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NG: "Marvel’s Spider-Man 2 butchers Spanish language to be “inclusive”"


The BLM one should be taken to twitter. We should force them to answer to this after their Chi and San chapters supported hate against Israel.




y'know, i found miles morales to be unsufferable, & was shocked that hardly anyone else seemed to. '50's family sitcom level saccharine overdose, so fucking sweet it could induce instant cavities. i've now tried to stick with it twice, & failed...
Miles was an incredibly annoying character with a terrible cast of characters but the gameplay was really good so I was able to ignore it.


The nicest person on this forum
I recently watched TMNT, GI Joe, He-Man and the Master’s of the Universe, She-Ra, and Transformers from the 80s. All saturday morning cartoons and none of them were as bad as the stuff they try to do now. Sure, they had stuff like the “Drugs are bad, m’kay” episodes - but they were upfront about what they were. They were usually one offs, and were still so cheesy/dumb they could be entertaining.

The stuff now is so heavy handed and patronizing it, at times, comes full circle to being rather racist/bigoted, playing on stereotypes.
There is nothing wrong put your own beliefs in your creative works that just human part of making art, the problem comes when is so damn on the nose and in your face it just becomes propaganda......it fucking cringy as fuck.

At end of day the what all of us want is good story and great character regardless sex and race, this is why I highly enjoyed games like 13 Sentinels and Nier and they had also have gay characters and fucking LOVE them because they were great and well written characters which is most important part when making stories.
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Chuck Berry

Gold Member
I recently watched TMNT, GI Joe, He-Man and the Master’s of the Universe, She-Ra, and Transformers from the 80s. All saturday morning cartoons and none of them were as bad as the stuff they try to do now. Sure, they had stuff like the “Drugs are bad, m’kay” episodes - but they were upfront about what they were. They were usually one offs, and were still so cheesy/dumb they could be entertaining.

The stuff now is so heavy handed and patronizing it, at times, comes full circle to being rather racist/bigoted, playing on stereotypes.

The “drugs are bad” is so pure 80s-90s though because they were all still riding on the DARE wave started by the Reagan admin.

Everything was so wholesome back then but STILL maintained badassery. Ninja Turtles every weekday at 4pm. Would always catch it as soon as I got off the bus in elementary school.

I’m kinda worried about Wolverine now.
Yeah they can make a great game no doubt. But are they really the right dev? Can you really see Insomniac taking a hard dark left turn with violence and language? After this I just can’t see it.
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Well, I have lost most interest in this game. If I have to have this woke garbage shoveled down my throat while playing it, I should not have to pay full price for it. Maybe I wait for the PC version and hopefully mods can remove some of it. It also sounds like the game is the most buggy of the series. So we have the developers placing woke ideology before quality. I can see Microsoft going woke based on where they are located. But Sony? A Japanese company? This is somewhat surprising.


I knew the Spanish language being gendered would become problematic one day.
Not sure if its the same for spanish, but in portuguese, when refering to unspecified people whose gender you don't know, the default pronoums that must be used are male ones. You can be damn sure woke types take issue with that.
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Lokaum D+

Seems like the european spanish is as bad that even one of the most famous spanish content creators had a reaction to try to get rid of it:

I plan to play this at some point and I'm glad I tend to play games with their original language. I'm worried about how bad could english version be.

First thing i did before starting the game was disable her podcast.

As a brazilian and a native portuguese speaker "favorite" or any "inclusive word" hurts my soul.
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Gold Member
The game is full of political statements. Including against guns.
Peter is a NYC citizen and a scientist, no one would expect him to not have an opinion on several subjects.
It adds depth to the character.

Both the article le and -e termination are current proposals to make the Spanish language more inclusive, Insomniac is a pretty diverse studio and inclusiveness is one of the values they have always embraced in their games. More power to them for sticking to it in such measure.
Go use them and pretend to look normal among a group of people. Then tell me how it went... hell you don't even need to lol
The “drugs are bad” is so pure 80s-90s though because they were all still riding on the DARE wave started by the Reagan admin.

Everything was so wholesome back then but STILL maintained badassery. Ninja Turtles every weekday at 4pm. Would always catch it as soon as I got off the bus in elementary school.

I’m kinda worried about Wolverine now.
Yeah they can make a great game no doubt. But are they really the right dev? Can you really see Insomniac taking a hard dark left turn with violence and language? After this I just can’t see it.
Considering how dark Wolverines comics are I don't think they'll do it justice. I'm already seeing stuff in Spider-man 2 story that's just confusing. It's obvious Miles doesn't have the villians to make his side of the story interesting. Honestly I would like to skip Miles's story altogether.


I wonder if there's any of that bullshit in the french version, we don't have something as noticeable as this orally, but I wouldn't be surprised if they included the awful "inclusive writing" that they try to push here.


Gold Member
The push for gender inclusive language has been going for a while across the localization industry. This is not a Sony/Insomniac thing, it’s just where we are. Translation work is completely outsourced.

Localization companies work with language leads that develop their own style guides who then work with linguists to make sure they’re followed. Do I find it idiotic? Yes. People (much) younger than me think it’s cool and wouldn’t have it any other way.
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How do people in Spain, Mexico, Argentina feel about this generally speaking? It's wild that we're out here butchering people's languages to be 'inclusive' of gender politics. I don't understand it. Didn't hear about any of this even 2 years ago.. what's going on lol?
Some of us feel it's stupid and forced.
There's a very tiny but loud portion of society that promotes it, but I guess no one listens to them anyway.


Gold Member
A loud entitled group of people on the internet that nobody want as their enemy because it might give them bad PR.

I watched the Minecraft mob voting show. Every man there had a he/him label after their name even though the names are gendered in this country and they had beard and there is no serious gender politics pushed here. Absurd. A Jens is a man and a Agnes is a woman, 100%, no he/him detail is needed, a real trans person would’ve changed their name, and shaved their beard.
Can they tho? All I see these days is praise over rejection on those ideologies by public figures. Shit is in big decline, they had some kind of Monopoly because normal and quiet people who don't like conflict rather wait for someone else to speak for them but even those are tired to the point of raising their voice at first trigger


I can't choose what is funner in the second pic. The fact that they've got like 50 flags up there, it somehow not being enough and having the entire fucking wall be colored as well, or that all of this is hidden in some back alley.
Degenerate sexual kinks are serious business and the world needs to know that.

Everyone should read the Financial Post review of this game. I thought it was satire all week until this thread. I can't believe it's real. What a time to be alive.
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Not sure if its the same for spanish, but in portuguese, when refering to unspecified people whose gender you don't know, the default pronoums that must be used are male ones. You can be damn sure woke types take issue with that.
Yeah, it's pretty much the same thing in Spanish.
The male version of the pronouns is also the neutral pronoun when used to refer to more than one person.


Gold Member
Are they going to adjust French too? French language also has words classified as masculine and feminine.

Cant wait to see what woke writers come up with.


I can't choose what is funner in the second pic. The fact that they've got like 50 flags up there, it somehow not being enough and having the entire fucking wall be colored as well, or that all of this is hidden in some back alley.
I think that was already in Miles Morales, and i never saw the flags. The BLM grafitti was in a well visible location though.

I dont like shoving modern day political movements into a videogame that has nothing to do about that, but if a grafitti and a bunch of flags in a hidden halley triggers you, then you guys are no better than the ppl triggered at Cyberpunk posters.

About the topic of the butchered spanish. Already gave my opinion about this in Bungie topic, and i find it disrespectfull that americans are trying to teach foreigners how to speak they native language. Its disgusting, and im glad it didnt reached my country yet (Portugal) that just like spanish also uses gendered words. Sony is actually the best publisher when it comes to localization of games to Portuguese from Portugal.
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Man they even woke'd up
Yuri/Wraith (or well, her hairstyle anyway, yet another side-shave STRONK FEMALE)


Can they tho? All I see these days is praise over rejection on those ideologies by public figures. Shit is in big decline, they had some kind of Monopoly because normal and quiet people who don't like conflict rather wait for someone else to speak for them but even those are tired to the point of raising their voice at first trigger
Praise by whom and where?? Certainly not in gaming, I see no decline, it’s everywhere in all western games,


I dont like shoving modern day political movements into a videogame that has nothing to do about that, but if a grafitti and a bunch of flags in a hidden halley triggers you, then you guys are no better than the ppl triggered at Cyberpunk posters.
I'm not a fan of statements like this. If you aren't "triggered" by a bunch of idiotic flags then that's cool, but I much prefer nipping these things in the bud instead of letting it grow. Also I have no idea what Cyberpunk has to do with this.


I'm not a fan of statements like this. If you aren't "triggered" by a bunch of idiotic flags then that's cool, but I much prefer nipping these things in the bud instead of letting it grow. Also I have no idea what Cyberpunk has to do with this.
Alot of leftist got triggered by some of the in game cyberpunk posters. Same shit as here, ppl triggered about a grafitti and a row of flags in a hidden alley. If you cant see the conection, its on you. Just both sides of the retarded spectrum.


Alot of leftist got triggered by some of the in game cyberpunk posters. Same shit as here, ppl triggered about a grafitti and a row of flags in a hidden alley. If you cant see the conection, its on you. Just both sides of the retarded spectrum.
I see the point you are trying to make, but I guess we'll have to agree to disagree on the subject.


Alot of leftist got triggered by some of the in game cyberpunk posters. Same shit as here, ppl triggered about a grafitti and a row of flags in a hidden alley. If you cant see the conection, its on you. Just both sides of the retarded spectrum.
The graffity and the flags are symptoms of the same disease, as the butchered Spanish.

You can turn your eyes and not see it, but the disease is there.

We play games to have fun. Politics doesnt belong here. And less so when it's propaganda and indoctrination.
And less so with a graffity of a terrorism supporter group like blm.

You cant, in any way shape or form, tag as retardeds, those who complain about this.
So, what do we have so far? Deaf people, gay people, lesbian people, BLM, BIPOC, butchered MJ, butchered Latinx language, am I forgetting something on the representation spectrum in the game?

It’s a miracle the game itself is still good.
Uhh what about the current war that’s going on?!?!? Wtf insomniac? I play my games to find the latest/greatest current events. You couldn’t crunch for a little bit more and create another cringe poster? Remember YOU have to please everyone, frankly I’m APPALLED!! As a fellow Latinx fuck younx insomniac.
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