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NHL February 2014 |OT| The A on Dustin Brown's jersey stands for Asshole


Honest question, I'm having trouble remembering them as well lol.

Google unfortunately didnt give me images with names :/

If I recall though the horse boss could be tricky, Doku too. But I think the trickiest part wasnt a boss, but rather the scenario with all the tanks and endless waves of enemies.
The toughest boss fights in NG were the ones where you had to fight the camera first. It didn't necessarily get any better in Black either, just different camera problems.
Here's a dude running through NGB on Master Ninja taking no damage and upgrading nothing: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xYhkHr_ujw8

I never went that far, jesus christ.
wow, he takes NO damage at all? I've beat NG1/NGB several times at all difficulty levels, but that is insane.

just beating Master Ninja or Dante Must Die modes was hard enough; I never tried no upgrade runs or anything like that. recently i did a Dark Souls SL1 run with no upgrades which was pretty crazy.
Since we are on the topic of gaming and older xbox games, another awesome and usually overlooked game on original Xbox is this bad boy right here:


This was probably the best 4 player split-screen co-op action you could play at the time and what I still consider the best to this day. What a game. I remember playing this non-stop with 4 people on one couch, shouting order back on how to take out this tank or get around a situation. Game was amazing!


Google unfortunately didnt give me images with names :/

If I recall though the horse boss could be tricky, Doku too. But I think the trickiest part wasnt a boss, but rather the scenario with all the tanks and endless waves of enemies.

Those rocket soldiers, they sucked.


Stop shitting on my team. Start shitting on my finger.
Since we are on the topic of gaming and older xbox games, another awesome and usually overlooked game on original Xbox is this bad boy right here:


This was probably the best 4 player split-screen co-op action you could play at the time and what I still consider the best to this day. What a game. I remember playing this non-stop with 4 people on one couch, shouting order back on how to take out this tank or get around a situation. Game was amazing!

Omg I'm getting mad nostalgia of countless hours of 2player coop spent on this game. It was a ridiculous amount of fun.


Stop shitting on my team. Start shitting on my finger.
How do you guys define favourite game over ALL genres? I don't even know where I'd begin to compare those. Biggest lasting impression? Most time spent playing? Most intense?


Stop shitting on my team. Start shitting on my finger.
I'm just gonna go with the Civ-series. I don't even wanna begin to think about how much of my life I've spent playing and enjoying the games. Most played of those probably Civ4 > Civ3 > Civ5.


I'm just gonna go with the Civ-series. I don't even wanna begin to think about how much of my life I've spent playing and enjoying the games. Most played of those probably Civ4 > Civ3 > Civ5.
Fuck you for gifting me Civ5. I'll never get those two weeks back.


I'm just gonna go with the Civ-series. I don't even wanna begin to think about how much of my life I've spent playing and enjoying the games. Most played of those probably Civ4 > Civ3 > Civ5.

A fine choice. I'm a relative Civ newcomer, but I'd still put civ V among a list of my favourite games ever.

The list usually tops with Mega Man 2.

And yes kingslunk, Earthbound is wonderful.


Earthbound is indeed wonderful. Hard to find a better singular word to describe it.

Also, I shudder to think about how much time I've dumped into the Civ series.
How do you guys define favourite game over ALL genres? I don't even know where I'd begin to compare those. Biggest lasting impression? Most time spent playing? Most intense?

For me there are just games that have stuck with me over all the other shit I've played. Tribes is my favorite FPS ever, City of Heroes is probably my favorite MMO (but I hate most MMOs I've played so eh). Fire Emblem is my favorite strategy RPG. There are plenty of games that I like a ton but don't measure up to other similar things. Devil May Cry is a big one. Team Fortress 2 etc.


A fine choice. I'm a relative Civ newcomer, but I'd still put civ V among a list of my favourite games ever.

The list usually tops with Mega Man 2.

And yes kingslunk, Earthbound is wonderful.

Telling you man ditch the Seahawks and become a broncos fan and we can be best bros
How do you guys define favourite game over ALL genres? I don't even know where I'd begin to compare those. Biggest lasting impression? Most time spent playing? Most intense?

Just the impression of that initial playthrough. Alan Wake did that for me, it had those spine tingling moments where I went OMG! While other games have done that, they have not done it to the extent that I felt when I did my initial playthrough of AW. It was something with those moments and the rest of the game that tied it all together so perfectly for me. I wish I could experience that same feeling on that initial playthrough of not knowing what would happen next and where I would go, needed to come with a bottle of instant amnesia.


Earthbound is indeed wonderful. Hard to find a better singular word to describe it.

I really need to play it. I missed out on it when it came out because, being a kid, I couldn't afford it. Now I got it on Wii U and just haven't had the time to sit down and play. I also want to play through Lunar on my vita. I haven't played it since I borrowed the ps1 version from a friend in high school.


How do you guys define favourite game over ALL genres? I don't even know where I'd begin to compare those. Biggest lasting impression? Most time spent playing? Most intense?
My favorite games are games that I've been able to go back to and have, in some way, contributed to forming my tastes at large. FFVII, Super Mario World, LttP, MGS, Street Fighter, MK, Katamari, Persona 3/4, Half-life, Counterstrike. Games that molded me I guess.

These are different from the "best" games I've played though. I think that RE4 is objectively better than Katamari but I don't like it as much because it doesn't hit all the right notes with me.
How do you guys define favourite game over ALL genres? I don't even know where I'd begin to compare those. Biggest lasting impression? Most time spent playing? Most intense?

The one that made me cry my own tears the most was Kingdom Hearts, the one I invested my most time in was World of Warcraft, the one I loved the most was Final Fantasy VII, the one that scared me the most and made me afraid to ever be anywhere dark for the longest time ever was Silent Hill 2, the one that drew me in the most and captivated me whole was Alan Wake.

How do you define the ultimate game?

You invent Wake World of Kingdom Hill Fantasy.

FFX was pretty awesome despite having some horrible characters. Tempted to get the HD version but I'd never forgive myself.

I feel the same way. Fantastic game, but the shitty characters ended up being an unintentional comedy element which overall made it more endearing to me.

FFX HD is preordered for my Vita and I can't wait.

Just the impression of that initial playthrough. Alan Wake did that for me, it had those spine tingling moments where I went OMG! While other games have done that, they have not done it to the extent that I felt when I did my initial playthrough of AW. It was something with those moments and the rest of the game that tied it all together so perfectly for me. I wish I could experience that same feeling on that initial playthrough of not knowing what would happen next and where I would go, needed to come with a bottle of instant amnesia.

Hell fucking yes. The narration got me straight away. Similar to that game I forgot the name of with "the kid" being narrated by that cool-ass motherfucker...


FFX redeems its characters by having Auron
At least they are 100x better then Lightning and her fucking bullshit, dear lord Square why...


Unconfirmed Member
Brah that's so Cali make sure you learn some Melon grabs and a darkslide grind weeeeeeehhehehehe *ska music blasts*

And X-2 is way better than X, come one everyone. Come on.

Bro, it's just a darkslide, everyone knows a grind means your trucks make contact with a rail or ledge.
Brah that's so Cali make sure you learn some Melon grabs and a darkslide grind weeeeeeehhehehehe *ska music blasts*

And X-2 is way better than X, come one everyone. Come on.

My favourite hockey team is based in California, my favourite UFC fighter is nicknamed "The California Kid", I'm a tremendously huge douchebag and I love weed.

How am I not absolutely California already?

*plays 'Goldfinger - Superman' on an accordion*

X-2 is not better than X-1. OPINIONS AND ALL THAT.

I wish I could skateboard right now, not that I do it all that often anymore. That shit was my entire teenage years.

What's stoppin' ya?
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