FUCK. I just fucking put my foot in my mouth so bad. I was having a one on one session with the director of our department. She's giving me the lowdown on the direction for the next year, and I take what she's saying and apply a metaphor to it...
"You're the Captain, and you want to know if an iceberg is coming from 20km away instead of 20 metres away"
She likes that "Yes! Exactly! I'll use that in future"
And then I said "And like some of the passengers, some of us want a career like Leonardo DiCpario and not Kate Winslett"
Then she's like... "Hahaaa well I wouldn't go that far"
Laughed it off but OH GOD WHY DID I EVEN SAY THAT
With the Sedins, I have a feeling that Radim Vrbata is going to be a 30-40 goal scorer.
Aaaah bllllllllllllllrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrtttttttttttttttttttttttttt <--- me blowing the biggest raspberry ever