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Nintendo Classic Mini - NES Coming on November 11th (30 NES games)

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haha so cool dude ! i just ordered the same one. but it is available only after the 15th here.
does it have actual strats and maps? walk-troughs etc?

Yeah, it has a few pages for a few of the games and larger spreads with maps/strats for Zelda, Mario, Star Tropics, Punch-Out, Metroid, Ice Climber, and Kid Icarus after quickly going through it.


2 pm PST = 5 pm est today

I just want an extra controller now, I'm pretty sure if you order on Amazon within the first 10-20 minutes it goes live you'll get one

Lol if it's another Lucina and gone instantly

Thanks a lot guys. I wasn't even going to get one right away but the wife wants one. I'll try Amazon later then. If no luck we'll just have to a few months, oh well.


Is that just US only?

no idea, sorry. Below is the sku (says US/CAN/AU)

You can try looking it up:

Lol some guy talked about buying VR day one and being mad at how it's available everywhere

When resellers take an L

One bad thing about this item is that even if they become plentiful it's still a great price and a great gift for friends so even I, who think scalping is terrible, planned to buy two just in-case for a gift or a little extra spending money if no one I know would want it.


Luckily I got 2 consoles. So till Christmas, when one will be given away to my nephew, I have 2 controllers.

BTW: The guide only covers 17 games?


Is that just US only?

I guess there is a hardcover version of it, as well. I just bought it from Amazon. Even though probably won't have the Mini for awhile, I like to collect guides so this was a quick buy for me. It's also a good price on Amazon, $27.

Here is the link: https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/074401767X/?tag=neogaf0e-20

Edit: Oh wait, sounds like you aren't in US.

Here is the link for Canada: https://www.amazon.ca/dp/074401767X/

Got one from Target. They had three consoles and one controller. Let one of the families behind me take the controller (have Wii classic controllers, I can wait)


Very seriously considering boycotting Nintendo. That includes apparel and any gifts I was going to get for my nephews.

There is literally NO reason other than Nintendo's small swinging dick ego, to have a shortage of units. Literally none other than Nintendo trying to make themselves sound relevant again.

Right now, fuck em.


Junior Member
Picked up mine at the NYC Nintendo Store this morning. I was there at 7am--first in line. I even got interviewed by Business Insider lol. They gave us a cool exclusive poster too.


Funny/Shitty Wal-Mart story that I'll try to be brief about:

- Go to Wal-Mart A at 12 .a.m, I'm #12 with only #11 units. Fuck.
- Hop over to Wal-Mart B with two others. Employees can't find item. Search for like 30 minutes, give up, then take our names. I'm #1, talked to #2 a bit in the process. They'll call when they find them, if not come back at 7 a.m.
- No call, back at 7 a.m. New employee says they took 6 reservations, only actually had 5 and sold them all. I don't believe him.
- Head to Target right after, lots of cars nobody standing in line. I stand at the door and everyone pops out of their car to get in line behind me.
- I see #2 in line (way in the back) and he asked me if I got it from Wal-Mart. I say no and then he says they told him they took 6 reservations and only had 5, and the other 5 already picked it up, validating that he's a fucking liar.
- Clearly Wal Mart employees bought them, the bastards.

I was first in line with a ticket at Target and got the classic NES with the only extra controller they had. I am happy.

#2 still without the classic NES. I wish him luck.
Very seriously considering boycotting Nintendo. That includes apparel and any gifts I was going to get for my nephews.

There is literally NO reason other than Nintendo's small swinging dick ego, to have a shortage of units. Literally none other than Nintendo trying to make themselves sound relevant again.

Right now, fuck em.

It's amiibos all over again lol

These are planned shortages
Now the news will report it and that's what Nintendo wants
To generate more hype

We are two weeks away from Black Friday and all of December to get them in


Welp. Was 24 in a line of 22 last night at Walmart.
Target said they had it while I was in the parking lot and didn't when I got in.
Was 23 in line of 22 at Best Buy just now.

I'm done.

Edit: I'll just bring my RPi on vacation.


Funny/Shitty Wal-Mart story that I'll try to be brief about:

- Go to Wal-Mart A at 12 .a.m, I'm #12 with only #11 units. Fuck.
- Hop over to Wal-Mart B with two others. Employees can't find item. Search for like 30 minutes, give up, then take our names. I'm #1, talked to #2 a bit in the process. They'll call when they find them, if not come back at 7 a.m.
- No call, back at 7 a.m. New employee says they took 6 reservations, only actually had 5 and sold them all. I don't believe him.
- Head to Target right after, lots of cars nobody standing in line. I stand at the door and everyone pops out of their car to get in line behind me.
- I see #2 in line (way in the back) and he asked me if I got it from Wal-Mart. I say no and then he says they told him they took 6 reservations and only had 5, and the other 5 already picked it up, validating that he's a fucking liar.
- Clearly Wal Mart employees bought them, the bastards

I was first in line with a ticket at Target and got the classic NES with the only extra controller they had. I am happy.

#2 still without the classic NES. I wish him luck.

Easiest way to get yourself fired. Totally against company policy or else I would have grabbed on last night and would not have been late into the office this morning. The douche could get in big trouble if they were "short stocking" or "Shopping on the clock" either way...


I’m not too concerned about not getting it now. Where I agree it is annoying that Nintendo shorted stock availability (and that is what happened, this was no mistake), I will just wait until it becomes more widely available. And I do feel that will happen, much like with Amiibos.


So I just picked up my NES Mini, connected everything and..... it doesn't work as expected.

Whenever I press the reset button it just shuts down and you can't really turn it on anymore. Pressing the on button just flashes the light and then it's off again. Sometimes it helps removing the HDMI or power cable, reconnecting and then booting again. But this is not ideal. Did anyone encounter this? If yes, is there a solution?

Also, the controller cable.... I expected it to be short but I was still surprised how short it actually is. Big design mistake imo.

The games look great and it's great for nostalgia but the first impression of the hardware is quite disappointing :(


So people believe that Nintendo is intentionally holding back stock and are not simply bad at reading demand?


Spent some time speaking with the manager of the EB Games (Gamestop) here. Who knows how much she knows, but according to her, they aren't expecting more until after Christmas and it is likely to be another small batch.

I was with Nintendo from the Gameboy through to the Wii. While I still use my 3DS regularly, it seems they are doing everything they can to sour me on them as a company.
Easiest way to get yourself fired. Totally against company policy or else I would have grabbed on last night and would not have been late into the office this morning. The douche could get in big trouble if they were "short stocking" or "Shopping on the clock" either way...

Yup. I could have easily hid one for myself at work and got one but I'm not a dick. Now I don't have one but at least I have my conscience haha.


So I just picked up my NES Mini, connected everything and..... it doesn't work as expected.

Whenever I press the reset button it just shuts down and you can't really turn it on anymore. Pressing the on button just flashes the light and then it's off again. Sometimes it helps removing the HDMI or power cable, reconnecting and then booting again. But this is not ideal. Did anyone encounter this? If yes, is there a solution?

Also, the controller cable.... I expected it to be short but I was still surprised how short it actually is. Big design mistake imo.

The games look great and it's great for nostalgia but the first impression of the hardware is quite disappointing :(

Try plugging the USB end into something else? Maybe it isn't receiving enough power or something.
Spent some time speaking with the manager of the EB Games (Gamestop) here. Who knows how much she knows, but according to her, they aren't expecting more until after Christmas and it is likely to be another small batch.

I was with Nintendo from the Gameboy through to the Wii. While I still use my 3DS regularly, it seems they are doing everything they can to sour me on them as a company.

We've heard from other managers there will be regular shipments. There are always regular shipments. Nintendo will drip feed the stock.


So people believe that Nintendo is intentionally holding back stock and are not simply bad at reading demand?

Nintendo has been around far too long for them to make that mistake. And considering this has happened more than once with different products, I anticipate this was done deliberately.

But hey, what do I know?
I saw one locally for $85 .. .seemed a bit to good to be true but I'd start looking on that 'let go' app or craigslist. Sometimes paying a little extra more is worth being denied after waiting in line-- just a thought for some out there!

Did anyone else order from Dell.com earlier when Wario linked it? Curious what the chances of that being real were.
Very seriously considering boycotting Nintendo. That includes apparel and any gifts I was going to get for my nephews.

There is literally NO reason other than Nintendo's small swinging dick ego, to have a shortage of units. Literally none other than Nintendo trying to make themselves sound relevant again.

Right now, fuck em.

Actually, I'm happy that Nintendo are such idiots. Giving into the hype, I went to a Target this morning as they said they had them in stock according to their website and I figured maybe I would luck out and get one (as there is a Target, a Best Buy, a Gamestop, and a Best Buy literally within one mile of my house so I figured they may actually still have a couple left) but no - they were cpmpletely out. They had 21 of them and people were lining up before they even had opened who bought them all.

So I should thank Nintendo for helping me resist spending money I really didn't have on something I really didn't need.

They really do know what's best for their consumers, after all, and knew I would just go back to playing Super Mario games on an emulator for free instead of blowing $60.

Thanks for watching my back, Nintendo!

Edit: And fuck you if you are a scalper or someone who buys scalped shit. Come on. You're just like those people who buy Viagra off of spam email articles - you ruin things for the rest of us by buying stuff that then legitimizes the practice. Please stop.
I'm sitting at Best Buy two and a half hours early cause I'm worried about not getting one. There's nobody else here. Now I'm worried that they have already sold out and everybody knows but me.





Spent my evening with the mini yesterday, it's a really nice machine. My GF and I played through most of Bubble Bobble in two player, and I dabbled in a bunch of games.

The short cables are a big problem, but so long as you have a HDMI cable near your couch you'll be fine. We have a loose HDMI cable that is sucked beneath the couch, but even putting it on the coffee table was too uncomfortable for multiplayer (my GF likes to like backwards quite a bit). Gamepad is excellent, though!

I think I prefer the CRT mode to the regular 4:3 sharp view! Games like Castlevania really seem like the graphics look more natural if they're blended a little. I wish the CRT mode was better, but it's a good option to switch on sometimes.


Try plugging the USB end into something else? Maybe it isn't receiving enough power or something.

Bought a USB adapter with and tried several power sockets. It seems to be connected to the HDMI. When I unplug the HDMI, press reset, plug HDMI back in it works. When I keep the HDMI connected, press reset, the system shuts down and won't turn back on. Weird....


The short cables are a big problem, but so long as you have a HDMI cable near your couch you'll be fine. We have a loose HDMI cable that is sucked beneath the couch, but even putting it on the coffee table was too uncomfortable for multiplayer (my GF likes to like backwards quite a bit). Gamepad is excellent, though!

There are 6’ extension cords for the controllers.

Here is the link on Amazon: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B01N90WMQW/?tag=neogaf0e-20
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