Doctor West
Cancelled my pre-order. It's fucking criminal to charge full price for this empty piece of shit. EA is disgusting.
I have noticed little things missing like Go Leafs Go chants during their games or chants in general. I swear stuff like that was in previous games.
I thought the same thing last night. Why does the crowd get dead silent right before the face off after a big goal. What's when the crowd would be the loudest.
Here's a problem I have in the demo that I hope is fixable somehow (either by some team command in game, or defensive strategy or something):
- Opposing team dumps the puck into my corner
- I get there first as a defenseman with an opponent skating toward me
- All of my forwards are skating hard into the defensive zone, so when I pass it to one of them, their moment carries them deep into my zone.
Is there any way to tell them to just hang back so I can start an outbreak, instead of needing to make 3 or 4 passes just to get out of the zone?
No clue what they did to the crowd sound, it just seems dead half the time, they upped the presentation for everything else but forgot that the crowd should make noise.
Damn. Just watched the trailers and want to buy again. I'm weak.
Saw this article on Reddit, thought it might be worth sharing. Another compilation of features missing from the game.
My God, this is just ridiculous... I was ok when they announce there would be no EASHL this year but the lack of all the remain modes is unexcusable!
And things get even worse, take a look at the game for PS3/360, it´s exactly the same as NHL 14, even the menus!
Seriously, EA, go fuck yourself!!!!
After playing a few games with the full EA access release, I have the following notes:
- The menus are BARREN. They literally did carry over almost no modes. Be a Pro, Be a GM, Play Now, HUT, and online 1 v 1. Thats it. The Relive NHL Moments mode thing is useless to me, didn't bother listing it.
- You can play the Be A GM mode like a season mode if you want to. You can assign the CPU to take care of various managerial stuff and just play the games. That's what I'm doing.
- As disappointing as the mode selection is, the gameplay itself is great, which is why I'm still going to buy the game (albeit at a discounted price thanks to the Best Buy E3 Pre-Order deal). It's clear the team phoned in everything else, but once you hit the ice the gameplay is great. I love the new graphics and physics, and I think it just plays better than NHL 13 and 14 did.
Makes me wonder if they spent all their resources on the presentation quality of the game with the NBC sports deal and pre-recorded commentary...
You guys read this?
So basically EA is pulling a PR stunt and saying they're going to patch the game with the lacking modes...if that really happens.
Hey, the halo is still touching the goal line!So this just happened. No Goal.
From reddit:
Still getting it. Been playing the trial through EA access. Im really liking the actual gameplay, although at times it can be quirky and unresponsive.
Lucky for me the only two things that bother me that are missing are HUT tournaments (but whatever, will save me money and aggravation I guess) and winter classic games.
Other then that I usually just do gm mode anyways and play solo.
Hey, the halo is still touching the goal line!
Yes you can.That's what I do in 14, I rarely played HUT or the online versus (being in Texas, I always get matched against canadians and the pings suck).
So can you play a season mode like you can in Madden 15 with just doing the GM mode and playing your team's season/playoffs/finals?
Given that FIFA 14 launched with the PS4/X1 and was absolutely stellar, I have no idea what EA's excuse is for NHL15's pathetic offerings one year later. Biggest disappointment of this new generation thus far for me.
Had no idea the game was missing that many features, thought it was just the EASHL stuff.
Of course I pre-ordered on PSN not sure if you can get a refund off of them.
Has this happened in previous iterations and I've missed it?
Which PSN store? My buddy had a pre-order on the US store and spoke to the live chat support and told them he wanted to cancel due to how much content the game was missing.
They obliged after saying it's not something they normally do.
Canada, I assume the US has the same support though? I might try this then. I tried getting a refund on GTA V when the digital version had all those issues the guy on the phone told me I probably would and would put a request in and immediately got an email saying no refunds no exceptions.
Meh, who cares. The Blackhawks suck anyways! >The united center hasn't been in for 3 years now. Licensing issues.
I'm gonna go out on a limb here and say that I think FIFA's dev team has far more resources than the NHL team to make their game.
If I ranked the dev resources per franchise, I'd probably rank them this way:
2. Madden
3. UFC
4. Golf
5. NHL
No idea, but the gap between Madden and FIFA is significant as well. Whatever the reason, it is clear to me that the FIFA team is far superior to any other EA Sports team. The gap in quality is astounding.
I'm gonna go out on a limb here and say that I think FIFA's dev team has far more resources than the NHL team to make their game.
If I ranked the dev resources per franchise, I'd probably rank them this way:
2. Madden
3. UFC
4. Golf
5. NHL
101. NBA Live
So this just happened. No Goal.
So this just happened. No Goal.