You've won a super bowl, we've never been to a super bowl. So stay being a basic bitch.
If you guys want in on that $99 directv streaming deal, I guess if you add a college sports player name and school it validates.
Anytime I see one of you motherfuckers complain during a bad season:
they beat the raiders with their former coach
not exactly a super bowl win
Jokes on you.. I am browns fan. I'm used to disappointment hahaha
Fuck the Cards.
More than what the jets have won in the last thousand years.
jdez jr sorry loser
they beat the raiders with their former coach
not exactly a super bowl win
Get ready guys for America's Game of the Week tonight!
Pour Vous.
Get ready guys for America's Game of the Week tonight!
I'm a realist Jak. I make no apologies.
Just like you need to realize that your liver is basically destroyed.. You hope it will last you thirty more years .. But it won't and can't.
When did the bucs win 2 superbowls?
You gotta pick that off
Trent Truck time?
When did the jets? At least the Bucs fans were alive to see theirs. Were you alive to see the Jets win theirs?
The greatest thing that will happen this season is that HoHoyer will play well enough for the Texans to win some games. Then Mech will jump on the bandwagon. Then Hoyer will turn into a taint machine. CantWait.gif
"didnt care that it got called back.My teammates running on the field, that s---s incredible dude" Charles James in NO. #Texans
I love James.
A Carson Comeback would really surprise me at this point in his career.
A Carson Comeback would really surprise me at this point in his career.
"didnt care that it got called back.My teammates running on the field, that s---s incredible dude" Charles James in NO. #Texans
I love James.