Yes, we have super crazy awesome rookie Brendan Smith on there!!!
My deepest condolences on Colaiacovo
whenever he gets off injury
Yes, we have super crazy awesome rookie Brendan Smith on there!!!
Yes, we have super crazy awesome rookie Brendan Smith on there!!!
I can't wait for dat 3rd line to tear the Habs' anus asunder.
It's from the 90's when Jovo was drafted.Sweet merry tits.
Someone went out of their way and made that.
Going to be hard to sleep tonight
Settle down Tarabris.
My deepest condolences on Colaiacovo.whenever he gets off injury
He's already off injury, played in the scrimmage on Tuesday as well. Also he is on our 3rd pair. Can't wait until he scores a hat trick on you guys tomorrow!!He's gonna fall and get a concussion stepping onto the ice for the first time probably
Speaking of Shanabans, who gets the first of the season?
My money is on Tootoo.
6 years x $5M for Edler is very good. Nice one Canucks.
Hopefully, Steve Tambelleni (lol..) can re-up Ladislav Smid soon. He should be worth around $3.75M - $4.25M.
Datsyuk.Speaking of Shanabans, who gets the first of the season?
My money is on Tootoo.
Sorry brah. No deal. You could've had him (and Cogliano and Penner), but Dany said no... but Milan Michálek has turned out alright.Smid is getting traded to OTT by the end of the week dawg.
Can you get suspended for being fucking terrible?Gomez or Redden will feel the Shanaban first
Can you get suspended for being fucking terrible?
Can you get suspended for being fucking terrible?
Still love this vid. Seems appropriate given the Leafs optimism lately.
garrettg13 6 months ago said:When I die I want the Toronto Maple Leafs to be my pallbearers so they can let me down one last time.
Now now, let's give them atleast one game to embarress themselves in before you totally throw them under the bus. Hockey isn't played on paper!Your defense hasn't even discovered it's supposed to stop other players yet.
Brothers, it has been far too long. Today is the day.
Fuck the Habs
#TeamLeafs > #TeamChope
Speaking of Shanabans, who gets the first of the season?
My money is on Tootoo.
Can salt go bad over timeThat filthy piece of shit Neal should still have another 3 games left on his suspension.
Seven hours until the Islanders trolling begins, the Devils fan says to all Devils and Islanders fans reading (probably zero).