Make sure it's the Japanese/English version you buy. There's a Japanese/English/Chinese/Korean version on the store that you can preorder and doesn't release until April.That would be korean PSN?
The review guide literally has the sentence
in all caps. No they sure as hell want to make sure everyone is aware of that^^
The review guide literally has the sentence
in all caps. They sure as hell want to make sure everyone is aware of that^^
What's the quote in the thread title from?
What's the quote in the thread title from?
The review guide literally has the sentence
in all caps. They sure as hell want to make sure everyone is aware of that^^
HK released the day before yesterday. It's how most of us have been playing, since it's cheaper than JP.
EDIT: Make sure you don't get the Chinese version! That one doesn't come out til April.
Just picked it up now from the HK psn because screw waiting nearly another 3 weeks for the EU release.
Yeah, just figured it out! For some reason the HK store is also selling a version with more languages that releases on the 27th. Downloading now!!
Can someone tell me how to get the ending whereI can't figure that one outYou desert the mission?
There are so many things happening in this game that put me legit in awe or put a big smile on my face in terms of action set pieces.
While there's a lot of typical open world combat and quests, the story mission feels paced and have a quality to them like you usually only know from extremely linear games.
If the story ends satisfying this is absolutely a game for the ages.
Only thing i have to complain about as of now is that the cast doesn't really come close to the one of the first NieR overall.
Tho there's still a lot of great banter between the characters nonetheless.
Whelp. Guess I missed it. I'm atWhen the giant robot is in city ruins don't go to the mission.
Whelp. Guess I missed it. I'm atthe part just after the forest kingdom and I saw A2
I cant download update 1.03, did someone manage to download it?
I cant download update 1.03, did someone manage to download it?
They said they fixed it in the latest patch, but just to be safe, don't launch it before the entire 48gb is finished downloading (see full download at notifications > downloads). You can run and play the game at just 10gb, but there was a game breaking glitch that bugged one of the starting main quests and you couldn't progress.
I cant download update 1.03, did someone manage to download it?
Just beat ending A and no spoilers, but man.
My absolute favorite thing about Yoko Taro and what makes playing through all his games so fulfilling, way more so than the lore or plot, is seeing him reflect and comment on his previous works. The guy can't help it. Playing through the Drakengard and Nier games you get to see his mind and philosophy constantly developing and evolving, and that willingness to think back to his previous work critically is both incredibly refreshing and essentially nonexistent elsewhere in gaming.
Basically I wanna give that weirdo a big ol' smooch
Well hopefully I can still get it. Sucks if I'm just locked out of it.There will be more options tolater on, I'm not sure if they give different endings, I assume they do since the ending I got seemed to mention where Idesert.deserted
Anyways, later on something will happen atthe resistance camp. If you desert during that it will trigger an ending.
Just got an email for stock for being on the waiting list. Got one! Now to cancel my ebay order and save $200.
Holy crap was it really going for $400 on eBay?! I just got the same email - happy that I get a copy!Just got an email for stock for being on the waiting list. Got one! Now to cancel my ebay order and save $200.
Shit Square Enixwhy are you forcing me to buy a Ps4 to play Automata.
Here's an odd bug.
When I started the game before the full install finished, I went down to Earth for my first mission and 11B was in the hangar offering a quest to go find her memento. This was the same play through where the toolbox wasn't loading in.
So, I deleted my save and started over from scratch. At the same part I was at before, 11B is nowhere to be seen around the hangar.
Is that quest supposed to show up later on or am I going to miss out on 11B's quest?
I know this isn't that important, but I received an email from the Square Enix Store telling me that I can order the Black Box Edition of NieR Automata again!!! I'm so happy! You don't know how sad I was when my order was cancelled due to an issue with my card that really shouldn't have happened. I was super super close to buying one from ebay or getting things piece by piece. I know some think it's too expensive for what it is but I'm just super glad that I managed to get another one again!
I've just seen something hilarious on twitter omg
Not really a spoiler, but before someone gets mad
You can buy trophies for ingame money
.Wait, you can buy PSN trophies in this game?