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NHL 11 EASHL Team (360)

aight, now that I have regained the ability to type powerful words on these pages, lemme touch topics...

1) Welcome back to Laserbot, who has set the bar high for me for taking long ass hiatus's

2) Welcome back home NozDeuce, I knew you couldn't keep resisting us

3) Pre-emptive Welcome back to RS4, pick that NHL up soon good brother, can't wait to see you out there leveling these lame dudes and scoring clutch goals like we did back in the good ole days (September)

4) Pre-emptive Welcome back to everyone else currently on hiatus that have been a significant part of the team this year at one point or another... I'm looking at you Denogg, Zakkath, bumpkin, Dmorr, FOO G & Fixed, hope you guys choose to make your grand returns at some point also. There's room for everyone here, strength in numbers!

5) Congrats to everyone who contributed to the squad last month, we got our second consecutive trophy for finishing in the Elite Division with a pretty damn good record of 69-45-5 along with 1 playoff win. Even more impressive was our 15-1 record to close out the season, good work yall!

6) January Playoffs... we should have destroyed that last team we got put out by. Our team defense overall can hang with almost anyone right now. Our main problem as a team right now is that we are working too hard for goals. In the 2 playoff games me, pheenix and Marvie got a little selfish and all tried to be heroes on offense by forcing the issue.

7) If we want to keep improving and achieve our primary goal (win a monthly playoff series) think we need a plan going forward. That being said I think we can install and run a simple offensive system (3 simple plays) kind of based off of the "Wall Play" me and Marvie have been using recently to help us get easier chances. Bottom line is right now we don't utilize smart cross-crease positioning, and don't know how to setup good screen/deflection goals. Even though we don't use the exploits, scoring doesn't have to be as hard as we are making it. I'll elaborate more later... We are gonna need 1 practice session with 5 people so I can show you guys what I'm talking about and capture some videos to share with the team.

8) Swim, what's the ETA on getting that mic, if you need a donation let me know good brother and I got you, we need to step up our #1 defense pairing to the next level. Communication has definitely helped everyone else in the past 2 months.

9) For all of our defenseman I got some writeups on tactics I use including some good diagrams coming in this week to help take your defense to the next level.

10) Lastly, I consulted with Marvie last night and he agreed that it's time for some new jerseys for a fresh start in February. I cooked up a few combo's in the lab last week, let me know if any look good enough to outfit our Elite Club. I'm trying to get some kind of consensus before tomorrow. If you don't like my gear, feel free to make your own and post them in here to go head-to-head with my abominations. Without further ado, your preliminary choices for our Feb Jerseys. I tried going with uncommon color combinations that neither NHL teams nor EASHL teams are wearing without being too boring or too wild. (click the thumbs for larger images):


If there was an Official MGO Community Leader, I'd be it
SnakeswithLasers said:
PS3. Assassin's Creed is a PS3 franchise for me. In fact, everything except shooters and sports games is PS3 franchise for me. Not console warz, just how I like to play.
Fair. I'm the opposite being deathly afraid of japan's approach to hardware, software and online. Stabbing fools in mp is fun :(

Thanks Viz

Offense should be fine as long as yall haven't neutered Pheenix, he and I were insanely high flying and really clicked well. I can't wrister it like last year but I am better at everything. What is the team's problem with offense anyway? The cross creasing comment makes it sound like breakaway/cross crease opportunities aren't being converted. I know Marvie has complained about not scoring from the slot, which is something I've been doing a shit load of.


Zaraki_Kenpachi said:
Marvie said your ban was a month. Has it been a month already? And now I can't take shots at you without fear of retaliation now. :( Welcome back anyway. :/
Viz told me it was for a month.

SnakeswithLasers said:
Holy shit. Noz is back? Rad.

I've been trying to finish the original Dead Space and Assassin's Creed: Bro Party. But I'll get on and play some chel tonight or tomorrow. Let me know when you guys are in.
What do you think of Dead Space? I liked the first half but then the game got friggin repetitive as all hell.
I said my ban was until the end of the month, not 1 month... and I thought I was hard of hearing

to Noz, our real problem is that our offense usually consists of 1 person that tries to force their way into the slot for a wrister while everyone else stands and watches. We dont put enough pressure on the opposing teams to defend multiple scoring threats at once,and everyone is a little trigger happy once we get it in the zone. I'd like to see us move the puck around a little more in the zone to get the other team out of position instead of forcing shots that have real slim chances of going in and that are usually blocked anyway.

There are certain setups that I know from experience playing as a dman that are hard to defend, that I'd like to see us try to use to get easy goals that we get scored on us from time to time. Cross crease for example we have to give the passer 2 options at once with someone on the far side of the net and another person drifting up a little higher in the center of the mid slot. We also need to disguise the cross crease, 1 way is for the far side guy to hide behind the net until the last second before the pass is made. Another way is by rotating the 2 off forwards in different ways.

Stuff like that, its instinct for some players but I think it might click for everyone if they see footage in action.


Those Crimson Gray jerseys look really nice Vis. I think my mic is coming in tomorrow. I might not be able to use it every game though, I have 2 other roommates at my place ;)


TheVisualizer said:
Pre-emptive Welcome back to everyone else currently on hiatus that have been a significant part of the team this year at one point or another... I'm looking at you Denogg, Zakkath, bumpkin, Dmorr, FOO G & Fixed, hope you guys choose to make your grand returns at some point also. There's room for everyone here, strength in numbers!
Would be nice if we could get some of the holdouts back in the game.

TheVisualizer said:
6) January Playoffs... we should have destroyed that last team we got put out by. Our team defense overall can hang with almost anyone right now. Our main problem as a team right now is that we are working too hard for goals. In the 2 playoff games me, pheenix and Marvie got a little selfish and all tried to be heroes on offense by forcing the issue.
Yeah, especially in that second game. We got down and we started to press and it just wasn't working.

TheVisualizer said:
7) If we want to keep improving and achieve our primary goal (win a monthly playoff series) think we need a plan going forward. That being said I think we can install and run a simple offensive system (3 simple plays) kind of based off of the "Wall Play" me and Marvie have been using recently to help us get easier chances. Bottom line is right now we don't utilize smart cross-crease positioning, and don't know how to setup good screen/deflection goals. Even though we don't use the exploits, scoring doesn't have to be as hard as we are making it. I'll elaborate more later... We are gonna need 1 practice session with 5 people so I can show you guys what I'm talking about and capture some videos to share with the team.
I was trying to run screens in the playoffs but ph33nix yelled at me. :(

Nozdeuce said:
Offense should be fine as long as yall haven't neutered Pheenix, he and I were insanely high flying and really clicked well. I can't wrister it like last year but I am better at everything. What is the team's problem with offense anyway? The cross creasing comment makes it sound like breakaway/cross crease opportunities aren't being converted. I know Marvie has complained about not scoring from the slot, which is something I've been doing a shit load of.
I finally got the slot shots working. I can score pretty well on those now.

Our crossing problems just boil down to sloppy positioning. We really need to work on cuts to the net too. I've noticed that, especially when we're playing against human D, they'll jump out on me but leave huge lanes open in the process. Nobody cuts to the net and I either get mauled or have to send the puck back out to the point to reset.


A few jerseys I kicked around....









I'm kidding about the eagles.


If there was an Official MGO Community Leader, I'd be it
TheVisualizer said:
I said my ban was until the end of the month, not 1 month... and I thought I was hard of hearing

to Noz, our real problem is that our offense usually consists of 1 person that tries to force their way into the slot for a wrister while everyone else stands and watches. We dont put enough pressure on the opposing teams to defend multiple scoring threats at once,and everyone is a little trigger happy once we get it in the zone. I'd like to see us move the puck around a little more in the zone to get the other team out of position instead of forcing shots that have real slim chances of going in and that are usually blocked anyway.

There are certain setups that I know from experience playing as a dman that are hard to defend, that I'd like to see us try to use to get easy goals that we get scored on us from time to time. Cross crease for example we have to give the passer 2 options at once with someone on the far side of the net and another person drifting up a little higher in the center of the mid slot. We also need to disguise the cross crease, 1 way is for the far side guy to hide behind the net until the last second before the pass is made. Another way is by rotating the 2 off forwards in different ways.

Stuff like that, its instinct for some players but I think it might click for everyone if they see footage in action.
Ahhh okay. Well you'll at least be glad to know I like to move the puck around a bunch. I never really try for any solo heroics, on occasion I can just go straight up the middle through everyone and score, but mostly if I'm doing crazy stick handling it's as a feint to open someone up somewhere. It's amazing how just abou any pass no matter how short/long/shitty it is to the slot will be an easy goal. As an example I normally take the puck in up along the boards, either passing to the middle if I can, dropping it back to the point (then moving to screen/deflect) or if things are looking crazy promising some crazy dangle to the net. I try to spend my time in the offensive end either trying to screen the goalie or cruising around the slot trying to stay open and be in position to get the pass and score. Sometimes I'll do nothing but constantly readjust in the slot so I won't end up backhanding it into the crowd. I also forecheck aggressively but dislike when other people try to at the same time, I can handle dude trying to deke me, but trying to flatten someone while he's already dekeing then resetting is too much for me. As a result though I often force turnovers in their end as they try to setup or come out, sometimes it gives me a breakaway, others a perfect 2-0 for a cross crease. My biggest issue is with peoples corpses blocking me from getting a loose puck, so I tend to just wheel away hoping someone else grabs it while I get into position. Hopefully you'll have a few less aneurysms now :p
zsswimmer said:
Those Crimson Gray jerseys look really nice Vis. I think my mic is coming in tomorrow. I might not be able to use it every game though, I have 2 other roommates at my place ;)

can always count on swim to co-sign 1 of my jerseys, remember to hate on all of Marvies, hes busy making crappy ones to try to out do me again...

good news on the mic, yeah you wont need it too much, but we gotta hit up practice mode once when you get it and iron a few things out

schuey dont worry bout the disconnects, i imagine it will iron itself out. Worse case scenario you can follow Zaraki's lead and quit out of big games to help the team like Robo Jagr does


SnakeswithLasers said:
I like to stand in front of the goalie and swing at the puck like I'm tilting windmills. On both sides of the ice.

We are currently seeking persons for our cheerleader squad. You sound perfect for the job.

TheVisualizer said:
can always count on swim to co-sign 1 of my jerseys, remember to hate on all of Marvies, hes busy making crappy ones to try to out do me again...
I only made one new crappy one. The others were some I'd had sitting around from earlier. :D


If there was an Official MGO Community Leader, I'd be it
SnakeswithLasers said:
I like to stand in front of the goalie and swing at the puck like I'm tilting windmills. On both sides of the ice.

Remember how I set Hardy up for a hat trick my first night? I'm making you my scoring bitch
Marvie_3 said:
We are currently seeking persons for our cheerleader squad. You sound perfect for the job.

I only made one new crappy one. The others were some I'd had sitting around from earlier. :D

Does snakes look cute in a skirt? That's the final eval.
Marvie_3 said:
I only made one new crappy one. The others were some I'd had sitting around from earlier. :D

i like how your new ones are my old Boston College design that got shot down twice already

My brother looked at all of the options and had me combine colors from 2 of mine, he likes the black and coral ones but wants army green instead of coral, ill post pucs later. His second choice was the yellow and army ones. btw his ban from xbox live ends tomorrow so he will be back playing with us. Hes still waiting for the mods to activate his GAF acct...

here's the 2 new ones my bro liked:




TheVisualizer said:
i like how your new ones are my old Boston College design that got shot down twice already

My brother looked at all of the options and had me combine colors from 2 of mine, he likes the black and coral ones but wants army green instead of coral, ill post pucs later. His second choice was the yellow and army ones. btw his ban from xbox live ends tomorrow so he will be back playing with us. Hes still waiting for the mods to activate his GAF acct...
I said I liked the colors both times. I just used them in a different way. :D
oh yeah, here's some entertaining videos of new dekes I just found out that are in NHL 11 that I've added to my repertoire and some bonus videos


Between The Legs Tuck Shot

Ovechkin Shuffle Fake Combo (2 angles)

Slick Behind the Back (2 angles)


New Dekes in Action

Awesome Shootout Recreations

Nice Shootout Montage
I was thinking yesterday I almost wouldn't mind just having GAF-on-GAF scrimmages. the whole EASHL doesn't really mean anything to me but kicking your asses (or vice versa) would!


TheVisualizer said:
This game is so fucking broken. :lol

ph33nix said:
I was thinking yesterday I almost wouldn't mind just having GAF-on-GAF scrimmages. the whole EASHL doesn't really mean anything to me but kicking your asses (or vice versa) would!
We could play those when we have more than 5 people on.
ph33nix said:
I was thinking yesterday I almost wouldn't mind just having GAF-on-GAF scrimmages. the whole EASHL doesn't really mean anything to me but kicking your asses (or vice versa) would!

we tried that awhile back and no one showed up, maybe now that we have a few more people aboard it might work this time around
Zaraki_Kenpachi said:
Wow, a montage that sums up everything I despise about this game. Awesome.

glad you liked it

now pick which jersey you think is best from all of the trash me and Marvie posted above...

that goes for all of you... Vote or Die!
TheVisualizer said:
glad you liked it

now pick which jersey you think is best from all of the trash me and Marvie posted above...

that goes for all of you... Vote or Die!

I'm not clicking thumbnails so the black, yellow, blue marive posted (middle pic) or royal dirt. Something about the name royal dirt seems fitting...
well at this point we are only gonna need 2 people to agree on the same jersey to have a majority since everyone has picked a different one so far...


If there was an Official MGO Community Leader, I'd be it
TheVisualizer said:
well at this point we are only gonna need 2 people to agree on the same jersey to have a majority since everyone has picked a different one so far...
We'll bring Hezbollah to power before you know it.

Free goat for anyone who votes for the one Zaraki and me like. Please don't have sex with the goat.



Nozdeuce said:
We'll bring Hezbollah to power before you know it.

Free goat for anyone who votes for the one Zaraki and me like. Please don't have sex with the goat.

Don't you remember what happened with peterboy, his "friend", and a goat last year? Their "adventures" ruined our team photo!!!



Unconfirmed Member
TheVisualizer said:
i like how your new ones are my old Boston College design that got shot down twice already

My brother looked at all of the options and had me combine colors from 2 of mine, he likes the black and coral ones but wants army green instead of coral, ill post pucs later. His second choice was the yellow and army ones. btw his ban from xbox live ends tomorrow so he will be back playing with us. Hes still waiting for the mods to activate his GAF acct...

here's the 2 new ones my bro liked:



I dig the one below.

I hope my disconnects get sorted. I'll make sure that I'm never playing with only one other person as well.


SCHUEY F1 said:
I dig the one below.

I hope my disconnects get sorted. I'll make sure that I'm never playing with only one other person as well.
I finally got my lag spikes fixed now. Hopefully you get your disconnects taken care of too. :D


If there was an Official MGO Community Leader, I'd be it
SnakeswithLasers said:
Free goat?!?!?

Count me i......wait a minute. No sex? I'm out. =(
If you go out of country you can get temporarily married to it, then have at it!
Only people left that have played recently that haven't voted are ph33nix, Awesome Animals and TackleJerry. Cast your votes for our new jerseys for February my good men. Voting closes at 12AM EST tonight.


TheVisualizer said:
Only people left that have played recently that haven't voted are ph33nix, Awesome Animals and TackleJerry. Cast your votes for our new jerseys for February my good men. Voting closes at 12AM EST tonight.
We should just make them all-white/all-black to piss off swim. :lol


Zaraki_Kenpachi said:
Swim did you ever get a mic?
It's coming tomorrow. I always feel like I'm missing out on a lot of early week games at night, for whatever reason my internet is super slow and laggy at those times :(


zsswimmer said:
It's coming tomorrow. I always feel like I'm missing out on a lot of early week games at night, for whatever reason my internet is super slow and laggy at those times :(
Tell your roommates to quit downloading porn.
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