holy crap
For those interested in a long but entertaining story:
So Im at the Rangers game with my pops, and were feeling pretty down. We still have hope, but you know how it is. Anyway, with 2 minutes left, we decide to wait in the concourse and just watch it on the TVs. If the Rangers didnt pull it off, we didnt want to sit in traffic for hours. Would have made it so much worse, so by being in the concourse, we could bolt out and beat the traffic.
So were standing in the concourse watching it on the TV and more and more people start leaving. I could tell my pops is getting anxious (he drove us both in and he HATES traffic) so we walk down the escalators, and I keep checking my phone, telling him to HOLD ON, HOLD ON!
We reach the final exit and I said JUST WAIT. ITS NOT OVER.
But he was not hearing it.
So we left, and as we reach the parking garage, we hear a rumble. Then the streets of New York EXPLODE. Car horns, people cheering, the works. THEY TIED IT I scream to him. So I say, LETS GO ACROSS THE STREET, THERE ARE BARS ALL OVER LETS GO!
He goes, Lets leave the city first! We have 20 minutes, well leave the city and find a bar in Hoboken or Secaucus.
So we leave. We exit the Tunnel and we keep driving and we are finding NOTHING. Overtime starts on the radio. We keep driving and I see an Outback Steakhouse. I scream to him to pull in! We pull in. We cant find parking and park in a security spot. We run into the EMPLOYEE BACK ENTRANCE of Outback Steakhouse.
10 seconds after we run into the restaurant, we see the game on TV, and we see the game winning goal. We both scream so loud as the restaurant looks on in utter fear and confusion.
Lets. Go. Rangers.
3 goal 3rd
3 goal 3rd
oh snizzlesnaps
There is life!!
Come on Yotes, don't blow it!!!!
bloody hands
dirty snizzlesnaps