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NFL Training Camp/Preseason Thread 2012 - A Farewell to snes :(


Skol Vikings, let's win this game,
Skol Vikings, honor your name,
Go get that first down,
Then get a touchdown.
Rock 'em . . . Sock 'em
Fight! Fight! Fight! Fight!
Go Vikings, run up the score,
You'll hear us yell for more. . .
Skol, Vikings, let's go!


welp....it's better than the Cowboys one


It seems to me to make more sense to have one ebook reader so that you don't have to ever take more than one device with you. With my kindle (which transfers to pretty much every mobile device) I always have all of my books with me all of the time.

Well it's not like I bought them at the same time dude. The nook was a nice upgrade over the first or second gen kindle I had.
That's because you live in an ice shack and need to scrape together whatever meager funds you can to keep from freezing to death in the Minnesota wilderness.

Admittedly I am a dirt poor college student but I'm removed from the glistening eden of Minnesota.

I dont have room to keep my outdated electronics in my two room apartment that I share with 3 other dudes.

I guess I'm not a hoarder =/



Yes, and yes.

Now, what about the Dolphins?

Yes I do, those were the days. Remember when the Dolphins were able to win the division when Tom wasn't injured ?

Yeah I remember when the PHINS use to play for something. But then again AFC east championships aren't remembered at the end of the season. Right?

oh look a tag team, go ahead, hold each other :)



come in my shame circle
Are you black, homosexual, hippie, a female, or a non Christian?

If you answered no to all of these questions, you'll be fine. In fact, the good people of Green Bay will probably pity you for being a Browns fan.

Welp it'll be nice knowing you guys then :jnc

You're a Browns fan. They'll probably feel sorry for you, scoop you up and cuddle with you until the nightmare is over.


Welp I'm disgusted...yet slightly intrigued.

Never been to Lambeau, but Packers fans are some of the nicest people I have ever been to a game with. I've seen several Lions-Packers games in Detroit and have never had a bad experience or interaction. Just some light/humorous back and forth. There will always be a few bad eggs
, though. I can't imagine you would get stabbed there like you would in Oakland or New Orleans

Yeah last year sat in a section with a lot of Packers fans for the Thanksgiving game, they were all very cordial but I wasn't sure if that was just because they were outside of Green Bay.

90% of them are perfectly nice and hospitable.

The rest are drunken ass clowns that have nothing better to do than heckle rival teams fans, throw up on each other, and wear pink camo Rodgers jerseys.

Ah so like Bills fans, gotcha.


I'd like to go to the GB NYG game but those damn Giants had to win the Superbowl so ticket prices are so cray.

Damn Texans/Packers game was already completely sold out when single game tickets went on sale. Season ticket holders are selling them at a premium.


Work sending me to spend the week in San Francisco. I may go to a Giants game. Ugh...
San Fran is awesome. I would never go to a baseball game and their football team should probably be disbanded, but the city itself is awesome. I love going there.

And you poor college kids should not complain about not having access to the latest and greatest electronics. You have something much better right in front of you. Horny co-eds. Unless you go to MooU (aka Wisconsin University) you should be blessed with a never ending supply of young nubile girls who are just waiting for you to defile them.

I might have some money and I might use it to build something ugly enough to compete with the VikeBike, but being young is the best. Especially when you are at college. Don't waste those years playing Xbox and posting on GAF!
San Fran is awesome. I would never go to a baseball game and their football team should probably be disbanded, but the city itself is awesome. I love going there.

And you poor college kids should not complain about not having access to the latest and greatest electronics. You have something much better right in front of you. Horny co-eds. Unless you go to MooU (aka Wisconsin University) you should be blessed with a never ending supply of young nubile girls who are just waiting for you to defile them.

I might have some money and I might use it to build something ugly enough to compete with the VikeBike, but being young is the best. Especially when you are at college. Don't waste those years playing Xbox and posting on GAF!

i agree the NFL probably should disband the 49ers because we're about to go on an unprecedented run of superbowl titles which will make fans of other teams lose interest. but, too bad!


San Fran is awesome. I would never go to a baseball game and their football team should probably be disbanded, but the city itself is awesome. I love going there.

And you poor college kids should not complain about not having access to the latest and greatest electronics. You have something much better right in front of you. Horny co-eds. Unless you go to MooU (aka Wisconsin University) you should be blessed with a never ending supply of young nubile girls who are just waiting for you to defile them.

I might have some money and I might use it to build something ugly enough to compete with the VikeBike, but being young is the best. Especially when you are at college. Don't waste those years playing Xbox and posting on GAF!



Question for Giants fans. As usual, no information about a team or coach comes out until a guy gets fired. So Spags was trying to run the Rams the "Giants Way" and had everything super-choreographed, right down to what clothes the staff wore. Coaches had to wear one type of shirt, while staff had to wear a different type, and administrative another. Is that how Coughlin runs things in NY?
squicken said:
So Spags was trying to run the Rams the "Giants Way" and had everything super-choreographed, right down to what clothes the staff wore. Coaches had to wear one type of shirt, while staff had to wear a different type, and administrative another. Is that how Coughlin runs things in NY?
When he first arrived in 04 on through 06? Yeah. Lately? He's softened. Still has dress codes/curfews and is very strict on schedules (arriving at meetings early, etc.) for the coaches/players but the days of him fining folks for wearing the wrong socks have come and gone from what I've read.
I hear AT&T park amazing. Top 3 park in baseball.

I only live an hour and half away, so I go the City pretty often, but never for a week at a time with no real plans other than work.

As for AT&T, it's nice, and I certainly like all the black and orange, but I really like Oriole Park at Camden Yards better. First off, Orioles Park at Camden Yards is a better name. It sounds like an old school stadium. I don't need the name of my stadium changing every three years. Also, when it comes to backdrop, I like a nice city skyline, or something historic. The water is nice, it is beautiful and definitely unique, but I think PNC does the waterfront stadium better. Also,I just think the B&O Warehouse is better. It's unique as well; longest brick building on East Coast, historic, they actually brought Lincoln's body through that station when he was assassinated, and it just looks classy.

Really, SF just copied Baltimore and substituted water for history.


Question for Giants fans. As usual, no information about a team or coach comes out until a guy gets fired. So Spags was trying to run the Rams the "Giants Way" and had everything super-choreographed, right down to what clothes the staff wore. Coaches had to wear one type of shirt, while staff had to wear a different type, and administrative another. Is that how Coughlin runs things in NY?

I've never heard anything specifically about clothing like you mention, but it doesn't seem completely out of the realm of possibilities since Coughlin is known as a disciplinarian. His most famous rule perhaps being that every player needs to show up at least 5 minutes early to every meeting. Strahan was once fined years ago for being "late" to a meeting, even though he arrived before the meeting even began (but not 5 minutes early).

It's worth noting that Coughlin has softened up considerably since his initial arrival in New York. In 2007 he created a player council comprised of team leaders to communicate issues players were having with him so they could be better addressed. Perhaps not coincidentally, it was the year the Giants won their first Super Bowl.


When he first arrived in 04 on through 06? Yeah. Lately? He's softened. Still has dress codes/curfews and is very strict on schedules (arriving at meetings early, etc.) for the coaches/players but the days of him fining folks for wearing the wrong socks have come and gone from what I've read.

The storyline out of training camp is that the team just never bought into Spags as a leader. Like he was doing an impersonation of one. Players didn't have much faith in the assistants. But unlike TB they did keep playing hard, so that's something to Spags' credit. They did like and respect him

Even before they hired Fisher, Jackson/Long/Lauranitis went to the owner and begged him to hire a coach with experience. I just don't think Spags will ever get another shot at HC. Seems he's just not the "leader of men" that a HC must be. Or he'll need to hire a much better staff on his next go around


Judging by his posts here it's clear Ez is addicted to buying technology.
I am also guilty of this.

But I am not crazy enough to have 2 different e-readers.

My wife wastes money on jewlelry, purses and clothes and I like to waste money on tech shit. I have been on the fence about getting a Roku lately. And though I barely have time for games the 3DS, Vita and Wii U are all calling to me.
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