Yeah, I figure that's what I'll do since there's no one I can give it to or anything.
My intention is to exploit what I believe is a loophole with Amazon's marketplace reselling system. What they typically do is let you "checkout" things you want to sell back to Amazon. They supply you with an electronic shipping label and then they give you a full week (or was it two?) to ship your items in. As long as you ship within the alloted time, they will honor the resell value of the items you're selling at the time you place your initial checkout. So what I plan to do is every week after launch until the May system update, I'll tell Amazon I'm selling my DSi to them. However, I actually won't ship it until either A.) the system update comes or B) the resell price drops. If the resell price does drop, it won't matter because I'll be covered by that one week shipping buffering time. Hopefully that makes a little sense haha. It's a lot of hassle, but it's the best solution I can think of right now where I have a chance to keep all my DSiWare games and get the full $75. At the end of the day, I'll only be forking over $100 bucks for this
Even though this thing is just under three weeks away, it's gonna be a looooong three weeks. Someone save me from my midterms!