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Niche Gamer: "Gamedevs, stop apologizing to people who don't buy or play video games."


Mckmaster uses MasterCard to buy Slave drives
It's amusing that you call the article wack without pointing out any part that you particularly disagree with.

Now about that question I asked you earlier...

I disagree with the following.

- That he calls the joke harmless
- He says that most of the "outrage police" don't play games. There' ZERO way for him to know that. And I'd bet he's wrong.
- He said "real gamers" care about the game and not these side stories about the outraged. Yet he's 100% wrong again. Just look at this thread for proof.
- He said politically-motivated games don't sell. Wrong again! We've seen games with political messages in them sell well actually.
- He said people like Austin Walker are not influencers in the gaming industry. Which is just objectively wrong.

You clearly didn't read it. It's an opinion piece written in a calm manner with zero outrage on display. How does that compare with ddoxing someone and trying to get them fired over a joke? Hint, it doesn't.

You keep spreading the false narrative that both sides are the same, though.

That's your perception. He's as outraged as many on the other side when they don't like something. For some reason people think if you didn't like the joke, you are 100% outraged and ready to hang a person. Most of the people here can't allow someone to calmly say that they don't like a certain joke because it might have went too far. So if you are going to maintain that same energy you should also view this Niche Gamer article as outrage too.
I disagree with the following.

- That he calls the joke harmless
- He says that most of the "outrage police" don't play games. There' ZERO way for him to know that. And I'd bet he's wrong.
- He said "real gamers" care about the game and not these side stories about the outraged. Yet he's 100% wrong again. Just look at this thread for proof.
- He said politically-motivated games don't sell. Wrong again! We've seen games with political messages in them sell well actually.
- He said people like Austin Walker are not influencers in the gaming industry. Which is just objectively wrong.

That's your perception. He's as outraged as many on the other side when they don't like something. For some reason people think if you didn't like the joke, you are 100% outraged and ready to hang a person. Most of the people here can't allow someone to calmly say that they don't like a certain joke because it might have went too far. So if you are going to maintain that same energy you should also view this Niche Gamer article as outrage too.
Again, completely ignoring the ddoxing and the trying to get someone fired. It's almost like you have an agenda.


Mckmaster uses MasterCard to buy Slave drives
Again, completely ignoring the ddoxing and the trying to get someone fired. It's almost like you have an agenda.

Well I clearly disagree with doxxing the CDPR guy or any person for that matter. That's stupid behavior. I think trying to get him fired is also a bad thing to do. But 99% of people that didn't like the joke aren't doing either of those things. Those are the exceptions.
Well I clearly disagree with doxxing the CDPR guy or any person for that matter. That's stupid behavior. I think trying to get him fired is also a bad thing to do. But 99% of people that didn't like the joke aren't doing either of those things. Those are the exceptions.
Pulling imaginary figures out of your ass doesn't do you any favours. We know that one side has ddoxed and attempted to get someone fired here over a joke. Please tell me what the opposite (or sane, if you will) side has done for you to claim both sides are as bad as each other.
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I disagree with the following.

- That he calls the joke harmless
Then what kind of harm does the joke entail? Does it call for violence or discrimination? Or is this just the case of a certain group of people being too hypersensitive?

- He says that most of the "outrage police" don't play games. There' ZERO way for him to know that. And I'd bet he's wrong.
There were a bunch of folks of the "outrage police" whose initial reaction to the Cyberpunk's reveal trailer was complaining about how the taxi drivers were Indian. The "outrage police's" immediate reaction to Doom Eternal's "Demon's are mortally challenged" joke is also another piece of evidence. I would say the author has some sort of case, making your assertion that there's "ZERO way" for him to know that moot.

- He said "real gamers" care about the game and not these side stories about the outraged. Yet he's 100% wrong again. Just look at this thread for proof.
This is Proof of Assertion. Real gamers do indeed care about the game because they want their future investment into Cyberpunk to be worth it.

And I'm looking at this thread and I don't see this "proof" that you claim to support your assertions.

- He said politically-motivated games don't sell. Wrong again! We've seen games with political messages in them sell well actually.
You say this and you don't provide any examples? I would say that the author means politically-motivated as pandering to a certain political ideology, namely modern/authoritarian progressivism. So a game such as Mass Effect Andromeda would fit this description and well... that game didn't do well commercially. We're hearing about Battlefield V's preorders being severely behind BO4's preorders which are also not that great.

That is unless you're referring to politically-motivated games as those like Final Fantasy X. What made the criticism of established religion in FFX work was that it gradually built up to that moment where the main cast discovered the corruption behind the Yevon faith. The allegory was there, but not shoved right in your face and it played a significant role in the plot and the main cast's development.

TL;DR - Politics in games can work, but only if implemented organically and not obnoxiously shoved in your face.

- He said people like Austin Walker are not influencers in the gaming industry. Which is just objectively wrong.
I have heard nothing of Austin Walker until you mentioned it to me. And just looking up who he writes for, Waypoint, huh...? Isn't that the same outlet Patrick Klepek works for? You know, the same dude that tried to get a person fired because his opinions on GamerGate? Yeah... I have no interest in morally corrupt writers.

Now, again about the question I asked earlier: One side is disagreeing with the outrage against CDPR's tweet. The other side has gone as far as to dox employees of CDPR. Which one is worse?
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You say this and you don't provide any examples? I would say that the author means politically-motivated as pandering to a certain political ideology, namely modern/authoritarian progressivism.

Yes, it should be obvious to anyone. But apparently some people use such a wide definition of what is "political" that anything could fit in that category, like for example every medieval fantasy RPG ever made being "political" because it includes monarchies.

Boss Mog

He said politically-motivated games don't sell. Wrong again! We've seen games with political messages in them sell well actually.
Is that why Wolfenstein II was in the bargain bin for 10 bucks a couple of months after it came out? It even dropped 50% in price a couple of weeks after it came out initial sales were so bad and yet gameplay-wise the game is a solid FPS game so why wouldn't it sell? Does it have to do with all the SJW bullshit in the game maybe or the SJW marketing campaign perhaps? I wonder....
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- He said politically-motivated games don't sell. Wrong again! We've seen games with political messages in them sell well actually.
This is not a sound argument. There's a difference between a game being politically motivated and a game having a political message.

Games having political messages have these message in a way that is relevant to the game itself. Take Deus Ex Human Revolution. It's full of political messages. Is it politically motivated? I doubt many people would agree that it is. All the politics within the game are relevant to the game itself. Although one might learn something that might be relevant to the real world, its primary function is to expand the world within the game. There is nothing wrong with a game having a political message. The best example of the political message being both relevant to the game and the player is Spec Ops: The Line. The most important part is that the game itself did not suffer for it.

A game being politically motivated, is having political messages that are not relevant to the game itself, but are in the game to push some kind of political standard in the real world. Take Battlefield V. What relevance does a chick with a hook arm have to a world war 2 game? Nothing. It is the pushing of a political agenda that does not contribute to the game itself in any relevant matter. It is a product trying to push what modern political correctness says is right. It's changing WW2 to what modern political correctness says WW2 should have been, and if you criticize it, you're a sexist... Yeah.... Quite the difference.

An example that contains both is Mass Effect: Andromeda. It has the politics of the Krogan and Salarian issues for example, but it also had (because they took it out) a character practically saying "Oh hi, I'm trans". Guess which one received the backlash...

Those two are completely different. To somehow suggest that games having political messages prove that politically motivated games sell, is... Dishonest, and I'm putting it mildly.


Mckmaster uses MasterCard to buy Slave drives
Is that why Wolfenstein II was in the bargain bin for 10 bucks a couple of months after it came out? It even dropped 50% in price a couple of weeks after it came out initial sales were so bad and yet gameplay-wise the game is a solid FPS game so why wouldn't it sell? Does it have to do with all the SJW bullshit in the game maybe or the SJW marketing campaign perhaps? I wonder....

Maybe releasing Wolfenstein II on the same day as Super Mario Odyssey and Assassin’s Creed Origins was a stupid idea. Don't know what they were thinking. Don't know any SJW marketing and BS that you are talking about with this game.

This is not a sound argument. There's a difference between a game being politically motivated and a game having a political message.

Games having political messages have these message in a way that is relevant to the game itself. Take Deus Ex Human Revolution. It's full of political messages. Is it politically motivated? I doubt many people would agree that it is. All the politics within the game are relevant to the game itself. Although one might learn something that might be relevant to the real world, its primary function is to expand the world within the game. There is nothing wrong with a game having a political message. The best example of the political message being both relevant to the game and the player is Spec Ops: The Line. The most important part is that the game itself did not suffer for it.

A game being politically motivated, is having political messages that are not relevant to the game itself, but are in the game to push some kind of political standard in the real world. Take Battlefield V. What relevance does a chick with a hook arm have to a world war 2 game? Nothing. It is the pushing of a political agenda that does not contribute to the game itself in any relevant matter. It is a product trying to push what modern political correctness says is right. It's changing WW2 to what modern political correctness says WW2 should have been, and if you criticize it, you're a sexist... Yeah.... Quite the difference.

An example that contains both is Mass Effect: Andromeda. It has the politics of the Krogan and Salarian issues for example, but it also had (because they took it out) a character practically saying "Oh hi, I'm trans". Guess which one received the backlash...

Those two are completely different. To somehow suggest that games having political messages prove that politically motivated games sell, is... Dishonest, and I'm putting it mildly.

The difference is in the eye of the person typing at the moment. Your definition will not the same as someone else's. And that doesn't mean the other person's definition of "politically motivated" is wrong. These are all subjective. Do you know for a fact that Deus Ex Human Revolution wasn't politically motivated? Or is it not because you liked the message? I don't think it should matter if it's only relevant to the game itself. What if it's both? What if it's relevant to the game, but also to the real world that we live in also? It seems like you feel like a game is politically motivated if it makes the game suffer. Spec Ops The Line is a great example that you used.

And how can you possibly know if the lady in BFV with the hook arm is relvant to the game? It's not even out yet. You "CLAIM" that she's in the game for political correctness, yet there's literally no way for you to know that. For some reason you can't allow a game that has the motivations of politics to some degree to succeed. Any successful game that I put out there as an example, you'll just claim wasn't politically motivated at all and doesn't count. That's not fair. You've rigged the game so that you always win. You're playing Heads or Tails with a two-sided "Heads" coin.


I understand there reasoning, but I wouldn’t. The screeching of these mobs doesn’t affect sales.

There is evidence that it doesn’t. Is there evidence that it does?

I disagree with that bolded statement -- I don't think there is evidence that SJW outrage mobs do not affect sales. Think about the scientific method and logical inference. All we know, in the case of KC: D, is that 1) there was an SJW outrage mob, and 2) the game sold a million plus copies. Can you infer from that that the SJW outrage did not affect sales? You cannot. That's logically invalid. You have no way of knowing whether the SJW outrage increased, decreased, or had zero effect on sales. (For all we know, KC: D might have sold better without the SJW outrage campaign.)

In order to make the inference you're making, you would need to know how much KC: D would have sold, in the absence of the SJW outrage campaign. And we just don't know that. There's really no way of knowing that. Another, less direct way of knowing would be if KC were a long-running series, and the main thing that distinguished this installment (KC: D) was SJW outrage -- that way, we'd have a baseline to compare it to. But we don't have that, either, since KC: D is the first in the series.

So really, there is no evidence that it doesn't affect sales -- at least if you're talking about good, logical evidence. To be clear, I hope that is the case (that SJW outrage does not affect sales). I'm just pointing out that, logically, we have no evidence either way.

I think it's easy for people to sit back and say CDPR shouldn't have made the non-apology apology. They have no skin in the game. Easy enough for them to say. They take no risks by doing so. Otoh, CDPR has hundreds of thousands of dollars on the line. All they have to do, to eliminate a risk to that investment, is issue a non-apology apology. That's a no-brainer.

Also, I think it's significant that the first thing many people think of when they think of KC: D is the controversy over whether the developer is a white supremacist. They don't think of the game first; they think of the controversy. I doubt CDPR wants their game -- which they've been working on for years and has all the earmarks of something revolutionary -- to be associated with a stupid scandal like that, to have that be the first thing you think about, when you think of their game. No way. Eliminate that. Cut engagement with SJW mobs asap. It's like the longer you let them hang around, the more of their stink they get on you.

Actually, what I'm encouraged about is that we seem to be seeing a different sort of evidence -- games and movies that are suffering, because they are catering to SJW/PC initiatives. Star Wars, the Marvel thing, maybe Battlefield V... That's good news to me.
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Boss Mog

Maybe releasing Wolfenstein II on the same day as Super Mario Odyssey and Assassin’s Creed Origins was a stupid idea. Don't know what they were thinking. Don't know any SJW marketing and BS that you are talking about with this game.
Really? That whole game is nothing but SJW propaganda through and through.

As for the marketing well...:
I disagree with that bolded statement -- I don't think there is evidence that SJW outrage mobs do not affect sales. Think about the scientific method and logical inference. All we know, in the case of KC: D, is that 1) there was an SJW outrage mob, and 2) the game sold a million plus copies. Can you infer from that that the SJW outrage did not affect sales? You cannot. That's logically invalid. You have no way of knowing whether the SJW outrage increased, decreased, or had zero effect on sales. (For all we know, KC: D might have sold better without the SJW outrage campaign.)

In order to make the inference you're making, you would need to know how much KC: D would have sold, in the absence of the SJW outrage campaign. And we just don't know that. There's really no way of knowing that. Another, less direct way of knowing would be if KC were a long-running series, and the main thing that distinguished this installment (KC: D) was SJW outrage -- that way, we'd have a baseline to compare it to. But we don't have that, either, since KC: D is the first in the series.

So really, there is no evidence that it doesn't affect sales -- at least if you're talking about good, logical evidence. To be clear, I hope that is the case (that SJW outrage does not affect sales). I'm just pointing out that, logically, we have no evidence either way.

I think it's easy for people to sit back and say CDPR shouldn't have made the non-apology apology. They have no skin in the game. Easy enough for them to say. They take no risks by doing so. Otoh, CDPR has hundreds of thousands of dollars on the line. All they have to do, to eliminate a risk to that investment, is issue a non-apology apology. That's a no-brainer.

Also, I think it's significant that the first thing many people think of when they think of KC: D is the controversy over whether the developer is a white supremacist. They don't think of the game first; they think of the controversy. I doubt CDPR wants their game -- which they've been working on for years and has all the earmarks of something revolutionary -- to be associated with a stupid scandal like that, to have that be the first thing you think about, when you think of their game. No way. Eliminate that. Cut engagement with SJW mobs asap. It's like the longer you let them hang around, the more of their stink they get on you.

Actually, what I'm encouraged about is that we seem to be seeing a different sort of evidence -- games and movies that are suffering, because they are catering to SJW/PC initiatives. Star Wars, the Marvel thing, maybe Battlefield V... That's good news to me.
Probably the best example we have where the SJW outrage led to higher sales is when Play-Asia called the SJWs out for KT not localizing DOAX3. There was even a boycott campaign against P-A. Instead, P-A's twitter tripled in followers and their warehouses were filled to the brim with DOAX3 copies in preparation for import orders.


That's logically invalid.


Nobody is arguing numbers. It's simple KC: D was boycotted by the mainstream press, its creator had hitpieces written about him, SJW mobs yelled accusing them of many things and yet the game did well.

Conclusion: you don't need them to succeed. They are irrelevant.


Mckmaster uses MasterCard to buy Slave drives
Really? That whole game is nothing but SJW propaganda through and through.

As for the marketing well...:

Hold on......wait..wait..wait..wait..wait..wait..wait..so wanting to punch a Nazi in the face is considered SJW now? My goodness it really is just a 3 letter term that gets thrown at everything.

Because it is front and center in their marketing.

My bad, I meant to say "how do we know the lady with the hook on her arm isn't to the game?" Like there could be a story line based on her and her travels during WWII. In that light, I wouldn't say putting her in the game is some "Political Correctness mobo jumbo".


Gold Member

Nobody is arguing numbers. It's simple KC: D was boycotted by the mainstream press, its creator had hitpieces written about him, SJW mobs yelled accusing them of many things and yet the game did well.

Conclusion: you don't need them to succeed. They are irrelevant.

Ya damned right they are.


Boss Mog

Hold on......wait..wait..wait..wait..wait..wait..wait..so wanting to punch a Nazi in the face is considered SJW now? My goodness it really is just a 3 letter term that gets thrown at everything.
Is it SJW to tell nazis to fuck off? Nazis are bad, they should get the fuck off.
Actual nazis obviously so and if the ad said if you're an actual nazi, gtfo then it would have been funny.

The problem is the SJWs have deemed anybody who doesn't agree with them on everything a nazi. And SJWs invented the "punch a nazi" meme so using it in an ad campaign unironically means you support SJW ideology, plain and simple.

If you need a reminder of what the SJW considers a nazi here's a refresher:

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Actual nazis obviously so and if the ad said if you're an actual nazi, gtfo then it would have been funny.

The problem is the SJWs have deemed anybody who doesn't agree with them on everything a nazi. And SJWs invented the "punch a nazi" meme so using it in an ad campaign unironically means you support SJW ideology, plain and simple.

If you need a reminder of what the SJW considers a nazi here's a refresher:

Perhaps a lot of people doesn't know a bout the SJW insult or the term "SJW" and is one without knowing about it? Nazis are bad, that's the fundament, so trying to change the perception of wanting to punch a nazi to some SJW ideology is dangerous.

"I don't like nazis, they are bad people. I would punch one"
"Damn you SJW for following the SJW ideology!"

I mean, we have people like Chris Evans (Captain America) being a social justice warrior on Twitter every week. He might now even know the term, but he still is one.
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Nobody is arguing numbers. It's simple KC: D was boycotted by the mainstream press, its creator had hitpieces written about him, SJW mobs yelled accusing them of many things and yet the game did well.

Conclusion: you don't need them to succeed. They are irrelevant.

Stop with logic, got it. Let's make sweeping generalizations based on an N of 1 while disregarding basic logic. Hmm, what sort of thinking does that remind me of...

And of course this is about numbers. That's what sales are. Numbers.

Probably the best example we have where the SJW outrage led to higher sales is when Play-Asia called the SJWs out for KT not localizing DOAX3. There was even a boycott campaign against P-A. Instead, P-A's twitter tripled in followers and their warehouses were filled to the brim with DOAX3 copies in preparation for import orders.

That could be. I'm not familiar with that case.
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Boss Mog

Perhaps a lot of people doesn't know a bout the SJW insult or the term "SJW" and is one without knowing about it? Nazis are bad, that's the fundament, so trying to change the perception of wanting to punch a nazi to some SJW ideology is dangerous.

"I don't like nazis, they are bad people. I would punch one"
"Damn you SJW for following the SJW ideology!"

I mean, we have people like Chris Evans (Captain America) being a social justice warrior on Twitter every week. He might now even know the term, but he still is one.

There's a difference between speaking up on social justice issues and acting like a complete fascist trying to establish your vision as the one truth and wanting to kill people who aren't fully on board with it or your methods. SJW is a derogatory term, the Warrior part is the important part of that acronym. Their extreme zeal is completely incompatible with a civilized free society.
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- He says that most of the "outrage police" don't play games. There' ZERO way for him to know that. And I'd bet he's wrong.

Yet apparently there's 100% chance that you're right?

- He said "real gamers" care about the game and not these side stories about the outraged. Yet he's 100% wrong again. Just look at this thread for proof.

Honestly, even at its height, this forum represented a drop in the ocean of the overall gaming public. So it's somewhat foolish to try and draw any comparisons.

He said politically-motivated games don't sell. Wrong again! We've seen games with political messages in them sell well actually.

IIs this one of those 'everything is political' appeals

- He said people like Austin Walker are not influencers in the gaming industry. Which is just objectively wrong.

Game Journos of various stripes can bitch and moan about all sorts of shit, but whether developers will give them any credence is another matter entirely.


There's a difference between speaking up on social justice issues and acting like a complete fascist trying to establish your vision as the one truth and wanting to kill people who aren't fully on board with it or your methods. SJW is a derogatory term, the Warrior part is the important part of that acronym. Their extreme zeal is completely incompatible with a civilized free society.

That's your view though, doesn't mean everyone has that view. Chris Evans may know about "SJW", he may see himself as one, but doesn't have the same view as you.


Mckmaster uses MasterCard to buy Slave drives
Actual nazis obviously so and if the ad said if you're an actual nazi, gtfo then it would have been funny.

The problem is the SJWs have deemed anybody who doesn't agree with them on everything a nazi. And SJWs invented the "punch a nazi" meme so using it in an ad campaign unironically means you support SJW ideology, plain and simple.

If you need a reminder of what the SJW considers a nazi here's a refresher:

You know darn well they were talking about punching real Nazis. Why fake the funk?

Yet apparently there's 100% chance that you're right?

Honestly, even at its height, this forum represented a drop in the ocean of the overall gaming public. So it's somewhat foolish to try and draw any comparisons.

IIs this one of those 'everything is political' appeals

Game Journos of various stripes can bitch and moan about all sorts of shit, but whether developers will give them any credence is another matter entirely.

- Yes I know I'm right when I say people that many call the "outrage police" play games. It's just a pure fact. I listen to their podcasts and watch their videos on a weekly basis.

- And are you one of those people that says nothing is political, until you disagree with it?


The difference is in the eye of the person typing at the moment. Your definition will not the same as someone else's. And that doesn't mean the other person's definition of "politically motivated" is wrong. These are all subjective.
Definitions being subjective is convenient. It allows twisting and wordplay, which I obviously don't tolerate.

Do you know for a fact that Deus Ex Human Revolution wasn't politically motivated? Or is it not because you liked the message? I don't think it should matter if it's only relevant to the game itself. What if it's both? What if it's relevant to the game, but also to the real world that we live in also? It seems like you feel like a game is politically motivated if it makes the game suffer. Spec Ops The Line is a great example that you used.
I clearly showed the distinction with the Mass Effect Andromeda example. But to elaborate on that, the Krogan vs Salarian politics can be correlated with the politics of blacks vs whites for examples. That is not a problem. Majority of things in many games are symbolic for real life social issues and politics. It's what makes them powerful. Same goes for movies and books. The problem starts when it's not presented as an issue in the world of the game/movie itself. The issue is when a pre-determined one-sided opinion is presented as the solution for social issues in real life and is forced on the player. Especially before the game even launched, like BFV. TV Shows like Supergirl are getting criticized for the exact same thing.

Ask yourself this. Why was Kat from Halo Reach not a problem, but this chick in BFV is? What is the difference? Can you tell?

And how can you possibly know if the lady in BFV with the hook arm is relvant to the game? It's not even out yet. You "CLAIM" that she's in the game for political correctness, yet there's literally no way for you to know that.
Really? Try shooting a sniper with a hook as a hand. Forget sniper. Try shooting any gun other than a handgun with a hook as a hand. Yeah. There you go. It's not only irrelevant, it's borderline ridiculous. At best what they could do is show a history of her hand getting cut off trying to protect/save someone or whatever, and that she was driven to fight because of the injustice done to her. That still begs the question why she's necessarily female, why she's necessarily trying to rescue you the player, and why she's not in the game in some other way that would be more realistic regarding those times. It is clear pandering to a specific political group to push a specific political agenda. That is only re-enforced when the user base itself is getting derogatory labels for criticizing the obvious.

For some reason you can't allow a game that has the motivations of politics to some degree to succeed.
Games should succeed on their own merit. Not on the merit of pleasing a certain crowd that doesn't game, but wants political correctness everywhere. People were constantly arguing that games do not attract women because of how they are portrayed. Well, other groups also have standards and can be turned off by how things are presented. That group is not forced to let a game succeed if it caters (or at least tries) to other groups instead.

Any successful game that I put out there as an example, you'll just claim wasn't politically motivated at all and doesn't count. That's not fair. You've rigged the game so that you always win. You're playing Heads or Tails with a two-sided "Heads" coin.
You don't get to talk about fair when you deliberately try to conflate politics within games and games used as a real world political push.
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- Yes I know I'm right when I say people that many call the "outrage police" play games. It's just a pure fact. I listen to their podcasts and watch their videos on a weekly basis

Holy shit. Are you truly conflating a few game journos with the Twitterati outrage mob? Game Journos play games because it's their job. I'm less convinced that vast swathes of the crazy that lose their shit on Twitter at the drop of a hat are strongly aligned to the medium versus chasing twitter peer approval.

Hell, I'm not even convinced you game given your abject lack of post in gaming side. How much less Cat boy 197 who self-identifies as a Pansexual Bengal tiger with a penchant for Vore with 50K tweets under their belt.

- And are you one of those people that says nothing is political, until you disagree with it?

It's not a metric I consider relevant when it comes to my choice of games.
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Oh sweet summer child.

I guess the rallies with swastikas are not a thing

You mean fringe organizations that have no power whatsoever (neither political, military, media nor in education) and are not real Nazis?

You can't punch a Nazi, unless you travel in time, or punch that 95 year old dying man that was found recently.

If Nazis don't exist, then what are you talking about?


You know darn well they were talking about punching real Nazis. Why fake the funk?

Dude, they aren't always. They use the term to label the people they disagree with, I see it all the time about people who are very clearly not actual Nazis. Like is Trump a Nazi? According to many on the left, without a doubt! So punch the fuck out of him! It's labeling your enemy as so evil that it's justifiable to do whatever you want to them.
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You mean fringe organizations that have no power whatsoever (neither political, military, media nor in education) and are not real Nazis?

You can't punch a Nazi, unless you travel in time, or punch that 95 year old dying man that was found recently.

If Nazis don't exist, then what are you talking about?
Are seriously arguing wether to call them Nazi or Neonazi?
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Huge respect for posting the article because it really does need to be said. I remember back in school, being taught that politics were something private to discuss with close friends and family and they should never come into the work place. Now your political opinions can get you fired and end your career, even if they don't inspire any kind of hate. You just have to have the wrong opinion that can be twisted to suit your employers needs in some way. Outrage to a comment on the internet being the norm. Quite honestly, the world is full of politicians right now and the SJW brigade are trying their hardest to make games a political statement. Just like other media. Mr Robot did a whole scene in season 2 where he banged on about Trump for nearly five minutes and how he's bringing the world down. Now I'm not American, nor am I a Trump supporter. But I know that unemployment is down there and the economy is looking better. Yet every form of media wants to hate the man in charge, sometimes just because they can. This doesn't apply specifically to Trump but any political leader or person in position of power and surprise, surprise, it makes it's way into gaming. It's why I quit the pre-migration NeoGAF, because it really was beginning to get toxic. Have the wrong opinion and expect a ban, an inbox of abuse and a public roasting where hundreds of users would label your post as disgusting.


Mckmaster uses MasterCard to buy Slave drives
Holy shit. Are you truly conflating a few game journos with the Twitterati outrage mob? Game Journos play games because it's their job. I'm less convinced that vast swathes of the crazy that lose their shit on Twitter at the drop of a hat are strongly aligned to the medium versus chasing twitter peer approval.

Hell, I'm not even convinced you game given your abject lack of post in gaming side. How much less Cat boy 197 who self-identifies as a Pansexual Bengal tiger with a penchant for Vore with 50K tweets under their belt.

So now I don't even play games. My guy I've been here for like 15 years posting on the gaming side. What are you talking about? We just disagree about a topic, that's it. Game journos play games because they like games. Not just because it's their job.

Dude, they aren't always. They use the term to label the people they disagree with, I see it all the time about people who are very clearly not actual Nazis. Like is Trump a Nazi? According to many on the left, without a doubt! So punch the fuck out of him! It's labeling your enemy as so evil that it's justifiable to do whatever you want to them.

Okay.....but it's very obvious that the devs were talking about punching Nazis in the game. Nobody was advocating for punching people that are Nazi-sympathizers in today's world.

Reizo Ryuu

Gold Member
They need to be unapologetic about their games period. So if someone is crying and asking for a game to be something the developer never stated it was, no developer needs to be apologizing to something like that.

Play a different game and move on.

The problem with this is that at some point these devs become so big, they slide into the corporate mindset like any other regular company.
Which means bending over backwards to even "potential" consumers; less making products you want, more making products that have the widest appeal.


The Tribe Has Spoken
So now I don't even play games. My guy I've been here for like 15 years posting on the gaming side.
Is there like a book that collects all the internet buzzwords and catchphrases together, that I can read to get up to speed? You seem to be down with it all.

I would like to think I’m cool on the internet by regurgitating phrases I read everywhere.

K fam


So now I don't even play games

Please, your post history says otherwise. All I ever see you do is repeatedly fail to convince in hot topic threads like this, ad infinitum, ad nauseum. I honestly don't even get why you're here tbh.

Game journos play games because they like games. Not just because it's their job.

If you're getting paid for it, it's a job, not a hobby. Regardless though, conflating a few vocal game journos as somehow representative of the ass end of the Twitterati just doesn't hold up to any degree of scrutiny. Twitter is not a reflection of a broader reality.

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Mckmaster uses MasterCard to buy Slave drives
Is there like a book that collects all the internet buzzwords and catchphrases together, that I can read to get up to speed? You seem to be down with it all.

I would like to think I’m cool on the internet by regurgitating phrases I read everywhere.

K fam

*shakes head*

You've never spoken to a black person have you? Is it really that hard to believe that's how I actually talk?

Please, your post history says otherwise. All I ever see you do is repeatedly fail to convince in hot topic threads like this, ad infinitum, ad nauseum. I honestly don't even get why you're here tbh.

If you're getting paid for it, it's a job, not a hobby. Regardless though, conflating a few vocal game journos as somehow representative of the ass end of the Twitterati just doesn't hold up to any degree of scrutiny. Twitter is not a reflection of a broader reality.


I thought we were trying to be better than the other place. We are here to share dialog even when we disagree. Not trying to run people up out the paint when we don't see eye to eye. My point about comparing the two is that both sides of the extreme are the vocal minority. The broader gaming public has no clue about the CDPR tweet, Austin Walker's response, or CDPR's apology.
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I thought we were trying to be better than the other place. We are here to share dialog even when we disagree. Not trying to run people up out the paint when we don't see eye to eye. My point about comparing the two is that both sides of the extreme are the vocal minority. The broader gaming public has no clue about the CDPR tweet, Austin Walker's response, or CDPR's apology.
We are better than the other place. The problem is that you hardly provided any evidence that supports your claims. It's all assertions, assertions, assertions with the faith that people will just believe you. Just saying "So-and-so is 100% wrong" isn't a viable substitute for actual argumentation.

Ya damned right they are.

What's the source of this? I would like to save this for future reference.
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Mckmaster uses MasterCard to buy Slave drives
We are better than the other place. The problem is that you hardly provided any evidence that supports your claims. It's all assertions, assertions, assertions with the faith that people will just believe you. Just saying "So-and-so is 100% wrong" isn't a viable substitute for actual argumentation.

Okay and if you are going to say that about me, then you must really feel the same way about the Niche Gamer. Keep that same energy. For example, these things are also just assertions that he says.

- a completely harmless joke derived from their upcoming game Cyberpunk 2077 made by presumably one of the social media managers at CD Projekt RED
- There’s a massive problem with this type of response and following apology: These people are never satisfied and they will never stop their policing of differing opinions
- The vast majority of these outrage police don’t actually play video games, nor do they actually care about video games
- We’ve seen politically-motivated games endlessly praised and pushed by the mainstream gaming press, and yet they tend to fail spectacularly and or sell very little.

All assertions.
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Okay and if you are going to say that about me, then you must really feel the same way about the Niche Gamer. Keep that same energy. For example, these things are also just assertions that he says.

- a completely harmless joke derived from their upcoming game Cyberpunk 2077 made by presumably one of the social media managers at CD Projekt RED
- There’s a massive problem with this type of response and following apology: These people are never satisfied and they will never stop their policing of differing opinions
- The vast majority of these outrage police don’t actually play video games, nor do they actually care about video games
- We’ve seen politically-motivated games endlessly praised and pushed by the mainstream gaming press, and yet they tend to fail spectacularly and or sell very little.

All assertions.
I already gave my refutation earlier in which you completely ignored. In addition, you already showed me these bullet points, so this is merely ad nauseam. Relying on repetition does not substitute for proper argumentation. In addition, your response does not excuse you from making assertions either (see the tu quoque fallacy).

Your opening phrase, "Okay and if you are going to say that about me, then you must really feel the same way about the Niche Gamer", strongly implies that not only have you not addressed my counterarguments at all, but you also glanced over them as if they didn't exist. Worst case scenario, you're arguing in bad faith. Best case scenario... it's hard for me to defend you in this case considering the alert system the forum has. This is just bad form in your part.
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You mean fringe organizations that have no power whatsoever (neither political, military, media nor in education) and are not real Nazis?

You can't punch a Nazi, unless you travel in time, or punch that 95 year old dying man that was found recently.

If Nazis don't exist, then what are you talking about?

The game is about punching nazis not altrighters. You made the analogy not that ad


I thought we were trying to be better than the other place. We are here to share dialog even when we disagree. Not trying to run people up out the paint when we don't see eye to eye.

Dude, it's not about driving you out, it's about the fact that you have no argument game to speak of. I've never once seen you make anything that resembles a coherent position or one that holds up to scrutiny in all the time I've been here. Case in point. Your next line: -

My point about comparing the two is that both sides of the extreme are the vocal minority. The broader gaming public has no clue about the CDPR tweet, Austin Walker's response, or CDPR's apology.[

Yet earlier in the thread, you're saying how much of a profound impact the likes of Austin Walker is having on game development, even though the facts don't appear to support it at all.

Where's the congruence of thought and belief?
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