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Nintendo Classic Mini - NES Coming on November 11th (30 NES games)

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Don't think so. This uses the original Wii physical connectors and doesn't seem to have bluetooth or any kind of wireless tecnology receiver built-in
I think he meant Wii classic controller pro, which is wired.

It's also a far better controller than Wii U Pro controller, I'd say, due to buttons/stick placement, especially for retro purpose. I hope it's compatible.


Definitely picking this up.
I still own a working NES, but when I retrieved it from storage I asked my Mum where the games were.
"Games, what games?"
Luckily at least New Zealand Story had been left loaded in the console, but still. Sigh.


LeBron loves his girlfriend. There is no other woman in the world he’d rather have. The problem is, Dwyane’s not a woman.
Day one for me. Just need amazon to make that pre-order button go live.


As much as I love the GHOSTS’N GOBLINS franchise, the NES port was rough. I would have preferred it being replaced by Bionic Commando or Battletoads. Will still buy the system though for sure.
I am getting this. For 60 this is a steal.

I always regretted that I sold the NES in order to put that money into the SNES. This is my chance to play games I grew up with.

I am a sucker for nostalgia.


$60 is a darn great price.

The controller is basically a $20 Classic Controller than be also used in Wii and Wii U games.

It has 30 games that can be put at around $1 each (the price many say VC NES games ahould be)

And a $10 mini-NES. :p


Definitely picking this up.
I still own a working NES, but when I retrieved it from storage I asked my Mum where the games were.
"Games, what games?"
Luckily at least New Zealand Story had been left loaded in the console, but still. Sigh.

Sounds like my mother.

Many years back she had given away all of my original Kenner Star Wars sets/figures from the 70s/80s to a friend of hers for her son.

“But honey, I didn’t think you would want that anymore. You haven’t played with them for years.” *sigh*

She didn’t understand, but that is mothers for you. God rest her soul.


I've never played NES games so I may get this. Zelda and the Super Mario Bros. games have me interested the most.

I'd be really interested in hearing about what you think about playing these games once it comes out (and others that have not played these games).


With proper marketing this will be really big. Making the design an exact replica of the original NES is a great move, really grabs anyone's attention who played NES as a kid.


I really only want the case so I could cram a Raspberry Pi inside it. Not so keen on having to buy a power adapter as well as those proprietary port controllers.


Can't find this up for preorder anywhere? I feel like I'm being played. Or I'm just panicking because I really want one.
found the link on amazon, I guess it's just an email when available thing or did it sell out of preorders?


Amazon just put that button up already. I don't want to miss out on one of these.

I assume they are going to do the pre-orders like they have been doing Amiibo. They will probably announce a time it will go live so everyone will have a fair shot. It will probably be a few weeks at the least.
Are there going to be pre-orders for these things? I can picture when these get released it being a nightmare to snag one before Xmas.

My sister already sent me a message today telling me to get one for my brother-in-law


I knew this day would come, and was fully convinced it was why Nintendo's VC efforts were so pitiful. A virtual console was much too small in scope for Nintendo's considerable back catalog.
I work in a video game store for a living. There is a HUGE demand for all retro Nintendo stuff from NES to N64 and prices are only going up, up, up. And yes it's everyone looking for them. Kids, younger adults, thirty-somethings, people in their 40s... Everyone.

And kids care about NES because of YouTube. Retro things are all the rage. Game Chasers, AVGN, all that stuff has a huge following and not just among GAFfer types. Teens have started collecting NES games they never would have encountered naturally.

Quoted for truth. I work in elementary education and kids are always talking about old school games, a lot of them have played some classic systems through their parents of at friends houses. With the rise of apps, simple arcade games are popular again and NES style games lend themselves well to certain audiences.

GAF is always off the mark when it comes to what they think either kids want or normal consumers. I roll my eyes when people comment on things kids like but have no contact or first have knowledge with kids.


I assume they are going to do the pre-orders like they have been doing Amiibo. They will probably announce a time it will go live so everyone will have a fair shot. It will probably be a few weeks at the least.

Yeah that's not bad. They did that with the PSVR. Better than me stressing about when the button will activate.



Damn Gamerz Tek

The Real Abed

Now this is a nice surprise. If only it was expandable with more games later on. I wonder how long it'll take before someone hacks it to accept ROMs. 30 games isn't much for a system that had like 700+.

StarTropics is a nice surprise. And all three Mario games. Shame it can't also include SMB2 J. Of course that's obvious.

Next we need a micro SNES. But only if it includes SuperFX games. Seriously, no Yoshi's Island, Star Fox and Stunt Race FX, no deal.
A bunch of those games I already have on Virtual Console for either Wii, Wii U, or 3DS.

I could build a RetroPi emulator machine for around $60.

This thing will probably never be able to play more than 30 games.

It doesn't take actual cartridges (obviously).

I own a Retron5 that I could probably mess with to make it run emulated games.

And yet I'm still probably going to click pre-order the instant it goes up on Amazon. $59.99 is too good of a price, and I like that I could use the NES controller on the Wii U.
Oh man! I'm definitely getting this. My daughter will be able to play this! Sweeet! She's only 3, but screw iphone games. Time to develop that dpad motor skill!

Please do an SNES + N64 one too!

Pancake Mix

Copied someone else's pancake recipe
Its that official?

Yes, it uses an older emulator with iffy sound reproduction and can't save to carts, oddly.

It's official and works pretty well otherwise. Sega just licenses them.

Some of them have a really good selection of built-in games, and unlike this Nintendo Classic Mini, it has a cartridge slot.
Quoted for truth. I work in elementary education and kids are always talking about old school games, a lot of them have played some classic systems through their parents of at friends houses. With the rise of apps, simple arcade games are popular again and NES style games lend themselves well to certain audiences.

Likewise, I always have people asking me why the hell the picture is so squiggly (they dragged their NES out of storage and plugged it in their flat screen)

Their eyes glaze over when I explain how most sets don't process 240p properly.

The fact that this is upscaled and output to HDMI and will look acceptable on all HDTVs is going to be a big bonus. Casuals are going to eat this up.
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