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NFL Offseason Thread |OT3| The Long Wait


I'm just more and more disillusioned with current/next gen gaming as the years go on. Guess it comes with the territory of becoming a cranky old fuck. Sony kind of impressed me with their reveal in that they focused on games and the gaming side. Still, I know I won't be buying one until they offer a price drop and/or a redesign. And no way in hell am I ever touching day One MS hardware. So I'll be waiting like I did this gen, about three years in. In the meantime, I'd be giddy as hell if somebody released an old school console and said, "All this fucking thing does is play games. That's it, nothing else."
MS got into the industry to get windows into the living room. That's all they care about. The people on the team who were passionate about games seem to have left.

For all that we shit Nintendo they are the only games company left.

I think Sony learned their lesson from last gen where they tried to overreach and now they are simplifying.

I can't imagine a 400 dollar box that doesn't add any real functionality that I see over my Cable DVR other than voice control (which seems like an easy add on for next gen televisions if it works) to be compelling to no gamers. I think the next step is not voice but a different business model than ala carte entertainment. To be fair I said the iPad would flop too so I am not infallible!



Reports of Xbox One's online requirements and used-game fees are no more than "potential scenarios" and not concrete details, Microsoft told Polygon via email.

"While Phil [Harrison] discussed many potential scenarios around games on Xbox One, today we have only confirmed that we designed Xbox One to enable our customers to trade in and resell games at retail," Microsoft told Polygon.

They really need to stop Phil from saying anything else. He is causing all this confusion.

I think he just didn't flesh out the ability to move your profile to a new device. Otherwise it seems pretty clear. The only thing I really have a strong objection to is the call home every 24 hours. Once I have authorized a device it shouldn't need to be connected to play a single player game

Reports of Xbox One's online requirements and used-game fees are no more than "potential scenarios" and not concrete details, Microsoft told Polygon via email.

"While Phil [Harrison] discussed many potential scenarios around games on Xbox One, today we have only confirmed that we designed Xbox One to enable our customers to trade in and resell games at retail," Microsoft told Polygon.

They really need to stop Phil from saying anything else. He is causing all this confusion.
Yes, I'm sure he just made it all up.

Come on man. This is how companies work. Announce news, deny deny deny if it's poorly received. Nothing is final until they release, but he wouldn't have said anything if that wasn't the direction they planned on going.


Yes, I'm sure he just made it all up.

Come on man. This is how companies work. Announce news, deny deny deny if it's poorly received. Nothing is final until they release, but he wouldn't have said anything if that wasn't the direction they planned on going.
Pretty sure he got it right and it was final. They just want to misdirect before launch and change what they focus on in their ads. I am sure they won't advertise the game codes and shit and that will be a surprise to most people on Xmas when they sign on.
MS got into the industry to get windows into the living room. That's all they care about. The people on the team who were passionate about games seem to have left.

For all that we shit Nintendo they are the only games company left.

I think Sony learned their lesson from last gen where they tried to overreach and now they are simplifying.

I can't imagine a 400 dollar box that doesn't add any real functionality that I see over my Cable DVR other than voice control (which seems like an easy add on for next gen televisions if it works) to be compelling to no gamers. I think the next step is not voice but a different business model than ala carte entertainment. To be fair I said the iPad would flop too so I am not infallible!
This is how I read it too. Desktops/laptops aren't going to be completely replaced by tablets, but they'll take a big hit over the coming years. Xbox and Windows 8 are Microsoft's two contingency plans to stay in homes they might lose due to the PC market shrinking.


ok so now the X1 has to be online at least once every 24 hours. I feel sorry for you poors that live in blizzard country. I'm going with whatever system lets me play games I'm borrowing from Focker, since he has no kids and no wife I'm guessing hes buying all the games and be done with them during a couple of weeks. That's when I swoop in like a dinobot and play them.


meh, I wasn't going to buy another Xbox anyway. I'll wait and see on the price for the PS4.

I'll get a Wii U eventually.


This is how I read it too. Desktops/laptops aren't going to be completely replaced by tablets, but they'll take a big hit over the coming years. Xbox and Windows 8 are Microsoft's two contingency plans to stay in homes they might lose due to the PC market shrinking.
I think they are fucked. No one is ever going to control the tv. Especially not with a game console with a giant Skype camera. They need something revolutionary to get the attention of the average person. From what I read this ain't it.

MS seems kind of fucked long term. They fucked up with phones and tablets and the desktop PC and laptop sell less every year. Once Office starts to get replaced in offices then we will see it in their earnings. Windows seems safe, just for a shrinking market but I feel like desktops and laptops will always be around so that means so will Windows.
The XboxOne is the Josh Freeman of Consoles.

The thing is gigantic
I think they are fucked. No one is ever going to control the tv. Especially not with a game console with a giant Skype camera. They need something revolutionary to get the attention of the average person. From what I read this ain't it.

MS seems kind of fucked long term. They fucked up with phones and tablets and the desktop PC and laptop sell less every year. Once Office starts to get replaced in offices then we will see it in their earnings. Windows seems safe, just for a shrinking market but I feel like desktops and laptops will always be around so that means so will Windows.
They have a better chance in the living room than they do in the phone/tablet market, that's for sure...

I have no idea what to expect for TV/game consoles/set-top boxes in the future. It really depends how the coming cable TV implosion shakes out.


The XboxOne is the Matt Schaub of Consoles.


high 5 brother we are hosting back to back superbowls and i will support a niners vs. texans game in both! think of the storylines!

Damn straight! We will have Andrew as our QB by then!

You can yell at him and he'll probably do less than you wanted?

Or the damn system will just randomly spit out your discs about 3/4's of the way through a game


They have a better chance in the living room than they do in the phone/tablet market, that's for sure...

I have no idea what to expect for TV/game consoles/set-top boxes in the future. It really depends how the coming cable TV implosion shakes out.
Yea. I don't know anyone with a Windows phone. Past or present.
i'm actually pretty excited about wiiU at e3. i get a 3DS vibe and there is going to be a stream of good games coming down. maybe not like the 3DS (which i consider to be the best gaming device on the market at this time) but if you throw 3D mario, smash bros, mario kart, zelda, metroid and fire emblem out there i don't see how you don't have a shit load of momentum going


i'm actually pretty excited about wiiU at e3. i get a 3DS vibe and there is going to be a stream of good games coming down. maybe not like the 3DS (which i consider to be the best gaming device on the market at this time) but if you throw 3D mario, smash bros, mario kart, zelda, metroid and fire emblem out there i don't see how you don't have a shit load of momentum going
At best it will be 3DS lite.

I think Nintendo will always give more support to its handheld.

But hopefully you are right and they show a ton of great games.
if I didn't have teenage boys I'm pretty sure I'd stick with PC only this generation. as it is, I'll wait for more details to see whether PS4 or X1 come out on top.

I have enough of a console backlog that I could go 3 years before I run out of new games to play.


Q: How do consumers benefit by being connected to the cloud?

A: The cloud makes every experience better and more accessible. Because Xbox One is powered by the cloud:

• Your games have more power available to create new gameplay, persistent worlds, and deeper experiences.

Jesus kills puppies when business executives talk about the "Cloud"

Hunter S.

I loved the XBOX and the 360 but this.....thing. I just don't know. Im just not impressed.
I am almost ready to hang up my Microsoft helmet too. They are like the Patriots of gaming all arrogance, and flash, while being blood sucking demons with no souls.

At least I got DS games on my tablet now. No need for handhelds.
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