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NFL Training Camp/Preseason Thread 2012 - A Farewell to snes :(

INT rates are random. Rodgers had an amazing season last year. He'll throw more picks this year. He'll still be very good


Brady didn't throw INTs his 2007 or 2010 year either. Still a good QB in other years



Yes, Rodgers will throw the usual 10ish picks this year. Oh teh noes!

I think an interesting bet (for someone who likes to make bets) is whether or not Rodgers will throw more interceptions than Badford throws deep completions.


just went to NFL.com

"With their new additions, have the Bears surpassed the Packers on offense?"

good morning laugh



Outside of perhaps very raw or very old QBs (no data provided, juts a gut feel), I would project the following:

For QBs who have consistently thrown fewer INTs per attempt than league average, I'd project about halfway between league average and the QB's recent average. For example, the past three years, Manning has thrown about 0.87 fewer INT per 100 passes than average. Brady, in 2005-2007, was about 1.01 INT below average. I would project Manning to throw about 0.5 INT fewer than average and Brady 0.6 INT below average. Projecting any fewer interceptions than that would be inappropriate.

From the linked article. Just like Brady and Manning, he'll throw at a lower rate than average. But he will throw more than his amazing year last year. Rodgers, Peyton, and Brady are very unique. Ben, Brees, and Eli have thrown lots of interceptions in their careers

@ez I hope Bradford throws lots of INTs this year. He's shown a very Flacco-ish aversion to trying to stick throws. If he has a low nYPA and a low INT rate then it's a bad year. A lot of that is coaching philosophy. The coach has to be willing to live with the turnovers. Joe Gibbs, Norv Turner and Al Davis are/were Air Coryell guys and want(ed) the ball thrown deep. The "defense wins championships" set wants it thrown away unless it's wide open


From the linked article. Just like Brady and Manning, he'll throw at a lower rate than average. But he will throw more than his amazing year last year. Rodgers, Peyton, and Brady are very unique. Ben, Brees, and Eli have thrown lots of interceptions in their careers

@ez I hope Bradford throws lots of INTs this year. He's shown a very Flacco-ish aversion to trying to stick throws. If he has a low nYPA and a low INT rate then it's a bad year. A lot of that is coaching philosophy. The coach has to be willing to live with the turnovers. Joe Gibbs, Norv Turner and Al Davis are/were Air Coryell guys and want(ed) the ball thrown deep. The "defense wins championships" set wants it thrown away unless it's wide open

Or clone Aaron Rodgers! Rodgers has the benefit of throwing to a vacuum like Jordy when going deep. Guy is almost pure 10+ routes and has a catch rate over 60%. That helps a ton and will continue to benefit Rodgers. Look at his picks last year. 4 were just fucking awful retard moments on his part but two were tipped balls that should have been caught. That's insane.

I predict Rodgers will double his interceptions from last season...and not a single fuck will be given.

This article is very true, but I wonder what these stats look like by quarter. To be honest, Flacco seems to start strong, and then pack it in with any lead and rely on the defense. I think it may have something to do with a certain pick six in some game I don't talk about. Also, looking at those overthrows, it's his deep ball, which is Bolleresque; it goes far, that's it.


This article is very true, but I wonder what these stats look like by quarter. To be honest, Flacco seems to start strong, and then pack it in with any lead and rely on the defense. I think it may have something to do with a certain pick six in some game I don't talk about. Also, looking at those overthrows, it's his deep ball, which is Bolleresque; it goes far, that's it.

The author (from his radio show) seems to think he is coached to not lose games. You can't tell that to a QB and expect him to not make bad throws. Underthrown deep balls are one of the easiest INTs a CB can make. Like all rapists, Big Ben has no conscious. He will throw 3 INTs but keep on trying to make that big play

Meanwhile in JAX, things are not looking good. They aren't going to budge on Blackmon's or MJD's demands

Vito Stellino ‏@vitostellino
Blackmon has to decide whether he is going to accept Jags protection language. Could be tomorrow. Could be next week. Up to Blackmon

Vito Stellino ‏@vitostellino
So blackmon now unlikely to practice till sunday if he shows.

Vito Stellino ‏@vitostellino
Another small crowd at practice . Jags fans don't seem to be all in.


come in my shame circle
Like all rapists, Big Ben has no conscious. He will throw 3 INTs but keep on trying to make that big play

Cold blooded as hell yet I laugh so hard.

In weird news...I had a dream about the Cleveland Browns last night.

It was the first game of the season and they were up 14-7. Old man Weeden had thrown two bombs to Josh Gordon for TDs and Trent Richardson had an impressive 8 yard run where he was juking and jiving his way through the defenders. He could have got more but he juked one too many and got stopped...


Cold blooded as hell yet I laugh so hard.

In weird news...I had a dream about the Cleveland Browns last night.

It was the first game of the season and they were up 14-7. Old man Weeden had thrown two bombs to Josh Gordon for TDs and Trent Richardson had an impressive 8 yard run where he was juking and jiving his way through the defenders. He could have got more but he juked one too many and got stopped...
Dreaming big.
Can't believe there's football so soon. What a magical time. This will be an exciting time for Pack fans because there's a lot of new blood to sort through on defense. The team could end up looking very different than last years' (roster wise and hopefully performance wise).

Cold blooded as hell yet I laugh so hard.

In weird news...I had a dream about the Cleveland Browns last night.

It was the first game of the season and they were up 14-7. Old man Weeden had thrown two bombs to Josh Gordon for TDs and Trent Richardson had an impressive 8 yard run where he was juking and jiving his way through the defenders. He could have got more but he juked one too many and got stopped...

come in my shame circle
(Today, 09:48 AM)
I wonder if Fatford was instructed to fatten up so that his body wouldnt shatter on impact. Fuck pads; as Freeman has shown, layers of Taco Bell-induced fat is the best protection of all.
Can't believe there's football so soon. What a magical time. This will be an exciting time for Pack fans because there's a lot of new blood to sort through on defense. The team could end up looking very different than last years' (roster wise and hopefully performance wise).

The Pack needs a defense now? Is Aaron Rodgers okay? Just last season the Pack was gonna coast to a trophy with no defense, what happened?


You act like that was the only incident. He probably got a pass for that one. But he can't void it forever.

Let me guess, his bad mojo accidentally got shipped to Detroit and that's why your boy can't finish 2/3 seasons? Send Suh to go head stomping and get the job done already.

the herds of packer fans have started to gather
The few of us posting on this page have been here all along
Let me guess, his bad mojo accidentally got shipped to Detroit and that's why your boy can't finish 2/3 seasons? Send Suh to go head stomping and get the job done already.

You make a facetious joke, but you have to know its a possibility. Be careful watch you wish for, bro! Suh gives no fucks


Hey look everybody Gabbert still sucks!


According to ESPN.com AFC South blogger Paul Kuharsky, however, Gabbert’s practice-field performance suggests he is not ready for that sophomore leap.

Kuharsky was in attendance for Tuesday’s practice, and wrote that Gabbert “didn’t look like a guy who’s made the big jump.” While Kuharsky guessed that Gabbert’s footwork has improved, the quarterback’s lingering accuracy woes were more noticeable.

“You watch it and don’t understand how it still happens,” Kuharsky wrote. “… I didn’t come away from this morning session feeling like he was much more effective than the last time I saw him.”


If Jags can get Barkley this draft or someone on his level..they really should. I normally dont back dropping support for a high first this soon, but in some instances its just beyond clear that some players are never going to be ready to start and should be out of the league/career bench rider


You make a facetious joke, but you have to know its a possibility. Be careful watch you wish for, bro! Suh gives no fucks
Oh, I believe it alright.
You call for Rodgers, I'm telling you how to get it done.

Fortunately, he's not good enough or runs right by Rodgers anyways.
Oh, I believe it alright.
You call for Rodgers, I'm telling you how to get it done.

Fortunately, he's not good enough or runs right by Rodgers anyways.

Don't pretend he is the only thug on the defense. Fairley is a bigger thug, Delmas is a thug, and Willie Young is probably a thug coming from the DE position. I hope your boys Jeff Saturday and Bryan Bulaga have a good relationship with Aaron!
Cold blooded as hell yet I laugh so hard.

In weird news...I had a dream about the Cleveland Browns last night.

It was the first game of the season and they were up 14-7. Old man Weeden had thrown two bombs to Josh Gordon for TDs and Trent Richardson had an impressive 8 yard run where he was juking and jiving his way through the defenders. He could have got more but he juked one too many and got stopped...
Sounds like a Prophecy


I feel like I'm going to be perma'd one day soon in this new hypersentivive GAF we live in. I'm already planning my GAF bucket list.
I think the reason I have never been banned is that I don't really venture outside of sports GAF. I have zero interest in debating video games anymore and I don't usually post in the hot button topics, not out of fear, but so far none of them interest me.

Truly we must have inspired them to be the first 15-1 team to choke in the first round.
Anything is possible when Tebow is involved.

Ez was a pretty huge dick that whole season. I was right in the end! I told him that the Steelers and Packers peaked too early. When are coaches going to learn that you have to be garbo in September and October and squeak into the playoffs in the last week to have a realistic shot at winning the SB? These dumb coaches treat every game like it is the most important game of the season. It isn't! Who the fuck cares that the Giants were 7-7 and total trash when they are the last team standing?
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