I really wish I didn't read your damn posts before I finished the game. There is absolutely nothing "sad" or "please hold me" about the episode 5 ending I encountered. But that's the thing. If you play a certain way or if you feel strongly about a certain choice (like I do) then you'll get a completely different reaction than others.
So many people in this thread would say stuff like "I can't believe it" and "So shocking!" regarding the end of episode 2.
So I'm playing Episode 2 and I'm in the classroom near the end of the episode, and the whole commotion with Kate's attempted suicide begins, and then I expertly go up to the roof and talk Kate down, and I'm thinking - wait, that's it? What were people so sad or shocked about? It never crossed my mind that it would even be possible to have Kate jump to her death. But the reactions kept making me expect something bigger would happen, and then the end credits roll. Yes it's awesome I saved Kate, but the reactions were completely inconsistent with my own experience. It made me expect something really bad was going to happen, even though there was no chance of that happening with my play style.
I did cry during Episode 5, when
You told the truth to David Madsen at the beginning of the episode