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Nintendo Classic Mini - NES Coming on November 11th (30 NES games)

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would love to hear your opinion about the guide when you have some time :)

It's actually pretty good stuff, although I wish there was a full page for every game included, but I'll take what I got, since it's really for my wife, lol.

It has a nice foreword from EVP Don James, a technical breakdown of the original NES, some additional historical facts on the system and the 80's technology, etc. They lay out the guide in chronological order based on the timeline of release, so it's actually pretty nice.

Huzzah! My local GameStop's manager gave me his extra controller. The apex of soundness.

Thing is adorable. Unit looks good, and the controllers feel excellent. Really happy with it overall.


checked 2 walmarts last night and each only got 6 units, and there were enough people already waiting. heard a target around me only got 3 units. my best bet is amazon. trying to get one for my mother for her birthday next week
Because a lot of people have the day off work caused the huge line ups

these people weren't gonna call a sick day to pick up an classic NES due to the USA having a bad vacation x sick day policy

this guy was mad af at his wife at another gamestop "we should have left at 8 am, I TOLD YOU" , I'm assuming he brought his wife to buy an extra to resell
take the L sir >:)


I'm sitting at Best Buy two and a half hours early cause I'm worried about not getting one. There's nobody else here. Now I'm worried that they have already sold out and everybody knows but me.

That happened to me and a bunch of people at my local Best Buy earlier. I was second in a line of about twenty people and then someone came outside and told us they already gave out tickets an hour ago. Hope you had better luck!


Classic Nintendo alright. Undership, create some sort of pent up demand. Fuck that. I would have happily bought one if I didn't have to jump through hoops to get one. The MSRP was already bad enough in Canada. Now not being able to find one they can turn it sideways and shove it up their ass, I would donate the thing if I got it for free I am so turned off the product. Everyone knew this was going to be in high demand...except penny pinching Nintendo of course. Wouldn't want to make 1 unit more than the demand for them.


Welp. Was gonna come in here feeling smug saying all four of my local Targets are showing it as in stock, but it's most likely already claimed by people waiting in line. If I had remembered, I would have woken up early on my day off to go grab two of these systems.

Gonna test my luck with amazon later today it is then!


Gamestop got 8 of them I was #7. Waited a half hour. Going to sel lit on ebay, hilarious what people will pay for a raspberyy pi in a fancy case


I'm sitting at Best Buy two and a half hours early cause I'm worried about not getting one. There's nobody else here. Now I'm worried that they have already sold out and everybody knows but me.

Can you ask someone there? Good luck!

Welp. Was gonna come in here feeling smug saying all four of my local Targets are showing it as in stock, but it's most likely already claimed by people waiting in line. If I had remembered, I would have woken up early on my day off to go grab two of these systems.

Gonna test my luck with amazon later today it is then!

You going to wait in the line till then? Anf the TRU instore pickup wasn't an option? Good luck!


It's mind blowing that people are lining up for a 30 year old system. The Target near me had 60 people waiting, and that's only because they cut the line off to the match the available stock. Granted the scalpers are out in full force as well, but the fact that people are spending $200 on this from eBay is pretty insane. I'm sure more shipments will come, I don't need it for Christmas, just like it for nostalgia, which even then I question if it's worth $60 for that alone.
My wife was bored and was looking at sites she didn't think anyone would go to for ordering and ended up on Family Video that had it listed and it let her order one. It isn't listed anymore though. Worst case they cancel it I guess.


I saw one locally for $85 .. .seemed a bit to good to be true but I'd start looking on that 'let go' app or craigslist. Sometimes paying a little extra more is worth being denied after waiting in line-- just a thought for some out there!

Never. I prefer to go without than ever pay a scalper.
That happened to me and a bunch of people at my local Best Buy earlier. I was second in a line of about twenty people and then someone came outside and told us they already gave out tickets an hour ago. Hope you had better luck!

If a bunch of people got to a store three+ hours early and all left, then I guess they win. I'm banking on the fact that GameStop and target already opened or will open earlier so most people will go there and pick them up before trying the store that opens later. I was never going to make it to the earlier stores with enough of a head start to be assured of a good spot in line, so I figure this way can at least be at the front of a line.


The biggest game store chain in Hungary received 20 pcs for release day, so my mid-august preorder didn't matter.
Luckly I snagged one in the local MediaMarkt. They still had 2.


I was really looking forward to playing some NES this weekend but I'm clearly not going to be able to thanks to how Nintendo is handling this. Stupid and disappointing.


Media Markt called and I got mine :) Got very lucky with it too.

They got their stock yesterday and sold it on that day too - today the received more stock. So maybe it's getting readily available in Europe soon.


I was really looking forward to playing some NES this weekend but I'm clearly not going to be able to thanks to how Nintendo is handling this. Stupid and disappointing.

its not like theres two systems that play these games better or anything nope shut up
I saw one locally for $85 .. .seemed a bit to good to be true but I'd start looking on that 'let go' app or craigslist. Sometimes paying a little extra more is worth being denied after waiting in line-- just a thought for some out there!

Did anyone else order from Dell.com earlier when Wario linked it? Curious what the chances of that being real were.

Scalpers are the worst don't give them money so they can make a profit off it


5 stores all low stock and too many people in line. My last stop I got lucky, was the 2nd to last person in line to get one. The store had only 3 extra controllers. Am i shit out of luck until after Christmas for a 2nd one? Is there an extension cable for the controller?
Well I'm going to test my luck. GameStop opens at 10 and I'll be there around 9ish. If I get there and there is a lot of people already I'll just head home.
Toys R Us went out of stock while I was in the middle of submitting my order. This is not looking good for my attempt to buy from Amazon later today.


If i do not get one before the end of the weekend, i am officially done with Nintendo. There is absolutely no reason why these should not be available. I will miss Monster Hunter, but i cant reward this. And i know me not buying a random product will do absolutely nothing to their bottom line, i can only hope enough people decide enough is enough, and quit supporting them for these practices.


Walked up to gamestop, no line outside, get to the tinted windows, store full of people, get back in car and go home.

Drove to target, saw 50+ people in line, drove to Starbucks to indulge in a Frap. I think someone said the most at their target was 23?


Put in an order with Dell, since I had a $31 promotional code to use before the 17th and don't have to have it here right away. Thinking about trying for Amazon as well just in case Dell cancels.
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