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NFL Offseason Thread |OT3| The Long Wait

Just what I want as a gamer - endless sequels.

Microsoft knows me so well.

Have you ever looked at an NPD list? It is almost always all sequels. You are such a hypocrite anyways, you go on and on about GTA5. I, and it seems a large group of gamers, want sequels to franchises that we care about.


The focus isn't on games. I'm sure they have data that shows how much time users spend with Netflix. Before I dropped Gold, all my friends spent 90% of their time online with that

I do like that it collates everything. I have no idea what channel Spike TV is on my cable system. But with that Kinect, I could have said "Spike TV" and it would have found it. If I want to watch Batman Begins, it will show me all the ways I can watch it, including my cable system. I won't buy a console for that, but it is neat tech
Have you ever looked at an NPD list? It is almost always all sequels. You are such a hypocrite anyways, you go on and on about GTA5. I, and it seems a large group of gamers, want sequels to franchises that we care about.
Listen, Rockstar pays me handsomely to shill their games, and I will not have you question my integrity as I go to the bank to cash my cheques.

Also the 360s success was built on new IPs like Gears and Bioshock, an inconvenient fact that Microsoft is clearly avoiding as they try to shove the Kinect down peoples throats for no other reason to offset their obscene R&D costs.


Microsoft: "We purposefully did not target the highest end graphics"

Dear God. How can anyone support this? It's like targeting fatties at a sorority party


Persecution Complex
I can't even begin to tell you guys how disappointed I am with a fee to install used games.

I prefer the controller, and I was thinking that the strong XBL audience would carry over to the Xbox One, but fuck MS with this anti consumer bullshit. I can get plenty of life out of my PS3 till at least Fall 2014 but I'll buy a Wii U before Xbox One because of their backwards no game policy.


So Xbox offloading the rendering to the cloud essentially means it always has to be online?

Pats fans are still worse than console fanboys.


Nintendo used to be able to shit out under-powered hardware b/c they had IPs people wanted. MS can't. The bros that play CoD, and the tech whores like me, care about gfx.

How long until tablets have better visuals?
Nintendo used to be able to shit out under-powered hardware b/c they had IPs people wanted. MS can't. The bros that play CoD, and the tech whores like me, care about gfx.

How long until tablets have better visuals?

The COD crowd is not going to want to wait several months to get new maps. MS announced timed DLC again and that will be a big factor for people. Plus you guys seem to be forgetting that the PS3 was supposedly way more powerful then the 360 this gen, but in the end Halo 4 is the best looking game this gen.


Guys, guys...San Francisco won the Super Bowl!

Adam Schefter ‏@AdamSchefter
San Francisco/Santa Clara snags Super Bowl L (2016).


The COD crowd is not going to want to wait several months to get new maps. MS announced timed DLC again and that will be a big factor for people. Plus you guys seem to be forgetting that the PS3 was supposedly way more powerful then the 360 this gen, but in the end Halo 4 is the best looking game this gen.
Missed most of the reveal but the system itself is pretty ugly I think. It looks like a big black nes and the controller kind of reminds me of the original xbox controller. And why the fuck did they name it the Xbox One? What was the reasoning for that? If the Wii U name confused consumers, then the Xbox One name surely won't.
And why the fuck did they name it the Xbox One? What was the reasoning for that? If the Wii U name confused consumers, then the Xbox One name surely won't.
"All in One" seems to be the marketing strategy behind it. Microsoft has been targeting that all-in-one living room solution for years and they feel as though they have it with this. Hence the natural extension to the name.


So is Sunday Ticket still not going to be on MS platforms? That was weirdly omitted.

No haha When they brought up the NFL I thought of a whole bunch of things they could do that would be awesome, and they are doing none. It's really just an endorsement deal. Coaches will have surfaces on the sideline. It goes so far as if teams hand out playbooks on iPads, they have to remove all of the Apple branding from the device


Persecution Complex
How long until tablets have better visuals?

It won't matter because few people actually prefer playing games on touchscreens anyway.

The graphical difference between the One and PS4 will be minuscule when its all said and done. The extra fee to play used games is the straw that broke the camels back. MS is pissing off moms buying their kids games and hardcore gamers simultaneously. If I want to let a friend borrow a game how does that work?

The only downside for PS4 for me at this point Is I've never been a fan of the DualShock for FPSes or third person shooters and that's why the vast majority of my time on consoles this gen was with 360.


Used game fees?

Sounds like the perfect way to weed out which one of you guys are dirty poors.
If the new Xbox gives us rankings by income I will be there day one. I am all about class, rankings and exclusivity.

Looks like MS killed the NeoGAF. If you guys are pissed that usually means the system will be a huge hit and you will all buy one for Xmas. Gamers get treated like shit and like it. You guys are like Browns fans.


man, Dark Souls on PC with mod that improves textures is wonderful. Beat it on PS3 when it first came out, but hadn't gone into NG+ like I did with Demon's Souls.

Game is so damn addicting. I swear it was just 1pm. I need to get off of here.
Pretty much as expected. MS doesn't give a shit about the vg part of the xbox anymore.

Personally I don't care about the no used games thing. I think it was smart of MS. The market that eats up their offering has loads of money and can buy the games new day one. It'll fuck them in Japan, but this platform was DOA there anyway.

The COD crowd is not going to want to wait several months to get new maps. MS announced timed DLC again and that will be a big factor for people. Plus you guys seem to be forgetting that the PS3 was supposedly way more powerful then the 360 this gen, but in the end Halo 4 is the best looking game this gen.
Lol at the Halo 4 thing, but you're right about the maps. 360 gamers want it first, that's all that matters.


My lack of caring about the new generation of consoles knows no bounds.

Sounds like the XboxOne is finally the "Direct X Box" that Bill Gates referred to all the way back in '98. Microsoft's been dreaming of the living room hub for decades.

It's too bad that portable computing has outstripped it completely.
They spent waaaaay more time on media stuff like NFL and the Halo tv series (wtf) than actual games. I know E3 is right around the corner, but Microsoft had the spotlight on themselves and themselves alone, and they blew it. Honestly though, it won't matter to them, because the audience they're aiming for is so broad that it's a sure fire recipe to succeed.


Both the PS4 and the Xbox One underwhelmed me. Lots of nifty tech involved in both, but nothing that makes me want to be there day one.

Guess I shall finish my conversion to being part of the PC Master Race.
They spent waaaaay more time on media stuff like NFL and the Halo tv series (wtf) than actual games. I know E3 is right around the corner, but Microsoft had the spotlight on themselves and themselves alone, and they blew it. Honestly though, it won't matter to them, because the audience they're aiming for is so broad that it's a sure fire recipe to succeed.
They're overvaluing their assets.

It just shows how out of touch they are. It's Sony circa 2005.

All the entertainment stuff is cool for tech nerds but asking soccer moms and casuals to throw $499-599 in a recession is laughably misguided.


Already have the WiiU (Nintendo first party games are the main games I play these days anyway) and because Nintendo can't get its act together and forces me to buy another console to double as a blu ray player and to play sports games I think I am leaning towards PS4.

I don't get the techno mumbo jumbo, but from the surface level there doesn't seem to be much of a difference in specs between the PS4 and Xbox1. Or is there? PS3 was technically more powerful but most multiplatform games looked exactly the same to me.

When is E3 this year? June 1st? Man I actually was excited last E3 for the first time in like 5-6 years thinking Nintendo was going to blow the lid off and wow me with the WiiU. Not just the system and controller but I was expecting to see all the big games they plan on showing this year. Makes no sense why they released their system last year. Should have waited another year, upped the tech, and just released a $400 tablet controller system this year. And not name it WiiU.
I honestly don't know what you guys expect from these reveals.

We truly are at the point in which there is no wow factor anymore and boy did it ever show in the opinions on the board today.
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