natured fun at each other.


Do they talk about the wonders of blackouts? :p

I ordered it...although there's no way I would if I lived in Baltimore (or whereever my team was)


Junior Member
DJ_Tet said:
I find it funny that a Cowboy fan (assuming here) is crying that his team isn't getting enough national attention or respect ;)

Yeah that was a big assumption. I'm an Eagles fan. And as much as I hate the Cowgirls, I can be honest and say that the R*dsk*ns are one of the most overrated teams, especially to go 12-20 over the past 2 years. Every fuckin year, I swear. Some ass job gives them too much credit. Is that so hard to believe? The team that played the hardest against my Eagles in the NFC East? Cowboys. Other NFC East team in the playoffs? Cowboys.

Every fuckin season since Synder got there. And not one playoff game. But they get too much credit. But I guess this year is different...Much different than bringing in the ole ball coach, Deion Sanders and Bruce Smith, etc. Now I won't say they don't have a good chance but I'll put up Parcells against the Skins this year. I'll put up Carter against Ramsey, not to have a better year...I couldn't give a shit. But I expect him to be competent. Skins still don't have a good defense. Cowboys D will win them a few games and Parcell will win them a few games. Considering they have 2 games against a rookie quarterback in NY and 2 against the Skins, and games against Detroit, Cincinnati, Cleveland and Pittsburgh, I think they have a decent chance to go over .500. But that's just my take on everything.


Bullshit, first game is Saturday. XD

Texans vs Dolphins scrimmage. I'm gonna be working wooooo!!!!

I'll be in the North West corner of the stadium. :D


skinnyrattler said:
Yeah that was a big assumption. I'm an Eagles fan. And as much as I hate the Cowgirls, I can be honest and say that the R*dsk*ns are one of the most overrated teams, especially to go 12-20 over the past 2 years. Every fuckin year, I swear. Some ass job gives them too much credit. Is that so hard to believe? The team that played the hardest against my Eagles in the NFC East? Cowboys. Other NFC East team in the playoffs? Cowboys.

Every fuckin season since Synder got there. And not one playoff game. But they get too much credit. But I guess this year is different...Much different than bringing in the ole ball coach, Deion Sanders and Bruce Smith, etc. Now I won't say they don't have a good chance but I'll put up Parcells against the Skins this year. I'll put up Carter against Ramsey, not to have a better year...I couldn't give a shit. But I expect him to be competent. Skins still don't have a good defense. Cowboys D will win them a few games and Parcell will win them a few games. Considering they have 2 games against a rookie quarterback in NY and 2 against the Skins, and games against Detroit, Cincinnati, Cleveland and Pittsburgh, I think they have a decent chance to go over .500. But that's just my take on everything.

Well you cry like a Cowboy bitch, so that's reason enough. No one is arguing that the Deadskins get too much pub, but to argue that the Deadskins get too much pub at the expense of the Cowgirls (who made the fucking playoffs) is ludicruous. Hell the rest of the NFC teams can barely breath between the damn Deadskins v Cowgirls. I guess it makes sense you are an Iggles fan, that's about the only fan who could stand bitching. But you've lost three straight NFC Champ games, perhaps the media wants to pimp someone who can get it done. Which means they should be pimping the Carolina Panthers, but that's a whole other story.


skinnyrattler said:
Yeah that was a big assumption. I'm an Eagles fan. And as much as I hate the Cowgirls, I can be honest and say that the R*dsk*ns are one of the most overrated teams, especially to go 12-20 over the past 2 years. Every fuckin year, I swear. Some ass job gives them too much credit. Is that so hard to believe? The team that played the hardest against my Eagles in the NFC East? Cowboys. Other NFC East team in the playoffs? Cowboys.

Every fuckin season since Synder got there. And not one playoff game. But they get too much credit. But I guess this year is different...Much different than bringing in the ole ball coach, Deion Sanders and Bruce Smith, etc. Now I won't say they don't have a good chance but I'll put up Parcells against the Skins this year. I'll put up Carter against Ramsey, not to have a better year...I couldn't give a shit. But I expect him to be competent. Skins still don't have a good defense. Cowboys D will win them a few games and Parcell will win them a few games. Considering they have 2 games against a rookie quarterback in NY and 2 against the Skins, and games against Detroit, Cincinnati, Cleveland and Pittsburgh, I think they have a decent chance to go over .500. But that's just my take on everything.

To talk the Skins exclusively:

Who do you expect the media to talk about? The Skins have been huge in both the coaching markets and the free agent markets since Snydor has appeared. It pisses me off as well, but with the anti-action taken by the Eagles (until this year) in free agency, who do you expect the pundits to pimp? The Skins change players and coaches every year, therefore they get the pub. It's not rocket science. If you expect the Boys to get run this year, I'd say they got plenty of run last year. They moved from 6-10 to 10-6 last year. There isn't a whole lot of room to go up this year. The Skins have PLENTY of room to improve though. Therefore the pimpage goes to the Skins, FOR THE VERY REASON THAT THEY HAVEN'T GOT A PLAYOFF GAME. It's seriously not rocket science.

One day you'll know that pre-season hype /= results. Pre-season hype is worth shit.


Temp Banned for Remedial Purposes
Fifty said:
Do they talk about the wonders of blackouts? :p

The Mannings don't, but the voice-over guy hurries through a line about how games will be blacked out if your local team does not sell out. But surely the Ravens sell out every game don't they, with a good team in a nice stadium?

I agree with Bill Simmons on this, if you can't sell 60,000-70,000 tickets 8 times a year then you don't deserve an NFL team.
Guileless said:
The Mannings don't, but the voice-over guy hurries through a line about how games will be blacked out if your local team does not sell out. But surely the Ravens sell out every game don't they, with a good team in a nice stadium?

A few weeks ago the Ravens put their remaining non-PSL seats on sale. They sold out the season in 11 minutes.



Yep. Even if there were no sellouts it wouldn't affect me because I don't live in that area.

Lucky Forward, you going to any games this year (I presume you live in Baltimore)
I’m near Baltimore, but I’ve never actually been to a game. I have a tradition of heading up my mom and dad’s for a big Sunday brunch and then the Ravens game on TV. We’re usually joined by my brother and my nephew, and maybe some of my sisters, so it’s always a nice family get-together for the games.


Would let Tony Parker sleep with his wife
Rome just said ESPN is reporting that Quincy Carter is being cut


That throwing stick stunt of yours has boomeranged on us.
The Jets are happening in Dallas.

Shame their only other QB is a guy for whom football was something to fall back on.


The black man everyone at Activision can agree on
Kruza said:

I gotta say... Quincy is one stupid mofo to even be messing with the stuff around the time of training camp. What the hell was on his mind?


WOW... what a dummy.
LOL @ QUINCY CARTER!!!! ROOOFLLLLLLL. Just when I think this sports week couldn't get any funnier(thanks to Team USA), Quincy Carter goes and proves me wrong! Anyway, skinnyrattler, what are you going to bitch about when the Skins are lapping the NFC East? Not ONLY will the Skins get to the NFC Championship game, they will do something that the Eagles can't....

...I think we all know what that is: COMING THROUGH IN THE CLUTCH. I think the Eagles have a great chance of wrapping up the third spot in the NFC East behind the loved Redskins and hated Cowgirls.

The Redskins have a shitty D?? Haaaaa. Not anymore, friend. The D is STACKED, and with Joe Gibbs instilling some fucking discipline, this team is destined for stardom. I won't even get into the offense, because with Portis, Coles, Gardner, Brunell and his backup Ramsey, Hall... wowowowoowowow. Someone hold me.

I don't think anyone gives a shit about the Eagles anymore, though. Who cares about a team that is all substance in the regular season but transforms into all flash when it matters? I especially love the home field losses in the NFC Championship games. Those always bring a smile to my face. What makes a shitty Redskins season better? A choke job by an NFC East team.


Redskins 13-3
Cowboys 10-6
Eagles 9-7
Giants 4-12

Sorry, CK, your team sux...



Drunky McMurder
I think it's best for the Cowboys this way in the long run. They would have kept falling back on Carter being competent(which he was, at times), and let Henson rot. Then any potential he had would be gone. This way, Henson will get a chance and if he flops they get a new QB.

Sure, this will all run its course after Parcells is gone again, but they can't have it all :p


Now all we need is Vinny to go down with an injury so we can have Carr vs Henson Week1 of preseason in the 1st quarter. WOO!


Hollywood Square
Tim Brown is cut. What a bunch of shit. If anybody should have to go, it should be Rice. Now Tim Brown knows what it's like to be cut from the team you've played with forever, only to get the shaft by an up-and-coming youngster (Porter/Owens) and the rest of the depth chart.

Maybe Brown will play for the 49ers.


Drunky McMurder
Willco said:
Tim Brown is cut. What a bunch of shit. If anybody should have to go, it should be Rice. Now Tim Brown knows what it's like to be cut from the team you've played with forever, only to get the shaft by an up-and-coming youngster (Porter/Owens) and the rest of the depth chart.

Maybe Brown will play for the 49ers.

Well, Brown should have retired. Neither he nor Rice can still play at their top level, but Rice can still be a solid number 2 option. Or maybe they thought at the end of last year that he was still worth a roster spot, but has shown something in camp that proves otherwise.

The Raiders also cut Rod Woodson last week. Maybe they're just trying to get rid of the retirement home apperance they've had for the past few years.


Junior Member
DJ_Tet said:
Well you cry like a Cowboy bitch, so that's reason enough. No one is arguing that the Deadskins get too much pub, but to argue that the Deadskins get too much pub at the expense of the Cowgirls (who made the fucking playoffs) is ludicruous. Hell the rest of the NFC teams can barely breath between the damn Deadskins v Cowgirls. I guess it makes sense you are an Iggles fan, that's about the only fan who could stand bitching. But you've lost three straight NFC Champ games, perhaps the media wants to pimp someone who can get it done. Which means they should be pimping the Carolina Panthers, but that's a whole other story.

Woah Nancy, nobody's fuckin crying about anything. Does it upset you so that I thought the Cowboys were better until today? I think the Redskins will be overrated until they win more than 10 games. You've got a lot invested in this to not give a shit about them. Does it upset you that the Eagles got to NFC championship 3 times and lost? Sounds like sour milk to complain about one of the best teams in the NFC for the past few years.

If you stop getting upset and calling people a bitch and go read my fuckin first post, ass, you would see that Sean whathisface on ESPN was giving credit to the Redskins about 3 days ago at the expense of the Cowboys. Even though the Cowboys had a better record. That's my fuckin point. Do yourself a favor: stop acting retarded, read a lil bit and then come talk to me to sling insults. It's retarded. They have been paper champions for about the past 5 years. Have you been watching the NFL lately? Would you deny it? No, I'm guessing you'll bring up some other extraneous shit about how the Eagles lost like that has anything to do with how the Redskins are givin too much credit.


Junior Member
HalfPastNoon said:
LOL @ QUINCY CARTER!!!! ROOOFLLLLLLL. Just when I think this sports week couldn't get any funnier(thanks to Team USA), Quincy Carter goes and proves me wrong! Anyway, skinnyrattler, what are you going to bitch about when the Skins are lapping the NFC East? Not ONLY will the Skins get to the NFC Championship game, they will do something that the Eagles can't....

...I think we all know what that is: COMING THROUGH IN THE CLUTCH. I think the Eagles have a great chance of wrapping up the third spot in the NFC East behind the loved Redskins and hated Cowgirls.

The Redskins have a shitty D?? Haaaaa. Not anymore, friend. The D is STACKED, and with Joe Gibbs instilling some fucking discipline, this team is destined for stardom. I won't even get into the offense, because with Portis, Coles, Gardner, Brunell and his backup Ramsey, Hall... wowowowoowowow. Someone hold me.

I don't think anyone gives a shit about the Eagles anymore, though. Who cares about a team that is all substance in the regular season but transforms into all flash when it matters? I especially love the home field losses in the NFC Championship games. Those always bring a smile to my face. What makes a shitty Redskins season better? A choke job by an NFC East team.


Redskins 13-3
Cowboys 10-6
Eagles 9-7
Giants 4-12

Sorry, CK, your team sux...


Thank you FMT. You have definitely made it worthwile. I guess I'm bitching cuz I'm pointing out facts. But no, let's divert attention to Eagles losses in the NFC championship game rather than the 5 wins. Whatever gets you going. The skins still have to prove to everybody that they can win. What'll happen next year when they come off of their 7 win season? Who'll they bring back next?


Junior Member
FrenchMovieTheme said:
don't worry skinny, DJ tet seems to permanently be on the rag, it's nothing personal

I saw that debacle earlier this week. I feel like I'm taking crazy pills. Did I not watch them go 12-20 over the past 2 years? But but but...the Eagles lost 3 straight NFC championships!

Wait, so the Redskins will have a great year and win the Supe..cuz the Eagles lost 3 straight? :|


Drunky McMurder
skinnyrattler said:
I saw that debacle earlier this week. I feel like I'm taking crazy pills. Did I not watch them go 12-20 over the past 2 years? But but but...the Eagles lost 3 straight NFC championships!

Wait, so the Redskins will have a great year and win the Supe..cuz the Eagles lost 3 straight? :|

Once again, they went 12-20 with an absolutely horrible coach. Spurrier was the worst thing possible for this franchise. They don't have a very good owner, and he hired a shitty coach. It doesn't matter how good the team is if the coach is a fucking moron who won't admit that his college style won't work in the pros. The Redskins aren't winning the super bowl, but they certainly have a shot at getting to the playoffs.

And the Eagles very well may be a worse team than last year.


Hollywood Square
Dan Snyder is a fucking great owner who gets too much shit for operating the biggest franchise in the NFL.


Archaix said:
Once again, they went 12-20 with an absolutely horrible coach. Spurrier was the worst thing possible for this franchise. They don't have a very good owner, and he hired a shitty coach. It doesn't matter how good the team is if the coach is a fucking moron who won't admit that his college style won't work in the pros. The Redskins aren't winning the super bowl, but they certainly have a shot at getting to the playoffs.

And the Eagles very well may be a worse team than last year.

eagles will be a worst team last yr? while possible what is the logic behind this? last yr all we heard was "the window is closing the window is closing" and with the injrues we had on Dline and our all pro defensive backs we still made it. if we are healthier than last yr...that alone should make us better. nevermind the fact the team went after the weakness they had and got the best WR available (no the moss trade wasnt possible).

and half past noon ur post consisted of no logic. but im sure u can easily reply with "omg ur team lost 3 times in a row haha so now even though they improved they wont even make the playoffs". u seem to have merril hodge philosophies who actually called the loss of duce and gain of TO a loss for the eagles only because duce could touch the ball 15-20 times compared to TO who will at most get 8 touches. the dumbass forgot to check the stats and realize duce was in a 3 man rotation and averaged 10 touches (thats catches and handoffs) last season, only 2 more than owens. not even that the fact that merril hodge compares owens to duce in terms of important is rediculous. im not dissing duce and he was my fav eagle but he is not worth the value of TO.

and now with dallas releasing thier starter i dont see them even making th playoffs something which i believed they would beat out the redskins for.

now, logically estimating, between the eagles and redskins and i find it hard to believe as good as gibbs is that he will get it done in his first yr. he might have a parcells like season where he takes his team to the playoffs but not over the eagles.


Drunky McMurder
Staley isn't a great player (Hell, I'd love for the Eagles to take him back :p), but they don't have a real proven back. They've got two guys who might be good in a split carries situation. Kearse is injury prone and was never good at stopping the run to begin with. They didn't adress the weakness at LB and they created a weakness at corner. Yes, they upgraded at wideout, but that's the only position which got better this year.

That's why I think they may have gotten worse. I'm not saying it is definate, and I think they're still easily the favorite in the division, but I don't see them making the championship game this year, and definately don't see them in the Super Bowl.


Archaix said:
Staley isn't a great player (Hell, I'd love for the Eagles to take him back :p), but they don't have a real proven back. They've got two guys who might be good in a split carries situation. Kearse is injury prone and was never good at stopping the run to begin with. They didn't adress the weakness at LB and they created a weakness at corner. Yes, they upgraded at wideout, but that's the only position which got better this year.

That's why I think they may have gotten worse. I'm not saying it is definate, and I think they're still easily the favorite in the division, but I don't see them making the championship game this year, and definately don't see them in the Super Bowl.

they do have a proven back. staley, buckhalter, and westbrook all carried the load. hell westbrook is a star in the making and damn near our offensive mvp last season. he singley handidly saved our season and sinked the giants last yr. he is going to be the main guy now in terms of carries as he is free of his special teams duties now. buckhalter is a solid backup. might be good in split carries situation? thats all the running game was last yr.

they didnt get kearse the stop the run, they got him to replace the sack production we lost when hugh douglas left. our run defense was ranked #1 till all the injuries hit. we lost the following all on the Dline, and while not all of them are stars they were in the rotation and contributed: mcdogle, green, h thomas, b whiting, d burgess, and p grasmanis. ALL ON THE D LINE. no wonder our run D was horrible. im not saying it will be great this yr, never was under JJ's d but it will be solid/adequate this season if these players are healthy alone. as for the 2ndary the injuries continues last yr. along with those injuries on the line we lost vincent, taylor, and DAWKINS all last season for about 10 games...during which we went 7-2. now i know these 2nd yr players and rookies are green but they have some experience under thier belt and know how to play and now they will start. again the pass D wont be as good as it was with taylor and vincent healthy but it wont be horrible. as for the lack of depth at LB we lost our D MVP in emmons but check him out and rumor is he is hurt bad and might miss the first game of the season. we replaced him with a younger player...lets see how that works out and re signed trotter. not perfect but again adequate.

we had to lose some to make some gain on offense. our D will be pretty good but nothing great while offense SHOULD see a significant increase in production.

with all that said im willing to except the fact anything can happen and might happen. who knows but looking at things now i still say the eagles win the nfc east.


Only it might be for the Raiders.

If it's true then Ricky really is an asshole and all that shit about finding himself was bull.

Damn I cannot wait for the season to start. The North is gonna shock people this year. The Vikings always compete. And I think this year are legit championship contenders. Also let it be known the Lions WILL win a playoff game this year! KJones and Charles Rogers are about to own this city. I believe these guys are really gonna be special. In a few years they're going to be bigger than Ben Wallace around here. Then again it could be another usual Lion year. Either way I cannot fucking wait to see how it unfolds.


keep your strippers out of my American football
This has to be a misprint:

Carmella DeCesare in the WWE divas contest is currently dating Cleveland Browns quarterback Jeff Garcia (thanks to Brian Dulik of the Medina Gazette/Elyria Chronicle-Telegram)


Heh, since Denver has no true #1 back maybe the back we see the most in that game will turn out to be their starter.


i just checked and the eagles dont play till next fri and its so frustrating!!!!

when camp was near i couldnt wait and now i cant wait till pre season. once the first game is over ill just be going crazy for the season to start and wishing no one gets hurt.
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