That thread was amazing. Some dude didn't get head in 18 years of marriage. Jayzus
lolol my old hometown is so inept.
So a fuckhead High School senior broke into a buddy's house last summer and stole his PS3, 360, twoTVs, a bunch of jewelry, and some other stuff.
Last week the local court sentenced him to 54 months in prison because the amount he stole was above felony level. Then they lost the required paperwork. So they had to let the fuckhead go. And then he fled town and now the cops can't find him.
I can't even
We have the worst D in the league. Our oldest guy is 27 and he's making his NHL debut. Come back Jack Hillen.
Beta simp is probably more dated already. Dude is simping in his own marriage.Yeah, what the hell man? How does she get him to mow the lawn?
Ha haaa, dated 90s marriage jokes.
Lets go habs
Any 360 bros want a free code to Wolf Among Us Episode 2? I have only one... Let me know if any of you need it. First come first serve (that includes non NHL-gaffers on gaming side that may take up my offer).
I'll take it if I'm not too late.
Can we just forfeit every game agains the Panthers.
Wild are wearing white unis at home. <3
The Leafs would like to do the same.
Fleeced their assesPoint for Weise!