So the attorney was making a big deal out of an empty bag?News 4, WIVB-TV ✔@news4buffalo
#BreakingNews: Erie Co. Commissioner of Central Police Services says all evidence in #Kane case is accounted for in its original packaging
So the attorney was making a big deal out of an empty bag?
Or vice versa. People are overreacting all over about this.
I'm confused.
The ripped bag. The one with the Nurse ID on it. Is that the bag that the rape kit was put in for testing to the lab for DNA? Wouldn't that be opened, if that was the case?
Or are we talking about a different bag?
So the attorney was making a big deal out of an empty bag?
I'm confused.
The ripped bag. The one with the Nurse ID on it. Is that the bag that the rape kit was put in for testing to the lab for DNA?
Or are we talking about a different bag?
I recommend watching what the attorney for the accuser had to say
There is zero reason for a bag with matching identification number to show up on a doorstep like that. The whole thing is fucked.
This makes it seem even more like the attorney acted without involvement from the DA's office.
Has anybody corroborated the attorney's story here?
This makes it seem even more like the attorney acted without involvement from the DA's office.
Has anybody corroborated the attorney's story here? About how he "confirmed" that the bag in his hands is The Bag?
This makes it seem even more like the attorney acted without involvement from the DA's office.
Has anybody corroborated the attorney's story here? About how he "confirmed" that the bag in his hands is The Bag?
Even if it is the bag, it's still just a bag unless I read things wrong? That there wasn't anything in it?
Even if it is the bag, it's still just a bag unless I read things wrong? That there wasn't anything in it?
Champs League? Madrid?![]()
Champs League? Madrid?
I love how Gretzky is clearly unimpressed but can't mention the error without looking like a douche.
Mobile brahTottenham.
You can tell by the "this is my club" signage on the stands
UGH Splatoon is starting to piss me off, there's so many things wrong with the fucking matchmaking and overall ranked system, it is fucking broken as fuck.
You can't pop on down to Office Max or Staples and buy yourself a rape kit bag doppelganger. He checked with law enforcement, prosecutors, and people that have worked at the lab, and the hospital where it was performed. It shouldn't be seen anywhere outside of law enforcement's hands. That alone is troubling enough. But you add in someone obviously blowing the whistle and the bag being ripped, things get dark.
It's "just" a bag as much as "this was the bag the evidence was in at some point, why do I have this bag, what happened to the evidence between being in this bag and the bag it's in now", yes
I recommend watching what the attorney for the accuser had to say
There is zero reason for a bag with matching identification number to show up on a doorstep like that. The whole thing is fucked.
All evidence related to this case that was given to Erie County Central Police Services by the Town of Hamburg Police Department is accounted for and remains in its original packaging in the possession of Erie County Central Police Services, Glascott said in a written statement. This includes the evidence in the rape kit and the packaging itself. This evidence has been analyzed and reports of that analysis sent to the appropriate agencies.
But now we've got the people who he would have checked with saying that The Bag is still where it should be, untouched.
It's a cluster fuck from where I'm sitting.
1. The county says they have evidence. Not THE bag, just A bag. They make no judgement as to whether or not that evidence was tampered with because they can't know. They weren't the first ones to handle it.
2. The local PD says they have a clear chain of custody, which doesn't seem to be the case because rape kit bags with matching identifying information (a huge no no) are showing up on doorsteps.
So someone other than the lawyer confirmed that there are two bags with matching ID numbers, nurse initials, etc?
Shawn McKenzie ✔ @ShawnMcKenzieSN
The accusers lawyer is not surprised all evidence is accounted for with Erie County Central Police Services....(cont'd)
Shawn McKenzie ✔ ‏@ShawnMcKenzieSN
...His issue is "what happened from the time the evidence was collected, until it got to ECCPS."
I assume he is going to leave that to an outside investigation. There's no realistic way to corroborate that info.
As expected:
I assume he is going to leave that to an outside investigation. There's no realistic way to corroborate that info.
As expected:
I wouldn't even trade Kane for Cleary right now if that was an actual offer...* This is just getting crazier if it all ends up being true.
*No, I probably still would. sigh...
So basically the county's saying "don't look at us, for all we know we got the right stuff" and it's up to Hamburg to explain what in the blue hell is going on.
everyone else: WHY ARE THERE TWO BAGS
@ShawnMcKenzieSN 14m14 minutes ago
Thomas Eoannou "If it was a hoax it was a darn good hoax because it's an original evidence tag."
@ShawnMcKenzieSN 11m11 minutes ago
More from Eoannou "that is an authentic sticker with my clients identifying characteristic, the rape kit number and the nurses Initials."
Mobile brah
Zoomed in, the bird logo on the ground is also a giveaway
Wow just finally listened to the lawyer press conference. I urge everyone her to watch it or listen to it wow.
You mean the text that's basically illegible on GAF mobile? Great point, what a conversation this isOr where it says TOTTENHAMHOTSPUR.COM/STORE
That could be a clue too![]()
That Kane thread is exactly why I almost exclusively post in NHL-Gaf.
Wow just finally listened to the lawyer press conference. I urge everyone her to watch it or listen to it wow.
Julie DiCaro ✔ @JulieDiCaro
Source: Atty for accuser in Kane case had 4 former DAs & members of sex offense ofc verify evidence bag left on doorstep was authentic (1/2)
Julie DiCaro ✔ @JulieDiCaro
within the last 24 hours & before they held press conference today. Met with DA today and turned over bag for investigation (2/2)
all the connor mcdavid ads are already annoying me
dude hasn't even played a damn game yet
all the connor mcdavid ads are already annoying me
dude hasn't even played a damn game yet