Luigiv said:I shouldn't have to explain why this is just stupid. Have a think about it and you'll understand too.
The 3D screen would close right on top of the circle pad and the buttons. Seriously bad idea. heh.
Luigiv said:I shouldn't have to explain why this is just stupid. Have a think about it and you'll understand too.
WonkersTHEWatilla said:Eurogamer gave it an 8/10. I will still hold hope! For now. By some miracle that Craig Harris is wrong...
I don't care, I like it a lot. Too bad the current state of battery technology wouldn't allow it unless they switch to a different kind of screen.Luigiv said:I shouldn't have to explain why this is just stupid. Have a think about it and you'll understand too.
Stephen Colbert said:I'm sorry do you not understand what simultanously means. If you're switching back and forth, your point is moot. Simulatously means looking at both screens at once, like a book.
And even now, the only way to do that or have backwards compatibility is by using black bars which will still be an option with bigger screens.
Impressive. I can't do squat with the slide pad for some reason.Vic said:Yeah, I was exagerating.
SSFIV - Online matches with Zangief:
I'm betting they could have pulled it off on the PSP but I do agree that (supposedly) the 3DS is as powerful or more than a Wii. I have yet to see any games (besides RE and SF4) that look much better than an N64 game. Hence my analogy. I love my PSP and am quite sick of my DS so right now all I want is a 3DPSP, and the 3DS will do the trick.dvolovets said:I don't understand why people still think that the 3DS is a glorified PSP, graphically. Show me a PSP game that looks as good as SSFIV...
TylDurden said:I'm betting they could have pulled it off on the PSP but I do agree that (supposedly) the 3DS is as powerful or more than a Wii. I have yet to see any games (besides RE and SF4) that look much better than an N64 game. Hence my analogy. I love my PSP and am quite sick of my DS so right now all I want is a 3DPSP, and the 3DS will do the trick.
TylDurden said:I'm betting they could have pulled it off on the PSP but I do agree that (supposedly) the 3DS is as powerful or more than a Wii. I have yet to see any games (besides RE and SF4) that look much better than an N64 game. Hence my analogy. I love my PSP and am quite sick of my DS so right now all I want is a 3DPSP, and the 3DS will do the trick.
Stephen Colbert said:The NGP is ridiculously slim.
Whilst you are correct that the strength of the 3D slider won't change the power draw, your reasoning is off. The main reason 3D draws more power is because the backlight for the top screen doubles in brightness. The extra draw of the parallax barrier and the additional graphical strain* are negligible.crankypants said:The one thing I'm noticing about this thread: people seem to think that cranking up the 3D to full instead of only a little affects the battery life.
It's true that turning on the 3D will add more drain since you're turning on both displays and forcing the processor to calculate for both displays. But it doesn't matter where that switch is pushed. Once it's on, even at 1 percent, the power drain is the same as if it's at 100 percent. The slider switch is just adjusting the spread of the two displays for a stronger or weaker 3D effect.
Nuclear Muffin said:Hey hey don't forget about meeee!!!
I have The Eye as well you know!
Name a game (that I've actually played) and I can tell you its framerate.
Well, this fourth Pilotwings vehicle is good news. The fact sheet only mentions plane, hang glider and rocket belt -- it doesn't even say "and more" -- so this just goes to show what we already suspected: the items listed in the fact sheet aren't the -only- items in the game. Which really, should go without saying, as fact sheets don't usually list every unlockable.Espiox said:
A fourth Pilotwings vehicle has been revealed. I wonder what the other two are.
oh dear...TylDurden said:I'm betting they could have pulled it off on the PSP but I do agree that (supposedly) the 3DS is as powerful or more than a Wii. I have yet to see any games (besides RE and SF4) that look much better than an N64 game. Hence my analogy. I love my PSP and am quite sick of my DS so right now all I want is a 3DPSP, and the 3DS will do the trick.
Neiteio said:Well, this fourth Pilotwings vehicle is good news. The fact sheet only mentions plane, hang glider and rocket belt -- it doesn't even say "and more" -- so this just goes to show what we already suspected: the items listed in the fact sheet aren't the -only- items in the game. Which really, should go without saying, as fact sheets don't usually list every unlockable.
Perhaps this means there are other areas to explore as well. They referred to Wuhu with the same finality as the three vehicles -- and the three vehicles has now proven to be four. That being said, I'm not expecting more than Wuhu. If there are other maps, they'll be a pleasant surprise, just like this winged propeller-powered bicycle... thing.
TylDurden said:I have yet to see any games (besides RE and SF4) that look much better than an N64 game.
TylDurden said:I'm betting they could have pulled it off on the PSP but I do agree that (supposedly) the 3DS is as powerful or more than a Wii. I have yet to see any games (besides RE and SF4) that look much better than an N64 game. Hence my analogy. I love my PSP and am quite sick of my DS so right now all I want is a 3DPSP, and the 3DS will do the trick.
Platformers, flight games, etc benefit from stereoscopic. It helps in judging how far away that ring you have to fly through is, or how far away that platform you have to land on is. Also, since it's a 3D system universally, there's much less risk in making a game that doesn't play as well in 2D. They can reach upwards of 75-85% of the userbase with the 3DS, versus a console game where the 3D reach is probably more like .05%. So you'll probably see many more games that benefit from 3D than you would on PC or home consoles.Amir0x said:Your new argument is for the "well we DO have 3D" affirmative, and it's a weak argument since it is essentially for gimmickry versus gameplay/other visual benefit.
People have already covered your abusrd N64 remark, but also you're kidding yourself if you think PSP could pull off SSFIV.TylDurden said:I'm betting they could have pulled it off on the PSP but I do agree that (supposedly) the 3DS is as powerful or more than a Wii. I have yet to see any games (besides RE and SF4) that look much better than an N64 game. Hence my analogy. I love my PSP and am quite sick of my DS so right now all I want is a 3DPSP, and the 3DS will do the trick.
TylDurden said:I'm referring to the 3DS's crowning Jewel. Nintendos "killer app" although it does look better than an N64, It's surprisingly blocky.[/QUOTE]
Dude lay of the crack
TylDurden said:I'm betting they could have pulled it off on the PSP but I do agree that (supposedly) the 3DS is as powerful or more than a Wii. I have yet to see any games (besides RE and SF4) that look much better than an N64 game. Hence my analogy. I love my PSP and am quite sick of my DS so right now all I want is a 3DPSP, and the 3DS will do the trick.
Magicpaint said:People have already covered your abusrd N64 remark, but also you're kidding yourself if you think PSP could pull off SSFIV.
cakefoo said:Platformers, flight games, etc benefit from stereoscopic. It helps in judging how far away that ring you have to fly through is, or how far away that platform you have to land on is. Also, since it's a 3D system universally, there's much less risk in making a game that doesn't play as well in 2D. They can reach upwards of 75-85% of the userbase with the 3DS, versus a console game where the 3D reach is probably more like .05%. So you'll probably see many more games that benefit from 3D than you would on PC or home consoles.
TylDurden said:I'm referring to the 3DS's crowning Jewel. Nintendos "killer app" although it does look better than an N64, It's surprisingly blocky.
Gravijah said:I want your Nintendo 64.
Actually I'd liken DS graphics closer to PSX graphics then N64 graphics (it's much closer in terms of rendering technique and style). By the same line of thought 3DS graphics appear to be closer in style to Xbox 1 graphics then GCN or Wii graphics. But that's just me being pedantic.Amir0x said:whoa whoa whoa
when is the last time you played an N64 game
ok, i guess most of the 3D original DS games are glorified n64 games...
...but seriously I can't think of a single 3DS game that even comes remotely close to looking even only "slightly" better than an N64 game. The worst looking 3DS games looks like a shit Dreamcast game.
richisawesome said:N64 games, you say?
Hmm...Worth reconsidering your opinion? And Kid Icarus looking nothing like a flipping N64 game, dude.
Aesthetically speaking maybe they're on par (I think not since Broken Destiny has horrible dithering and poor colour depth for starters), but technically, no. SSFIV for 3DS uses normal mapping, dynamic self shadows, and surface shaders that the PSP couldn't possibly emulate. I have been a critic of the static backgrounds too myself, but that's a compromise that I believe was needed to get the aesthetics reasonably close to the console versions.Amir0x said:People are saying this but I think it's a bad example. Soul Calibur: Broken Destiny does not look far off from SSFIV (hell I'd have no problem saying it's near par), and on top of that SSFIV has static backgrounds unlike the slate of PSP's 3D fighters.
A better example would be something like RE Mercenaries, which it's demonstratively clear no PSP game could touch.
Amir0x said:Those are the type of benefits for shitty players only.
Amir0x said:and I don't have to worry about headaches, shit viewing angles, movement shattering illusion, color degradation, performance reduction.
Thanks for that. I can never take you seriously, so go ahead and be you.Amir0x said:shitty players, comical analogy
Fusebox said:Superman N64 screenshots should be barred from evidence.
You can be excited for the 3DS and all but that doesn't exempt you from being called out on your crap, you know.TylDurden said:Guys. I'm not trying to shit on the 3DS. I don't know if anyone's more excited about it than I. I just realize its not a graphical power house but that it's doing exactly what I want. 3D, and am seriously baffled by anyone who doesn't like/want 3D.
redbarchetta said:Of course! You're the best gamer ever and can't possibly improve your performance in a 3D-based game. (Seriously, maybe you can't, but it doesn't mean only "shit gamers" might see improvement from the depth-enabled screen).
redbarchetta said:You seem like you really want to convince others that your opinion is the only correct one. Are there some drawbacks? Sure. Do they matter to everyone? No.
You know you're trolling the 3DS hard when Amir0x has to step in and call bullshit.Amir0x said:whoa whoa whoa
when is the last time you played an N64 game
ok, i guess most of the 3D original DS games are glorified n64 games...
...but seriously I can't think of a single 3DS game that even comes remotely close to looking even only "slightly" better than an N64 game. The worst looking 3DS games looks like a shit Dreamcast game.
redbarchetta said:You seem like you really want to convince others that your opinion is the only correct one. Are there some drawbacks? Sure. Do they matter to everyone? No.
Besides, if image quality matters that much to you, you shouldn't even be playing on a handheld.
Parl said:*images*
...In my memory
Parl said:Yeah. I intended to get an emulated n64 shot for deception, but some of those textures are too high res for it to be that on reflection.
Gravijah said:Another thing to remember about N64 games is the framerate. And the fog... and the shit. Do not forget the shit.
Amir0x said:It's the same here. I am an adult with fully developed gaming skills. I have never once had an issue judging platform distance, with or without character shadows. Ace Combat is one of my favorite franchises in the world. I never have a problem judging distance.
Now, 3DS comes, and maaaagically, there's this huge group of people clamoring about how it's time to be impressed because SUDDENLY you'll be able to judge distance between jumps and vehicles and shit. Welp, I never needed that help. If you did, congratulations, but that just seems the sort of handicap a shit player needs. It's not a real world benefit for me.
Veal said:For those of you wh own the 3DS, how do the L&R buttons feel? Do they feel like they are cheap out and die suddenly? I had this problem with both the DS Lite and the DSi. I hope they got their act together on that front.
daakusedo said:Is there a release date for pilotwings in Japan?
TylDurden said:I'm betting they could have pulled it off on the PSP but I do agree that (supposedly) the 3DS is as powerful or more than a Wii. I have yet to see any games (besides RE and SF4) that look much better than an N64 game. Hence my analogy. I love my PSP and am quite sick of my DS so right now all I want is a 3DPSP, and the 3DS will do the trick.
ViperVisor said:I can't be the only one who failed when not judging distance correctly in these 2 places.[IMG] [IMG][IMG][/QUOTE]
I've had a few issues judging distance before in games. Sucks!