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NG: "Marvel’s Spider-Man 2 butchers Spanish language to be “inclusive”"


Gold Member
I am enjoying the game, in spite of its slacktivist writing at points. Though the worst quests are by far the ones where this stuff is front and center. Basically everything at the Visions school (nothing but stereotypes), the Black Cat situation and her writing (suddenly going from her typical happy/sarcastic tone and then doing a 180 into suddenly being in super big hurry/insulting is just the tip of the iceberg with her), and the “art” that is predominantly shown (can’t have classical irish or italian art which is a common site in many parts of NYC, its almost all BIPOC/LGBT related) - there is a clear slacktivist bent to all of this and it feels unearned and incredibly patronizing.

Thankfully the main story for the most part is well told, at least thus far. The movement and combat feel fantastic, and swinging through the city feels better than ever.
Still not sure I want to play it.
On one end I've read the Italian version is completely free of this language butcher bullshit and at least the game allows you to disable undesired podcasts, on the other while I really loved to death the first game on PS4 (except for that bitter, envious, insufferable MJ), I despise Peter's new model and couldn't even finish Miles Morales as it was giving me diabetes.

Is the game feel here more OG or Morales? And is the gameplay (that I loved it in the previous games, especially combat which I find super underrated), really that much better here?
The full physics based swing option sound admittedly extremely inviting, but does the swing at 0:16 in the first video or 1:25 in the second feel good to perform? How do you actually do it?

And does "flying" feel even half as good and rewarding as Just Cause 3?

I apologize for all these questions but I really don't know what to do. Want to support physical copies of well crafted single player games but the more time I spend as a father the less I tolerate woke nonsense.
I'll likely skip this for now, get RoboCop D1 and depending on answers to these questions I'll see when to get my hands on a copy of SM2.. used perhaps, something I haven't done in years.


Exposing the sinister cartel of retailers who allow companies to pay for advertising space.
This message is something people should understand as common sense. I dont like it but I'll gladly take a shitty splash screen over modifyng games for "current standards"

C'mon, don't accept this nonsense. I can see the point in these warnings in the case of movies and books from the 1930 or earlier when racial slurs where par for the course. But in the case of the Metal Gear Solid Collection we're talking about games from the late 1980ies-early 2000s. There's nothing in these games that's actually offensive. Just the fact that there's a disclaimer is a sign that publishers are afraid to offend easily offended snowflakes. The inclusion of a disclaimer even indicates these nitwits have a point and is another step in normalizing ultra political correct language and the practice of employing sensitivity readers to remove every single phrase or word that could possibly be offensive to someone somewhere.


C'mon, don't accept this nonsense. I can see the point in these warnings in the case of movies and books from the 1930 or earlier when racial slurs where par for the course. But in the case of the Metal Gear Solid Collection we're talking about games from the late 1980ies-early 2000s. There's nothing in these games that's actually offensive. Just the fact that there's a disclaimer is a sign that publishers are afraid to offend easily offended snowflakes. The inclusion of a disclaimer even indicates these nitwits have a point and is another step in normalizing ultra political correct language and the practice of employing sensitivity readers to remove every single phrase or word that could possibly be offensive to someone somewhere.
I got a bad headace trying to come up with one (ONE) thing someone could get offended by and the only thing that came to my mind are a few bikini posters in MGS2.

This is a political-techno-thriller in an sneaking-action game. What could offend anyone here??


Anybody who does not “identify” as he or she has a mental health disorder and needs to be encouraged to seek out treatment, their brain is telling them something that is not true it’s really as simple as that, you wouldn’t tell a anorexic who is dangerously thin but who’s brain is telling them they are obese to starve themselves.

In the UK the Telegraph newspaper was reporting last year that anorexia and bulimia cases are down by 90% among the youth as this cancerous shite is the new cool trend.


Currently Gif and Meme Champion
As someone who is leftist, pretty hard one.

This is shitty colonialism and butchering of Latin/Spanish language and culture.

Nothing "woke" about it, if we take the original term "woke". Its that ((woke)) bullshit from white anglos, which makes it such an obnoxious "looking down on plebx from my high horse" bullshit. And it does not affect in a positive sense any marginalised group, it does not help them one bit.



Not surprised, given the references to BLM in the previous Spider-Man.

I'm so tired of this shit...
The fact that BLM is a literal terrorist group makes all the pandering even more absurd. I expected this game to have a good amount of woke nonsense but, gotta say, I’m rather surprised by how much there actually is. All of Miles‘ side missions are nothing but pandering. You’re forced to play as his deaf love interest in one mission, for instance, and there is a section where you have to help a gay Indian boy confess to the dude he likes. They also go out of their way throughout the game to depict Miles as stronger, better and more epic than Peter in every way...


No one is. They want to nomalize their sick ideology , and the best way to do it is through the youngsters, teens, and children. The next generation of people. So what’s the easiest way to target those demographics? entertainment media.
Exactly this.


The fact that BLM is a literal terrorist group makes all the pandering even more absurd. I expected this game to have a good amount of woke nonsense but, gotta say, I’m rather surprised by how much there actually is. All of Miles‘ side missions are nothing but pandering. You’re forced to play as his deaf love interest in one mission, for instance, and there is a section where you have to help a gay Indian boy confess to the dude he likes. They also go out of their way throughout the game to depict Miles as stronger, better and more epic than Peter in every way...
Why yes, this reads like a very competent, rich in detail VIDEO GAME review, where all the important parts have been adressed, such as:

- friendly neighborhood Spidey helping gay college students
- street festivals full of dancing and foods that yoy can almost smell
- rainbow and UA flags hanging everywhere
- Spidey taking hugs as payment

How could this game get less than 9/10?
Other game devs: please take notes and LISTEN


Gold Member
FWIW, I'm not concerned about the BLM art in the game and stuff. It's part of Miles' identity, I'm sure when Miles was introduced in 2011, I bet there was a lot of hate just because he's black. But like with every group/movement...a few bad eggs is all it takes to be branded a hate group.

The changing of the Spanish language is just pure bullshit though, wtf signed off on that...
C'mon, don't accept this nonsense. I can see the point in these warnings in the case of movies and books from the 1930 or earlier when racial slurs where par for the course. But in the case of the Metal Gear Solid Collection we're talking about games from the late 1980ies-early 2000s. There's nothing in these games that's actually offensive. Just the fact that there's a disclaimer is a sign that publishers are afraid to offend easily offended snowflakes. The inclusion of a disclaimer even indicates these nitwits have a point and is another step in normalizing ultra political correct language and the practice of employing sensitivity readers to remove every single phrase or word that could possibly be offensive to someone somewhere.

Man its wild how some of you guys getting so worked up over a splash screen.
Man its wild how some of you guys getting so worked up over a splash screen.
It's almost like we've seen franchise after franchise we grew up with get dragged through a latrine by tourists who were never interested in the property itself, and only wanted to destroy what we loved.

Star Wars
Star Trek
Saint's Row
Grand Theft Auto
Dungeons and Dragons
Disney animation

And on, and on, and on. So far Games Workshop, of all companies, has been the only one to largely tell these people to get fucked.


latin x
When you refer to someone as latino/Latina you "assume their gender". Latinx was meant to evade that. It hasn't been adopted outside of the US.

As people have mentioned Spanish is a gendered language and it's awkward to try to shift it to neutral.


we really live in the worst timeline
It'll balance out over time once people stop giving a fuck about Trans people again. All of this has been going on for a while but it's the fad right now to be mad about this and whatever dummies consider "woke". Can't wait for the next stupid thing to be upset about lol.


always chasing the next thrill
It'll balance out over time once people stop giving a fuck about Trans people again. All of this has been going on for a while but it's the fad right now to be mad about this and whatever dummies consider "woke". Can't wait for the next stupid thing to be upset about lol.
I don't give a fuck honestly. Just these new terms surprise me from time to time, how fucking insane some people are.


Perpetually Tired
Still not sure I want to play it.
On one end I've read the Italian version is completely free of this language butcher bullshit and at least the game allows you to disable undesired podcasts, on the other while I really loved to death the first game on PS4 (except for that bitter, envious, insufferable MJ), I despise Peter's new model and couldn't even finish Miles Morales as it was giving me diabetes.

Is the game feel here more OG or Morales? And is the gameplay (that I loved it in the previous games, especially combat which I find super underrated), really that much better here?
The full physics based swing option sound admittedly extremely inviting, but does the swing at 0:16 in the first video or 1:25 in the second feel good to perform? How do you actually do it?
I would say the combat is much more improved. You have abilties unique to each spider-man and the animations for each feel in-line with their character. You only have web shooters to R1 now, but they are much more useful and you have 4 unique web gadgets you pull with a different button combo (so no longer will you need to constantly switch with R1).

Swinging feels amazing. They greatly improved the sense of speed and the loop-da-loop move feels great to pull off. Essentially you just dive like you would in the pervious game, but then hold R2 while diving. Depending on when you release you can get a massive boost of speed without stopping your momentum. Switching to wings is as simple as pressing Triangle.

And does "flying" feel even half as good and rewarding as Just Cause 3?

I have never played JC3 so I can’t say. I think it feels really good though.

I apologize for all these questions but I really don't know what to do. Want to support physical copies of well crafted single player games but the more time I spend as a father the less I tolerate woke nonsense.
I'll likely skip this for now, get RoboCop D1 and depending on answers to these questions I'll see when to get my hands on a copy of SM2.. used perhaps, something I haven't done in years.
I didn’t buy this game, as I had a family member who bought it so we just did family sharing. I think the core gameplay is fantastic fun and the world is gorgeous. The slacktivist writing is very heavy handed at times, but so far it hasn’t stopped me from enjoying the core narrative. Though Black Cat is easily the worst she has ever been and seems to have been written to be bipolar or some such. Her mood shifts constantly.


I don't give a fuck honestly. Just these new terms surprise me from time to time, how fucking insane some people are.
I mean, we have a thread full of people who are angry and upset over something stupid that doesn't affect them and they are actively choosing not to play a game they're potentially interested in because "Grr, woke". Insanity goes both ways.

I agree forcing neutral language in other languages is a bit much. Again, balance will be found over time.
I mean, we have a thread full of people who are angry and upset over something stupid that doesn't affect them and they are actively choosing not to play a game they're potentially interested in because "Grr, woke". Insanity goes both ways.

I agree forcing neutral language in other languages is a bit much. Again, balance will be found over time.
the direction western society travels in does indeed affect me.
This woke shit is fucking disgusting, this is the first screen that pops up when you boot the metal gear master collection..... Society is so rotten that the Devs felt the need to "apologize" before the game starts.
This shit needs to stop. At least they've been brave enough to not alter the original version of the games to comply with this stupid trend, but the fact that they had to put this message.... I don't have words...
the west has created a massive, college-educated, ideology-based workforce that does fundamentally nothing but spend its entire time protecting some unknown, unidentified hyper-sensitive individual somewhere from ever experiencing any emotional discomfort via any form of media contact. it's an extraordinary accomplishment - the equivalent of an entirely new white-collar mini-industry where, but a few years back, there was absolutely nothing. all in the name of protecting... a conceivably non-existent 'someone'...
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Boss Mog

This woke shit is fucking disgusting, this is the first screen that pops up when you boot the metal gear master collection..... Society is so rotten that the Devs felt the need to "apologize" before the game starts.
This shit needs to stop. At least they've been brave enough to not alter the original version of the games to comply with this stupid trend, but the fact that they had to put this message.... I don't have words...
What they meant to say was "We included them because we have no choice since these aren't ports but just the original games being emulated. We threw in this screen to cover our asses with the twitter degenerates"


King Snowflake
I hate the Lantinx BS. The language uses the Maculine by default, so what? English has they/them, Spanish has ellos/ellas. If they are mixed sex it is ellos, if it is all women it is ellas. In English they is they for all men, all women and mixed. Spanish has a word for a group of women. Adding this x/e shit robs the language of that unique feature.

Realistically the language is part of the culture and imposing the x/e nonsense disrespects that. It is not a patriarchal anti-woman institution, it is a language that is spoken by over a billion people and has been the way it is now for centuries. It is not woke, it is disrespecting a different culture and imposing yours on them.


Gold Member
I would say the combat is much more improved. You have abilties unique to each spider-man and the animations for each feel in-line with their character. You only have web shooters to R1 now, but they are much more useful and you have 4 unique web gadgets you pull with a different button combo (so no longer will you need to constantly switch with R1).

Swinging feels amazing. They greatly improved the sense of speed and the loop-da-loop move feels great to pull off. Essentially you just dive like you would in the pervious game, but then hold R2 while diving. Depending on when you release you can get a massive boost of speed without stopping your momentum. Switching to wings is as simple as pressing Triangle.

I have never played JC3 so I can’t say. I think it feels really good though.
Thanks for the detailed response, all this does sound great. I wasn't really using all the gadgets in the first game except maybe for collecting Trophies.

I didn’t buy this game, as I had a family member who bought it so we just did family sharing. I think the core gameplay is fantastic fun and the world is gorgeous. The slacktivist writing is very heavy handed at times, but so far it hasn’t stopped me from enjoying the core narrative. Though Black Cat is easily the worst she has ever been and seems to have been written to be bipolar or some such. Her mood shifts constantly.
She can't possibly be worse than MJ in the first one.. your description of BC perfectly fits MJ in that game as well.

Is this from SM2? I don't remember anything looking that bad in the original on PS4.
Honestly, in my very personal and humble opinion, no Insomniac game ever looked as good or at least as cohesive as the first Spider-Man on PS4 Pro.
They are masters of RT on console no doubt but the SM Remaster was a rushed project full of artistic/visual downgrades across the entire damn game and DLCs, RT on windows was a notable exception but even that only made a welcome difference on close proximity, when it comes to far away buildings it actually looked worse than the OG solution, Miles Morales looked sterile and gamey as fuck, and nothing I've seen from SM2 look quite as photorealistic/pleasing to look at as the first one during dusk (TOD butchered in the Remaster).







If this PS4 Pro code was playable at 60fps it would be my favorite version by a country mile. And it actually still is even if only for the OG Peter.


Perpetually Tired
Thanks for the detailed response, all this does sound great. I wasn't really using all the gadgets in the first game except maybe for collecting Trophies.

She can't possibly be worse than MJ in the first one.. your description of BC perfectly fits MJ in that game as well.

Honestly, in my very personal and humble opinion, no Insomniac game ever looked as good or at least as cohesive as the first Spider-Man on PS4 Pro.
They are masters of RT on console no doubt but the SM Remaster was a rushed project full of artistic/visual downgrades across the entire damn game and DLCs, RT on windows was a notable exception but even that only made a welcome difference on close proximity, when it comes to far away buildings it actually looked worse than the OG solution, Miles Morales looked sterile and gamey as fuck, and nothing I've seen from SM2 look quite as photorealistic/pleasing to look at as the first one during dusk (TOD butchered in the Remaster).







If this PS4 Pro code was playable at 60fps it would be my favorite version by a country mile. And it actually still is even if only for the OG Peter.

I would say Black Cat is worse than MJ ever was in the first game. Some Minor Spoilers
When you meet Black Cat, she greets you with a sly/cocky/sarcastic comment and animations, then she turns 180 and starts freaking out with insults, trying to get under your skin, generally acting like a different person entirely.

Then you catch up with her, have a minor buddy up moment where you fight goons together and all her animations are her typical fun/sly/sexy moves, but then she constantly switches from insults to minor jokes to immediate insults again.

Then she disappears and the whole reason you met up with her is taken away and there was no payoff - at least yet. Maybe she returns later? This entire segment could have been taken out of the game and it would change *nothing*. Literally there was no point in this section and it had no bearing on the narrative at play thus far.


Gold Member
I would say Black Cat is worse than MJ ever was in the first game. Some Minor Spoilers
When you meet Black Cat, she greets you with a sly/cocky/sarcastic comment and animations, then she turns 180 and starts freaking out with insults, trying to get under your skin, generally acting like a different person entirely.

Then you catch up with her, have a minor buddy up moment where you fight goons together and all her animations are her typical fun/sly/sexy moves, but then she constantly switches from insults to minor jokes to immediate insults again.

Then she disappears and the whole reason you met up with her is taken away and there was no payoff - at least yet. Maybe she returns later? This entire segment could have been taken out of the game and it would change *nothing*. Literally there was no point in this section and it had no bearing on the narrative at play thus far.
Damn.. :messenger_hushed:


I would say Black Cat is worse than MJ ever was in the first game. Some Minor Spoilers
When you meet Black Cat, she greets you with a sly/cocky/sarcastic comment and animations, then she turns 180 and starts freaking out with insults, trying to get under your skin, generally acting like a different person entirely.

Then you catch up with her, have a minor buddy up moment where you fight goons together and all her animations are her typical fun/sly/sexy moves, but then she constantly switches from insults to minor jokes to immediate insults again.

Then she disappears and the whole reason you met up with her is taken away and there was no payoff - at least yet. Maybe she returns later? This entire segment could have been taken out of the game and it would change *nothing*. Literally there was no point in this section and it had no bearing on the narrative at play thus far.

I agree, it was just weird.


This is what Insomniac Games says about itself:

"Our games promote positive messages. We tell stories about good overcoming evil. We focus on positive themes like friendship, self-sacrifice and fighting for the greater good. And we walk the walk ourselves through our inclusive workplace culture and industry leadership."
OMG we so need a throw up emoji stat.

Im calling it Wolverine is gonna be nowhere near as good as Raven Software's 2008 game.


I would say Black Cat is worse than MJ ever was in the first game. Some Minor Spoilers
When you meet Black Cat, she greets you with a sly/cocky/sarcastic comment and animations, then she turns 180 and starts freaking out with insults, trying to get under your skin, generally acting like a different person entirely.

Then you catch up with her, have a minor buddy up moment where you fight goons together and all her animations are her typical fun/sly/sexy moves, but then she constantly switches from insults to minor jokes to immediate insults again.

Then she disappears and the whole reason you met up with her is taken away and there was no payoff - at least yet. Maybe she returns later? This entire segment could have been taken out of the game and it would change *nothing*. Literally there was no point in this section and it had no bearing on the narrative at play thus far.
Fuck this game. Also, fuck Insomniac for thinking this was a good idea.
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