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NFL Offseason Thread |OT3| The Long Wait

tebow was given like a half chance because he was brought into a "lost season" and just had the perfect recipe for the playoffs (bad division + good defense + playing trash teams). i don't think he is a very good QB but in the right circumstances he can win some games. i know why the broncos didn't give him a full off-season of work as starter (i'd take peypey too!) but he probably would've gotten the jets to the playoffs last year
I am for sure going to at least one Browns game this season, possible two now.
NICE! I'm thinking about going to the Thursday night game against the Bills, besides just going to the home Opener.

Also There's going to be a future 30 for 30 about Cleveland Sports Fans

Citing two league sources, the Cleveland Plain Dealer reports Jason Campbell will receive a "legitimate shot" to win the Browns' starting quarterback job over Brandon Weeden.
The competition pumped up by Browns brass is "more than just lip service," the sources said. Weeden will open offseason activities as the starter, but Campbell will receive first-team reps as well. "This is a long, long process and there's a long time between now and our opener," said coach Rob Chudzinski. "We’ve got plenty of time and this is just the first step." We anticipate Weeden winning the job, but the Browns will make him earn it.


How much money has Tebow made over the last couple of years? He probably made enough to get by with doing some public appearances for the rest of his life.

His family is well off, they home schooled 5 kids and got Tebow his own apartment in HS so he could play for a certain school, they're not worried about money if they can take care of all them starving Filipino kids.

Isn't Jason Campbell like only 2 years older than Weeden? I dunno if you want Captain Checkdown as your starting QB, should've kept Colt.
NICE! I'm thinking about going to the Thursday night game against the Bills, besides just going to the home Opener.

Also There's going to be a future 30 for 30 about Cleveland Sports Fans

I believed Brandon Weeden was doomed the moment he was caught under the American flag.


Just for the sake of argument, Terrelle Pryor is the closest Tebow comparison, black or white. Winner at the college level, shit mechanics.

Fuck TP, guy is worthless and is as stubborn as Tebow, he'd be one hell of a WR/TE though......

Actually I think Tebow has a better arm than Pryor, they both have like you said, shit mechanics but Tebow just uses brute strength to get teh ball there.

Hunter S.

Stupid tablet failed at this post twice due to cookies. Now on PC. Damn that was annoying

There's a reason Timmy didn't throw a lot of picks.

Examples to prove your theory would be nice. Timbows interception percentage is very low.

On another note ,Orton was just a boring safe QB. The type Denver fans are not used to. When he was successful he was successful by throwing short passes which lead to few interceptions. Traditional Denver QBs have a strong arm and are exciting. From Elway, Jake Plummer to Cutler they all had cannons. Hell, even Brian Griese was more exciting than Orton. Orton had less popularity because he was a boring safe game manager not a quarterback, that is not the norm here.


Pats fans..

There's a reason Timmy didn't throw a lot of picks.

Tebow had no choice in where he was picked. So that can't really be held against him.

He was a very productive and successful college player, a unique athlete, and as we all know a high character individual. Put that all that together, with someone who prides themselves on being able to coach up QBs (McD), and you have a first round pick in Tebow. When I look back on it, it makes sense if you place yourself in the mindset of McD.

I will give McD a bit of credit in that he was thinking outside of the box, and I'd even argue he saw the read option stuff coming to the NFL, before they started implementing it into different teams in the NFL. Tebow is great in the read option. He can throw enough to get the job done (you've seen it first hand, no denials there), has excellent decision making skills when it comes to the 'read', is durable and has the physical gifts to play the read option QB, and lastly is a hard worker and a leader.

Now this all sounds like a puff piece for Tebow, but the problem with him is the media hype. That's it's own beast. In relation to football though, a team has to be willing to put the time in to develop his weaknesses (accuracy and reading d), as well as molding the offense and personnel around him to be successful. Most teams aren't willing to do either. Rookies are cheap, teams don't want to scrap entire offensive systems, and QBs of this type are subject to injury (more so than pocket passers it seems). It all adds up to Tebow being out of a job.

I'd say if anything, Fox and McCoy were the ones spamming the controller, and not Tebow. They tried to shoehorn an offense around him, with varying degrees of success. They never took it to completion though. The personnel wasn't right, the offense was predicated on not taking risks, and they had no interest in moving to that style of offense completely or permanently.

Sure, Tim is flawed but teams knew who he was and what would work best for him. I think if you look at him through the lens of what a conventional QB should be, his flaws are even more glaring. If you see him through the lens of a read option style QB, his strengths outweigh the flaws.

So in short, he's really only had a half-ass attempt by the Broncos at making it in the NFL. He did what he could with it, and gave us a memorable season.

Oh yeah, and the vast majority of Broncos fans hated Orton, not because he was a serviceable QB, but the fact that he didn't give a shit about the franchise beyond the paycheck. I cheered more for Orton sitting than for Tebow starting. I think initially most people did the same. Basically, the 'Hey wonder what the guy on the bench can do since this loser is stinking up the joint'.

Sorry the the wall of text!


I hope Tebow never makes it back on to a team. Same goes for every QB who does that read option bullshit. If I want to watch a game with a read option offense I would watch college.

I mean when will this madness stop? Any team considering the wishbone offense this year? Browns going to a veer offense?


Tebow will always be a legend because of what he did to the Steelers.
Lets not forget his legendary college career.

Unlike some people who weren't even good enough to start for a shit team like Michigan. But in Tammy's defense, he had some stiff competition with legends like Brian Griese and Drew Henson ahead of him. :lol
Stupid tablet failed at this post twice due to cookies. Now on PC. Damn that was annoying

Examples to prove your theory would be nice. Timbows interception percentage is very low.


Not an interception!

Tebow had no choice in where he was picked. So that can't really be held against him.

He was a very productive and successful college player, a unique athlete, and as we all know a high character individual. Put that all that together, with someone who prides themselves on being able to coach up QBs (McD), and you have a first round pick in Tebow. When I look back on it, it makes sense if you place yourself in the mindset of McD.
All fine reasons to draft a QB. Still doesn't explain why McD drafted him in the first round, although looking back it was obviously hubris.

Let's be perfectly honest. If this was anybody but Tim Tebow he would never have even sniffed the NFL.


I hope Tebow never makes it back on to a team. Same goes for every QB who does that read option bullshit. If I want to watch a game with a read option offense I would watch college.

I mean when will this madness stop? Any team considering the wishbone offense this year? Browns going to a veer offense?

Then why have a gifted athlete, let's say Kaep, play QB if you aren't going to harness those gifts? Read option gives you the ability to harness those abilities. It makes an offense more dynamic and unpredictable. QBs might pay for it in terms of durability though. I like it for variety.
Lets not forget his legendary college career.

Unlike some people who weren't even good enough to start for a shit team like Michigan. But in Tammy's defense, he had some stiff competition with legends like Brian Griese and Drew Henson ahead of him. :lol

Tebow brought the end of the Steelers and should be honored for doing so.


Then why have a gifted athlete, let's say Kaep, play QB if you aren't going to harness those gifts? Read option gives you the ability to harness those abilities. It makes an offense more dynamic and unpredictable. QBs might pay for it in terms of durability though. I like it for variety.

Its boring. Design a pro style offense with some roll outs to take advantage of their ability. I think read option teams will find it harder this year. Just like the Wildcat fad DC's will pick up on it and some option QB is going to get hammered into submission bringing an end to this nonsense.
Its boring. Design a pro style offense with some roll outs to take advantage of their ability. I think read option teams will find it harder this year. Just like the Wildcat fad DC's will pick up on it and some option QB is going to get hammered into submission bringing an end to this nonsense.

All QBs should be like Shoob.
Its boring. Design a pro style offense with some roll outs to take advantage of their ability. I think read option teams will find it harder this year. Just like the Wildcat fad DC's will pick up on it and some option QB is going to get hammered into submission bringing an end to this nonsense.

Tebow's Read option was just the wildcat. That's why he burned the Steelers so bad - they weren't expecting him to throw.
Fuck TP, guy is worthless and is as stubborn as Tebow, he'd be one hell of a WR/TE though......

Actually I think Tebow has a better arm than Pryor, they both have like you said, shit mechanics but Tebow just uses brute strength to get teh ball there.

He's actually improved a crazy amount since coming here. Love his work ethic and attitude and he's still only 23. Not saying he actually becomes a legitimate NFL QB, but he's still working hard and improving.

The position change thing wouldn't work, just like it wouldn't work with Tebow. Neither one would be better than the worst backup in the league at TE/WR/FB whatever.
Its boring. Design a pro style offense with some roll outs to take advantage of their ability. I think read option teams will find it harder this year. Just like the Wildcat fad DC's will pick up on it and some option QB is going to get hammered into submission bringing an end to this nonsense.

Just wait for the Patriots version of the read-option with Brady at the helm. Shit is gonna rock.


Look at that cutting ability.


Needs to learn to avoid contact:


That's my QB!
sobs endlessly

That's actually not a bad job. Suggs slowed down like an idiot, and Foster made the corner. I'm sure if Suggs had to do it over again he'd run right up Schaub's jockstrap.


That's actually not a bad job. Suggs slowed down like an idiot, and Foster made the corner. I'm sure if Suggs had to do it over again he'd run right up Schaub's jockstrap.

I would've preferred Schaub shifting forward and picking up #24 also after causing Suggs to move. It's not a horrible job though, he did at least effectively take Suggs out of the play.


Who said anything about winning? I said playing football. Get used to it, you're going to be at the Jags level for many years to come, maybe that'll change the team's philosophy.

lol at Jags fans talking shit, even decimated our team will have a better record than Gabbert and whatever scrubs Jax trots out
Jets will still have a Top 10 D next year, bank on it


Its boring. Design a pro style offense with some roll outs to take advantage of their ability. I think read option teams will find it harder this year. Just like the Wildcat fad DC's will pick up on it and some option QB is going to get hammered into submission bringing an end to this nonsense.

If you have guys that can run it straight out of college with success, why not try to take advantage of that? Mix it up with a hybrid and you can take advantage of the athlete as well as the talent pool, all while keeping segments of the pro-style offense.

Tebow's Read option was just the wildcat. That's why he burned the Steelers so bad - they weren't expecting him to throw.

If you determine that Tebow was a tailback taking snaps then yeah it was the Wildcat. To be accurate though, it was a conventional offense with spread option sprinkled in. Wildcat is a subset formation of the option.

Additionally, if the Steelers weren't expecting him to throw that OT winner, why didn't they adjust? They let him throw for 236 yards, and 1 TD 0 Int prior? He had 20 attempts before that throw. It was a combination of McCoy taking the shackles off (letting Tim pull the trigger), Lebeau's idiotic arrogance in believing that Tim couldn't throw, and a good playcall by McCoy. The Steelers got burned because they thought as you did, that the guy couldn't make the throws. When given the chance he made them, so it's a moot point to argue that he can't or couldn't when he did it in the clutch.

lol at Jags fans talking shit, even decimated our team will have a better record than Gabbert and whatever scrubs Jax trots out
Jets will still have a Top 10 D next year, bank on it

Jags fans are a protected species around here. Now leave him alone you Bfber.
If you have guys that can run it straight out of college with success, why not try to take advantage of that? Mix it up with a hybrid and you can take advantage of the athlete as well as the talent pool, all while keeping segments of the pro-style offense.
because as gracefully as Tebow has shown us, it's not a sustainable offense.

If you determine that Tebow was a tailback taking snaps then yeah it was the Wildcat. To be accurate though, it was a conventional offense with spread option sprinkled in. Wildcat is a subset formation of the option.

Additionally, if the Steelers weren't expecting him to throw that OT winner, why didn't they adjust? They let him throw for 236 yards, and 1 TD 0 Int prior? He had 20 attempts before that throw. It was a combination of McCoy taking the shackles off (letting Tim pull the trigger), Lebeau's idiotic arrogance in believing that Tim couldn't throw, and a good playcall by McCoy. The Steelers got burned because they thought as you did, that the guy couldn't make the throws. When given the chance he made them, so it's a moot point to argue that he can't or couldn't when he did it in the clutch.
the reason I compare Tebow offense to the wildcat is because like the wildcat, he rarely threw out of it. Shy of Tebow being called a rb instead of QB it was the exact same thing.

As for the Steelers, again, hubris. Unlike the teams before him who took him seriously (the Jets) the Steelers didn't take him seriously and gameplanned accordingly. A lot of their looks, up to and including the final one, were cover zero, with the corners playing outside, daring Tebow to take the middle, which tape showed previously he could not do.

The Broncos 2011 season was an endless parade of flukes that culminated in Tebow's Super Bowl win against the Steelers. Each fluke in different ways harnessing the fact that Tebow is a terrible quarterback.
lol at Jags fans talking shit, even decimated our team will have a better record than Gabbert and whatever scrubs Jax trots out
Jets will still have a Top 10 D next year, bank on it

Look at that! A new feisty Jets fan! I remember the days Fox still had some fight in him, but then the Jets broke the poor guy :(.

Also, when you say top 10, do you mean yards allowed of points per game allowed?


lol at Jags fans talking shit, even decimated our team will have a better record than Gabbert and whatever scrubs Jax trots out
Jets will still have a Top 10 D next year, bank on it

I'm just sorry my team has never had the opportunity to create a modern work of art like the Jets have. The Buttfumble will truly live on forever, and we're all better because it exists.

And I'm relatively sure Gus Bradley will never let his players run a train on his wife while she wears a Sanchez jersey.


because as gracefully as Tebow has shown us, it's not a sustainable offense.

the reason I compare Tebow offense to the wildcat is because like the wildcat, he rarely threw out of it. Shy of Tebow being called a rb instead of QB it was the exact same thing.

As for the Steelers, again, hubris. Unlike the teams before him who took him seriously (the Jets) the Steelers didn't take him seriously and gameplanned accordingly. A lot of their looks, up to and including the final one, were cover zero.

The Broncos 2011 season was an endless parade of flukes that culminated in Tebow's Super Bowl win against the Steelers. Each fluke in different ways harnessing the fact that Tebow is a terrible quarterback.

Fair enough.

As with anything, sustainability is reliant on commitment. I think that if a team commits to drafting and building that offense, and sustains it, it will be a viable offense. The talent is certainly there in college. It's still in it's infancy in the NFL. So only time will tell.

I won't argue that there weren't anomalies in that season.

Yes, Tebow is a terrible conventional QB, in the right system (option), he's an asset. It's like saying that Peyton is a terrible QB because he isn't suited to run the option.

Not as a knock to you, but I think that is a bad reflection on the Steelers not to take a player seriously in the playoffs. That still doesn't change the fact that the guy made the throws, when it counted. Steelers stacked the box, and got burned for it. Just because the box is stacked doesn't mean the throws make themselves. Tim still had to get them there.

I've got to go, but good discussion.



Per Rapoport, offensive coordinator Norv Turner really likes what he has seen on film from Weeden, especially his style of throwing it deep. In Rapoport's conversations with Chudzinski, the coach has relayed his excitement about working with Weeden.

"They can say whatever they want," Rapoport emphasized, "but my understanding with the Browns people is that they hope, wish and believe that Brandon Weeden is going to be the starter."



Eh, nothing wrong with giving Weeden another year and getting a QB next year.

Who knows when Weeden would have been drafted if he was 26 and coming out this year.

Anyone who has seen Campbell play in the last 3 years knows he has no ability to be an NFL QB at this point. I was really surprised they paid so much for such a bad player. Why not take an UDFA QB and start giving him those backup reps in practice?


Anyone who has seen Campbell play in the last 3 years knows he has no ability to be an NFL QB at this point. I was really surprised they paid so much for such a bad player. Why not take an UDFA QB and start giving him those backup reps in practice?

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