Kave learns how to play hockey SPECIAL UPDATE!!!
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Hello friends,
I have just got back home and I can say today that I have just finished my last hockey school session. I have officially "graduated" from hockey school!!!!
10 weeks of learning all the basics, bonding with my teammates and overall having tons of fun. I can't say that I am now a super duper player but I can say I am a lot better. I am skating a lot smoother, I can make sharp turns. I still can't stop well but I can skate backwards a few meters and frankly I am amazed by that.
With hockey school now over, next week I begin the next step; we now play actual real live games. Not shinny, but actually games with refs and proper line changes and everything.
That said today we ran a few drills and then ran some organized shinny for 40 minutes straight tonight. The problem my team had was we only had 7 guys tonight, so needless to say we were exhausted but my teammates, boy are they amazing. After 10 minutes we were already up 5-0 and from there we were able to coast for the remainder of the time.
Remember how I just said my teammates are amazing? They really are. Once we were up they kept trying to get me the puck to give me a chance to score. I didn't end up scoring but I was able to take a nice wrister in the slot that the goalie deflected off his shoulder. I had another chance right next to the net at point blank but fanned on the pass. It was a drastic improvement over the first shinny I took part in, I was able to get the puck, I was able to keep possession and I didn't feel like I was holding us back much.
I played mostly left wing tonight with a few shifts at center and 1 or 2 on defense. I'm more motivated then when I started now. I want to be able to help this team out, I want to be able to do my role.
As always I'll keep you guys updated as I continue to go along, we have 7 games coming up and then a big tournament to end the season in mid April.