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Oh Shit.
This tweet is making the rounds.
I would lose a ton of respect for him if thats true
I would lose a ton of respect for him if thats true
Someone shop Kane out of the NHL 16 cover.
Someone shop Kane out of the NHL 16 cover.
This tweet is making the rounds.
I remember they replaced Heatley with Sakic after the drunk driving, though this isn't as clear cut as that, or it'll take much longer to find out what happened.
Yep that's how it works. Just ask Bill Cosby.It's not like this guy has a hard time getting girls.
Kane may be an asshole, but rape ? It's not like this guy has a hard time getting girls. Not to mention a rape incident that starts in a public place like a bar seems unlikely.
What's your NNID ?
Ugh, I can't play until my TV gets fixed Friday. You guys will already be at the new level cap by then.
This tweet is making the rounds.
Kane may be an asshole, but rape ? It's not like this guy has a hard time getting girls. Not to mention a rape incident that starts in a public place like a bar seems unlikely.
Kane may be an asshole, but rape ? It's not like this guy has a hard time getting girls. Not to mention a rape incident that starts in a public place like a bar seems unlikely.
Graham says Kane might be turning himself in today.
Kane may be an asshole, but rape ? It's not like this guy has a hard time getting girls. Not to mention a rape incident that starts in a public place like a bar seems unlikely.
Wouldn't the phrase "turn himself in" imply charges have been filed or a warrant has been issued for his arrest?
I don't know if it's a matter of nuance.Kane may be an asshole, but rape ? It's not like this guy has a hard time getting girls. Not to mention a rape incident that starts in a public place like a bar seems unlikely.
EDIT: I clearly can't express myself with enough nuance.
Here's the thing, you're right that a high profile athlete like him should normally have no problems getting girls, but as a result a guy like Kane can develop a very high opinion of himself that the one time a girl suddenly shoots him down, he probably doesn't believe. He'll then start rationalizing that she's probably playing 'hard-to-get' and now we're in very dangerous territory.
Third-hand anecdote: my sister-in-law use to bartend and one night there was some Sens players in attendance (she didn't know which players they were as she doesn't follow hockey, but it sounds like it was the Spezza-Emery-McGrattan crowd). Anyways, they approach her with an invitation to some jacuzzi party and she has no interest in going. This apparently stunned them, "What do you mean you don't want to come?" She had to flat out tell them no repeatedly until they gave up. When you're used to have things going your way and then you finally get some push back, you may very well react poorly to it.
Kane's history with alcohol definitrly makes this more plausible imo.Yeah, you're right. Not to mention it can get worse if alcohol is involved.
The Buffalo News said:Patrick Kane, the star player of the Chicago Blackhawks who grew up in South Buffalo, is the target of a rape investigation by Hamburg police for an incident that occurred over the last weekend, two law enforcement sources have told The Buffalo News.
A local woman has accused Kane of a sexual assault, the sources said.
The law enforcement sources said that the woman went to a hospital and that tests using a rape kit were performed.
I remember how quick everyone was to jump on Varlamov around here when shit was going down. This wait and see approach is reserved for champs or just not Russians?