:lol :lolI'm going to forget I even read this.
The only good part about Burton's was Aperaham Lincoln.
My manGuys prefering Rise are craaaaazy. Dawn is the Empire Strikes Back to Rise's ... I dunno, inferior movie in general.
:lol :lolI'm going to forget I even read this.
The only good part about Burton's was Aperaham Lincoln.
My manGuys prefering Rise are craaaaazy. Dawn is the Empire Strikes Back to Rise's ... I dunno, inferior movie in general.
I think if you re-watch Burton's Apes again, you may change your mind. But to each his own.
That ending made no sense.
Going to see Planet of the Apes tonight, really liked the first one so I'm pretty excited.
Also, Tim Burton is awful, except for Big Fish.
Recent Burton, yes. Early Burton, hell no.
Going to see Planet of the Apes tonight, really liked the first one so I'm pretty excited.
Also, Tim Burton is awful, except for Big Fish.
It's pretty great, really out there like most of his stuff, but definitely worth going back to watch.I really need to see Big Fish.
I really need to see Big Fish.
Nothing but good things to say about Big Fish. And I'm not a big Burton fan.
Though his choice of Christopher Walken in Batman Returns remains some of the finest casting ever.
"Next time I'll throw her out of a higher window! Until then, I got biggah fish to fry!!!"
"Bruce Wayne? Why are you dressed like the Batman?"
His son in the film was also great casting...and he was Zangief in Street Fighter.
"Run...Dad...Save yourself."
Guys prefering Rise are craaaaazy.
Mitsuru > al
So after my trek to Virginia and 2 day visit to King's Dominion theme park for those roller coaster fans here:
Cedar Point > King's Dominion, however...
Intimidator 305 > Millennium Force
Well obviously.
What about:
Cleary > No Cleary
I liked Yukiko the best. *shrugs* My MC romanced her.
the scrub pick
can't say I'm surprised![]()
What about:
Cleary > No Cleary
Right now, I'm trying to forget that he exists.
Might be late but you guys see free 6 month Amazon Canada for prime membership offer? (university students only)
based on my 5 min review of terms
- 39 per year until you graduate and 79 after that
- you can cancel at any time and for any reason
I really need to see Big Fish.
I have when profs tell the class midterm results were bad at the beginning of class. Now I'm just gonna sit here and stress instead of pay attention you bastard![]()
I cried like a little bitch!
Just realized you did all the graphic stuff for the GoTG OP, Quick. Awesome work man.
Going to see Planet of the Apes tonight, really liked the first one so I'm pretty excited.
Also, Tim Burton is awful, except for Big Fish.
I haven't had any exposure for GoTG prior to this movie, but everything I've seen from it has me pretty excited. I try not to think about AoU because I can't bear the wait, awesome to hear you've got that covered too.Thanks.
I'm hyped for the movie. I saw the 17-minute IMAX preview and was even more hyped.
Neoxon and I already booked the Age of Ultron OT for May.
Rise > Yukiko > Chie
waifu wars in NHL-gaf?
i win boys.
I was poor growing up and always wore ugly glasses, so I didn't have the luxury to buy new clothes or anything nice for myself. I looked like a total slob who never got invited to parties, gaming or otherwise. It doesn't help that I had a speech impediment too, so you can only imagine how I awkward it was.
Once I got into highschool though I started working at the library. A perfect place for a bookworm with a lot of free time and so much to prove. I started reading about speaking skills, self-esteem, dance history, and even beauty magazines. But that wasn't enough since I still had no friends or anyone to invite to the quickly approaching prom.
As it got closer, and still no luck or a break in sight, one of my favorite uncles stopped at our place unexpectedly. Apparently he was in the midst of marital problems and his marriege was falling apart, so he asked if he could stay us for a while. My parents welcomed him without hesitation.
He was the only person I trusted or opened up to, and he could see when something is wrong with me from a mile away. So he asked. And I told him, not even realizing how my tears were running down, glistening under moonlight. Afterwards he gently smiled and told me "come tomorrow, everything will be alright."
The next morning he took me out shopping. I bought articles of clothing I've only seen in magazine pages. Stuff I wouldn't be able to afford for another decade or two. We finished our spree by stopping at a salon where I had one of those fancy $60 haircuts. Even the stylist was surprised by the time she was done "son, you haven't done yourself any favors all those years. Especially to your beautiful eyes!" My uncle chuckled and said "you correctly guessed our next stop!" Which I later realized was an optics store where we picked contacts. My very first!
And just when I thought my awesome day was over it got even better After everyone in our home went to bed, my uncle insisted we work on the last piece of puzzle: my dance moves! We practiced for probably hours, but felt like minutes!
Next morning; the big day. I'll skip over the little details to the important part my uncle dropping me at prom on his brand new Jaguar... Looks of awe everywhere. I went in, seemingly unrecognized. I stop at the front table and put in my name for registration. "WHAT?!" was the only intelligible thing I heard from students at the table, followed by garbled sounds. I walk into the hall to a crowded room of HS kids and awkward dancing. Now, I'm not religious, but I could swear the crowd parted like the red sea in sight of Moses.
I walked to center of the hall to gasps and "WHO DAT?", "NO WAY!", "FOR REAL?!" and "I REGRET EVERYTHING!" But that was only the beginning as soon as the music resumed I broke my new dance moves... Styles that were contemporary, while others long forgotten save for history books. Everyone's jaw dropped. Girls started flocking. Thunderous cheers followed the silence that only slides of my $600 shoes interrupted.
Everyone wanted to dance with me. To be around me. To be ME! It should have felt like heaven, but I felt something was still sorely missing. I didn't feel as fulfilled as I thought I would. This big moment can only be perfect if it was spent with someone meaningful... Someone who cared all along. Who saw the diamond in the rough.
I look around looking for that someone, and there he was: my dear uncle leaning next to the entrance with the biggest smile drawn on his face. I wave to him; he waves back. I invite him in; he approaches. We hugged. And almost unconsciously started dancing together. He stops me for a second... Looks into my eyes, and with all the passions he could muster, locks my lips like I've never felt before. The world went silent for a few second... Only to be broken by my uncle's gutteral "EUGH!" as he received a swift baton strike to neck by school security, who dragged him out to the arriving police units.
It turns out he wasn't actually on a break from his marriage, but in fact trying to evade multiple molestation charges.
Did you guys see the post of the week in the other thread?
Did you guys see the post of the week in the other thread?
Nintendo posted this Super Mario 3D World tips video called The Cat Mario Show, and it is amazing.** I've beat the game 100% and I still learned something. :lol
**Caution: if you are allergic to massive amounts of cuteness, do not watch![]()
Time to take a break from posting Smiley
Did you guys see the post of the week in the other thread?
The best at what, being the most vanilla character in the game?Yukiko is the best.
I just had to vent that first.
Also vented on my Russian friend's facebook page who was defending Russia invading Crimea before. I fully expect the de-friend instead of a proper response and I don't even care.