I'm sure dream and I will cross paths. I'm sure it was a honest mistake but the comparison for the event was not even necessary. I don't hold grudges in real life...only online.
None of the new cool guys are ever Avs fans. We have moose and some other flakes and that's it. I COULD BE A GREAT LEADER IF I HAD AN ARMY.
Wasn't him. Was someone with a kings avatar
You gonna miss kesler?
One day.I would promote myself to "DALÉ LAMA" once the Panthers bandwagon returns. One day, one day.
Emerson Etem doing selfies on bikes around my hometown (Brisbane)
New guy, who's your most hated team
Red Wings
Damnnnn, opening in 2017
Damnnnn, opening in 2017
Deconstructed design: Most arenas are built as a big box with the playing surface and seating ringed by concourses, concession stands, team offices and restaurants. But the new arena will be deconstructed with the outer-ring functions moved into structures just set off or pulled away from the core inner playing surface and seats. They wont be separate buildings, but linked by a first-ever interior streetscape.
Glass covered streetscape: The area between the seating bowl and the outer buildings will be covered by glass to create a covered via, or interior streetscape, filled with trees, retail, dining and other amenities. Bridges and walkways will connect the outer buildings to the seating bowl through this covered interior street.
I'm no architecture buff, but that thing looks horrible.
Sick design. Can't wait to see Cleary play there in 2017-18.
This seems pretty exciting. Might even drive down to Detroit one day when the Leafs are visiting and see a game.
And I don't even attend home games (fuck the ticket prices tho)
Sick design. Can't wait to see Cleary play there in 2017-18.
I don't like how one side of the stadium is open like that. Not sure the NHL would approve of the ice being cut down like that.
And having the entire population of Detroit in one place like in the concept art seems dangerous for the rest of the city.
Hertl went biking today too. Emerson can't even bike thewhiteright way. Where's your pro gear bro? Where's your goofy ass helmet?
But that streetscape idea is pretty damn cool
Wasn't him. Was someone with a kings avatar
Damnnnn, opening in 2017
Damnnnn, opening in 2017
Destiney pvp, the proper sequel to Halo 2 MP.
We are now enemies, you don't want me to be your enemy...
Dream is posting in Wresslegaf this is my moment! For what! I don't know!
Dream is posting in Wresslegaf this is my moment! For what! I don't know!
careful, you are safe in here, we call this the bubble.
Unless you either
A) insult Devo
B) get really, really unlucky
I'm being ignored in there currently they are too busy talking about wrestling. Geez.
Don't worry, Dream will be back. You'll have your chance...when the Kings' first playoff game starts next year
Nah not even. They only post after the first win. The Kings Lifelong squad didn't show up until after game 4 in our series.Don't worry, Dream will be back. You'll have your chance...when the Kings' first playoff game starts next year