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Niche Gamer: "Gamedevs, stop apologizing to people who don't buy or play video games."


That's the main reason i don't pay giantbomb anymore. This and Abby.

What's wrong with Abby? I stopped watchig Giantbomb (or rather listening to their podcasts) around the time when Austin left. I still see the occasional best of Giantbomb video and from what I can tell she seems pretty cool.


What's wrong with Abby? I stopped watchig Giantbomb (or rather listening to their podcasts) around the time when Austin left. I still see the occasional best of Giantbomb video and from what I can tell she seems pretty cool.

She obviously doesn't play a lot of games. She's kind of bad at them and just watch her GOTY stuff from last year.


She obviously doesn't play a lot of games. She's kind of bad at them and just watch her GOTY stuff from last year.

Being bad at games is the reason? GB was always a personality driven site, being competent at games or playing many of them was never their selling point.
Being bad at games is the reason? GB was always a personality driven site, being competent at games or playing many of them was never their selling point.

She's bad at being a personality. She can't formulate a sentence without adding "like" every other word. She refuses to let other people say more than three words before she has to interject with her thoughts, regardless of whether she has any. She can't express an opinion on a game without saying "it's very good".

She actually thinks Dream Daddy is a better game than say, oh I don't know....Persona 5? She cries sexism and is offended at a robot butt in Nier, but is constantly talking about dicks, and balls etc on the podcast like a thirsty teenager pervert.

Shall I go on?


Being bad at games is the reason? GB was always a personality driven site, being competent at games or playing many of them was never their selling point.
I do not care if she is bad at games. But what I care about and waht made me ignore the site was the GOTY podcast in which she had a mission to get Nier Automata as low as possible or even out of the Top 10. And for this she lied, she played the victim card and she even tried to fake cry at one point you could see her trying to fake tears. Everyone at the table fought for their games except Abby she fought against a game she had no clue of.

And that she has no knowledge at all showed also the Dream Daddy talk. I did not even mind that she got this in the TOP ten but the Nier part was fucking disgusting and since then I have not watched any content which features Abby in ANY form whcih fucking sucks since I like the rest of them even Alex has grown on me even though I mostly disagree with his views.
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She's bad at being a personality. She can't formulate a sentence without adding "like" every other word. She refuses to let other people say more than three words before she has to interject with her thoughts, regardless of whether she has any. She can't express an opinion on a game without saying "it's very good".

She cries sexism and is offended at a robot butt in Nier, but is constantly talking about dicks, and balls etc on the podcast like a thirsty teenager pervert.

Never got that feeling from watching the Best of's and GB's E3 coverage, but it's a small sample size, so I might be wrong. Seems like the old Alex issue, where peope weren't vibing with him as a person.

She actually thinks Dream Daddy is a better game than say, oh I don't know....Persona 5?

The audacity of having a preference!

And I mean, Persona games are bad, so....


she even tried to fake cry at one point you could see her trying to fake tears

Oh, I gotta see this. Any links?
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Neo Member
maybe this should be in another thread but here i go:

Abby is young and feminist... and there's nothing wrong at it...

But she enforces this at every second of the content they do. I don't think she's funny but she keeps trying every time. She's a part of every subject, she does everything, she always have a point of view that won't make lot of sense... her personality is unbearable.

Also, in GOTY argument she went really poorly. She didnt played most of the games of the list and keep saying she didnt like things. She couldnt grasp most of them enjoyed Nier and keep playing the "male fetish robot" card without knowing anything about the game. She didn't like PUBG too so was "downvoting" every time she could it just because she didn't want it to score high.

I really like Ben tho, he's also young but don't try to push or enforce his place on GiantBomb. But i won't pay the site if i don't enjoy most of their content. That includes who are part of it. And that's sad because i love Dan.

Btw: that's my opinion, and i follow it with my money. There's nothing wrong if you're into and i don't think she's a bad person, but i won't pay for content with her.
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Never got that feeling from watching the Best of's and GB's E3 coverage, but it's a small sample size, so I might be wrong. Seems like the old Alex issue, where peope weren't vibing with him as a person.

The audacity of having a preference!

And I mean, Persona games are bad, so....


Oh, I gotta see this. Any links?
If you watch the last day of the GOTY podcast. Sorry I do not have a like but she talks about how she felt objectified when she saw 2B's panties etc. you could see her eyes getting watery and the atmosphere was suddendly very silent . Even Alex in the end was fed up with Abby at least in my opinion. He thought it was not even worth to discuss this with her anymore.


Btw: that's my opinion, and i follow it with my money. There's nothing wrong if you're into.

Oh yeah, definitely. Not arguing with that. I was just genuinely interested why people didn't like her, since I never noticed any of it during my limited exposure to her. I can definitely understand some of the complaints. As I said, it reminds me a bit of Alex and how peope, myself included, weren't huge fans of him.

edit: the GOTY discussion is 5 hours long, so I'm probably not going to bother with it, but the like to dislike ratio speaks for itself, lol.
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Unconfirmed Member
Devs apologizing to dumb shit = going back on their fans imo.


Oh yeah, definitely. Not arguing with that. I was just genuinely interested why people didn't like her, since I never noticed any of it during my limited exposure to her. I can definitely understand some of the complaints. As I said, it reminds me a bit of Alex and how peope, myself included, weren't huge fans of him.

edit: the GOTY discussion is 5 hours long, so I'm probably not going to bother with it, but the like to dislike ratio speaks for itself, lol.
Wonder how many comments have "Cuphead should be higher on the list" Even if there are like 100 comments like this Abby said it 3 times as much in these 5 hours as well. Alex was for me always the meh person but he did not destroy GB for me. Abby did to be honest.


I definitely feel like this is common sense, and appreciate when people in a position to be heard mention it. It makes me sad that this is the type of thing that's hamstringing my favorite hobby.


I believe some game developers are part of the problem to be honest. They aren't living isolated on some island and we have plenty of examples where devs embrace the same ideas and talk with the same language as these people on social media. We don't know how many they are but it's obvious that this culture has influenced a large part of the studios.

CDPR and some Japanese developers might not be affected just yet, but with events like the one yesterday they might apply self-censorship aswell in the future.

The best way to make your voice heard is to hit them where it hurts the most - their wallets. Do not buy games where you get their world view pushed down the throat and let them know that's the reason you picked their competitors game instead. Perhaps then we will see a game industry that isn't afraid of it's own shadow.
The idea of the 'broader audience' has always been a myth, to me. These people who get so easily offended over jokes were never and will never be part of your audience. An apology is an admittance of defeat to their authoritarianism. The faithful core audience will feel betrayed by the display of weakness while the authoritarian maniacs will demand more concessions.

Also, shame on you, ERA.

Imagine if 4chan started doxxing all the Era mods and admins and tried getting them fired from their day jobs by sending their jobs the pedo apologies and implicit approvals of violence.

Era would try to get the FBI involved in a heartbeat.

Despicable hypocrites.


I must admit I think developers are best to go down the Rockstar route and keep interactions to a minimum. Social media, especially. Twitter is just a haven for crazy. If you have something to show, make an announcement, do an interview or do a Q&A on your terms, don't, however, be engaging with individuals on a platform well known to just blow things up at the least whiff of anything that could be deemed a slight by some group.


Ever since Anita Sarkeesian was taken seriously, it wasn't hard to know that this is where we would end up.


Expansive Ellipses
Staff Member
Imagine if 4chan started doxxing all the Era mods and admins and tried getting them fired from their day jobs by sending their jobs the pedo apologies and implicit approvals of violence.

Era would try to get the FBI involved in a heartbeat.

Despicable hypocrites.

Besada tried to insist that I call the FBI on his behalf multiple times because someone found his public facebook landing page that happened to list the county he lived in, per his own privacy settings and personal details he had publicized himself as a neogaf mod, as if, like, someone referring to any of that after the fact was some actionable doxxing threat on his life.

Expect stuff like that x10 over there without a moderating influence.


Besada tried to insist that I call the FBI on his behalf multiple times because someone found his public facebook landing page that happened to list the county he lived in, per his own privacy settings and personal details he had publicized himself as a neogaf mod, as if, like, someone referring to any of that after the fact was some actionable doxxing threat on his life.

Expect stuff like that x10 over there without a moderating influence.
I'm gonna be real with you not in a million years would I ever fucking list my own job on facebook or any other site that has my name linked to it lmao.

That's just stupid. Why would you do that knowing you're gonna be found.


Besada tried to insist that I call the FBI on his behalf multiple times because someone found his public facebook landing page that happened to list the county he lived in, per his own privacy settings and personal details he had publicized himself as a neogaf mod, as if, like, someone referring to any of that after the fact was some actionable doxxing threat on his life.

Expect stuff like that x10 over there without a moderating influence.

Of course it was Beef Soda, literally the most despicable mod that GAF ever had (as far as I know). No offence to you, mate, just saying.

Ever since Anita Sarkeesian was taken seriously, it wasn't hard to know that this is where we would end up.

Probably the most successful con-artist of the youtube gaming scene. Like, I don't understand how so few people noticed how all that money she asked for was absolutely not reflecting her output. Her stuff was amateur and lacked any production value, it was pretty bad. Vast majority of video game commentators have far superior production quality and do it either for free or get a few bucks via patreon (Angry Joe, NerdSlayer, etc.).

edit: well I guess Angry Joe does get some bucks now from all the donations and stuff, but there are a lot of video game commentators that don't and still make far superior content than Sarkeesian.
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Probably the most successful con-artist of the youtube gaming scene. Like, I don't understand how so few people noticed how all that money she asked for was absolutely not reflecting her output. Her stuff was amateur and lacked any production value, it was pretty bad. Vast majority of video game commentators have far superior production quality and do it either for free or get a few bucks via patreon (Angry Joe, NerdSlayer, etc.).

edit: well I guess Angry Joe does get some bucks now from all the donations and stuff, but there are a lot of video game commentators that don't and still make far superior content than Sarkeesian.
Nothing beats Anita crowdfunding $25K to open a free Discord server.


The Tribe Has Spoken
But i won't pay the site if i don't enjoy most of their content. That includes who are part of it. And that's sad because i love Dan.
I agree. I’ve been a GB fan since the beginning, but I’ve dropped them. I find Abby immature, obnoxious and annoying and in Ben, it’s like they picked a person with literally the worst voice for podcasting. I don’t understand who these hires were for. Certainly not their long time fans.

And on Dan...where do I start? Fast became the best thing about Giant Bomb and now is reduced to a shell of his former self.

A typical Beastcast:

Dan: “So this funny thing happened to me once. Would you like to hear it?”

Vinny: “Haha, ok.”

Dan: “So, I was in college and...”

Vinny: “Hang on Dan. Abby, what do you think?”

Abby: *says some unfunny shit for 3 minutes that she seems to think is hilarious, meanwhile Dan never gets to finish his story*

Vinny: “Moving on...”

It’s like GB have no fucking idea why anyone listens to their show.

I have never donated to anyones Patreon, I don’t believe in it. But, at this point, if Dan decided to Patreon it up and do his own thing, I’d be the first to throw him some money.


Mckmaster uses MasterCard to buy Slave drives
No, actually, they aren't. But you keep going with that angle.

So yall can keep claiming and faking like one side is pissed whereas the other side is cool, calm, and collected. Some of you guys need to open up your eyes. The fight is being fought on BOTH sides! This wack article by niche gamer is just the other side complaining about the things that he doesn't like. It's no better than what Austin Walker said (which I completely disagree with).

Mobile Suit Gooch

Grundle: The Awakening
An apology is never enough for these people. Once you do, they'll demand more. Your job, your house and etc. Once your shits gone, they'll move on to the next target.
They don't have the clout to influence anything. Play Asia told them to fuck off and their followers increased. The Kingdom Come devs? Game was blacklisted and still charted.


Haven’t had an opportunity to read the article since I’m at work but personally I see nothing wrong with apologizing if you truly believe you offended someone ... However, I also believe there’s s such thing of apologizing too much which can warp perception.

I think us as a society, we’ve apologized way too much and in a sense we nurtured and bred this shit. Once again I got nothing against apologizing, especially if it’s sonething severe but the small stuff? Apparent harmless memes? We catered to these minority few and mistakenly believe we’ve offended their entire community when most the time it’s only a few who make so much noise.
I agree. I’ve been a GB fan since the beginning, but I’ve dropped them. I find Abby immature, obnoxious and annoying and in Ben, it’s like they picked a person with literally the worst voice for podcasting. I don’t understand who these hires were for. Certainly not their long time fans.

And on Dan...where do I start? Fast became the best thing about Giant Bomb and now is reduced to a shell of his former self.

A typical Beastcast:

Dan: “So this funny thing happened to me once. Would you like to hear it?”

Vinny: “Haha, ok.”

Dan: “So, I was in college and...”

Vinny: “Hang on Dan. Abby, what do you think?”

Abby: *says some unfunny shit for 3 minutes that she seems to think is hilarious, meanwhile Dan never gets to finish his story*

Vinny: “Moving on...”

It’s like GB have no fucking idea why anyone listens to their show.

I have never donated to anyones Patreon, I don’t believe in it. But, at this point, if Dan decided to Patreon it up and do his own thing, I’d be the first to throw him some money.

Ben sounds like he's gargling half chewed Oreos when he talks, and don't get me started on the endless fighting game talk on the borecast
So yall can keep claiming and faking like one side is pissed whereas the other side is cool, calm, and collected. Some of you guys need to open up your eyes. The fight is being fought on BOTH sides! This wack article by niche gamer is just the other side complaining about the things that he doesn't like. It's no better than what Austin Walker said (which I completely disagree with).
It's amusing that you call the article wack without pointing out any part that you particularly disagree with.

Now about that question I asked you earlier...


Ben sounds like he's gargling half chewed Oreos when he talks, and don't get me started on the endless fighting game talk on the borecast
The worst is getting a headache from watching mailbag videos because Ben just cannot stop shaking his hands and moving the camera in every direction.


I agree. I’ve been a GB fan since the beginning, but I’ve dropped them. I find Abby immature, obnoxious and annoying and in Ben, it’s like they picked a person with literally the worst voice for podcasting. I don’t understand who these hires were for. Certainly not their long time fans.

For a long time I had trouble distinguishing Ben's voice from Vinny's. Now I can hear the difference. But yeah it sounds like Ben always just drank a glass of milk, and has never once used his nostrils for breathing.

Somehow though, I find Alex's voice far more grating. He is always talking with high intensity snark, and just comes across like a massive know it all.
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She's bad at being a personality. She can't formulate a sentence without adding "like" every other word. She refuses to let other people say more than three words before she has to interject with her thoughts, regardless of whether she has any. She can't express an opinion on a game without saying "it's very good".

She actually thinks Dream Daddy is a better game than say, oh I don't know....Persona 5? She cries sexism and is offended at a robot butt in Nier, but is constantly talking about dicks, and balls etc on the podcast like a thirsty teenager pervert.

Shall I go on?

I want more people to know that Giant Bomb quietly edited their Quicklook for Detroit:Become Human, to remove a line where Abby sincerely asked "Where is this game set in America?...oh, wait..." lol.
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So yall can keep claiming and faking like one side is pissed whereas the other side is cool, calm, and collected. Some of you guys need to open up your eyes. The fight is being fought on BOTH sides! This wack article by niche gamer is just the other side complaining about the things that he doesn't like. It's no better than what Austin Walker said (which I completely disagree with).
You clearly didn't read it. It's an opinion piece written in a calm manner with zero outrage on display. How does that compare with ddoxing someone and trying to get them fired over a joke? Hint, it doesn't.

You keep spreading the false narrative that both sides are the same, though.
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Dude Marvel has hired on more activists lately to write stories. Its as if they care more about getting backlash on social media more than money.
It's amazing really. I never seen companies not caring about money until this SJW pandering thing. First time i see pro-consumer moves and they had to be for this fucking crowd.


So yall can keep claiming and faking like one side is pissed whereas the other side is cool, calm, and collected. Some of you guys need to open up your eyes. The fight is being fought on BOTH sides! This wack article by niche gamer is just the other side complaining about the things that he doesn't like. It's no better than what Austin Walker said (which I completely disagree with).
The thing for me is that this would not even have happened if there was no outrage in the first place. With Battlefield it is the same. It would have never escalated to this degree if Dice did not call people uneducated and stating that they are on the right side of history

Yes it is both sides but the other side is mostly reacting to outrage and insults. Example for an outrage on the "other" side right now is happening with the new Crunchyroll Anime which people make fun of. This is something I do not agree I posted one comment and thats it but others go all out for sure. This is the thing this stupid culture war is helping no one at all. Instead of letting people create what they want and then let the market decide people go against each other all the time now. In The gaming sector I mostly blame Anitaa for this hostile atmosphere but the articles did also not help for sure. Journalism and gamer have such huge differences that I do not think they can ever be fixed again.
well i think game devs should stop talking to people altogether. what i mean is that if you want to be apolitical then it shouldnt be you are any kind of party or whatever. just make the fucking game and talk about the features. i dont at this point want to hear about anyones shitty jokes this intern who is handling the twitter makes.


To me, the "apology" didn't sound like a mea-culpa, more like a "Sorry if you were offended. We didn't intend any malice." Subtext: We were just joking around.

That's the kind of "apology" you issue when you don't think you've done anything wrong, but you just want to do the pro-forma thing that will make the issue go away.

I don't blame them. The SJW internet hate mobs can be vicious. They wreck people's careers (in the name of compassion, of course). This was the community manager's twitter, unless I'm mistaken. It's his job to be the friendly face. And ultimately, it's about the bottom line. You don't want to lose sales because of some stupid "controversy" over a lame joke.

Companies issue these sorts of non-apology apologies all the time. So do husbands, wives, boyfriends, girlfriends... A real apology is a heartfelt admission of guilt and wrongdoing. That's not what we have here. CDPR just wants to make it go away. I don't blame them.


The Tribe Has Spoken
To me, the "apology" didn't sound like a mea-culpa, more like a "Sorry if you were offended. We didn't intend any malice." Subtext: We were just joking around.

That's the kind of "apology" you issue when you don't think you've done anything wrong, but you just want to do the pro-forma thing that will make the issue go away.

I don't blame them. The SJW internet hate mobs can be vicious. They wreck people's careers (in the name of compassion, of course). This was the community manager's twitter, unless I'm mistaken. It's his job to be the friendly face. And ultimately, it's about the bottom line. You don't want to lose sales because of some stupid "controversy" over a lame joke.

Companies issue these sorts of non-apology apologies all the time. So do husbands, wives, boyfriends, girlfriends... A real apology is a heartfelt admission of guilt and wrongdoing. That's not what we have here. CDPR just wants to make it go away. I don't blame them.
CD Projekt Red would lose exactly 0 sales sans an apology. Twitter autists are not consumers.


CD Projekt Red would lose exactly 0 sales sans an apology. Twitter autists are not consumers.

I think it's hard for anyone to know that. I think they're just being cautious and protecting their product from potential damage over trivia. There's also the danger that the mob mentality and controversy distracts people from where CDPR wants people to be focused (i.e., not on gender fluidity or whatnot, but on the game itself and how cool it is).


The Tribe Has Spoken
I think it's hard for anyone to know that. I think they're just being cautious and protecting their product from potential damage over trivia. There's also the danger that the mob mentality and controversy distracts people from where CDPR wants people to be focused (i.e., not on gender fluidity or whatnot, but on the game itself and how cool it is).
The proof is in the pudding. Daniel Vavra told these snowflakes to GAGF and his game sold 1,000,000+.

I agree they are being cautious for obvious reasons, but it is entirely unnecessary. The industry will work this out eventually.


The proof is in the pudding. Daniel Vavra told these snowflakes to GAGF and his game sold 1,000,000+.

I agree they are being cautious for obvious reasons, but it is entirely unnecessary. The industry will work this out eventually.

Well, that's an N of 1, so we really can't draw any solid conclusions from it, certainly no "proof" of anything. Besides, it's entirely possible that Kingdom Come might've sold better, were it not for the controversy and backlash. We just don't know.

If I had tens of millions of dollars on the line, I'd be issuing a non-apology apology, too. Make it go away. They don't need the distraction and the headaches.


The Tribe Has Spoken
Well, that's an N of 1, so we really can't draw any solid conclusions from it, certainly no "proof" of anything. Besides, it's entirely possible that Kingdom Come might've sold better, were it not for the controversy and backlash. We just don't know.

If I had tens of millions of dollars on the line, I'd be issuing a non-apology apology, too. Make it go away. They don't need the distraction and the headaches.
I understand there reasoning, but I wouldn’t. The screeching of these mobs doesn’t affect sales.

There is evidence that it doesn’t. Is there evidence that it does?


The Tribe Has Spoken
I expected that.

In my opinion, the BFV backlash is from actual consumers. “Real” gamers, if you like. As I stated above, the Twitter screechers, AKA SJWs, aren’t consumers. They don’t buy video games en masse. Therefore doesn’t affect sales. The only games they play is the outrage games on the internet. They don’t pay money for that.
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