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Nintendo Classic Mini - NES Coming on November 11th (30 NES games)

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don't ask me for codes
Already preordered two units on amazon.co.uk, though I'll likely cancel that once amazon.de lists it.


Strap on your hooker ...
I'm so confused as to why you think this.

The average consumer does not care at all about classic games. They don't care about going back and learning the history of games. They don't care about spending 2-3 hours in Punch Out when they could be on a Minecraft server with their friends or out catching Pokemon in Pokemon Go. They just don't care. Parents aren't idiots, either. If a kid is asking for an iPad for Minecraft, they're not gonna go out and get this. If a teen is asking for Call of Duty, they're old enough to know the difference between a Playstation 4 and an NES.

There is no 'everyone else' because this doesn't appeal to those people. I don't mean to act like a know-it-all but I live in a neighborhood with dozens of kids and teens and interact with them weekly either directly or through their parents, work twice a week with hundreds of kids, and they never, ever mention any games outside of the usual. This product will sell to the diehards and collectors, but this isn't for 'everyone else' because those people won't want this.

Again, I don't think this is a bad product. I like it. It's cool.
Atari Flashbacks and Genesis Minis sell great around the holidays, and the NES and the games included here have WAY more recognition and cultural relevance than those systems and their games. Add in that this is an actual first-party product rather than an outsourced third-party thing, and that it will look much better than competitors since it works through HDMI rather than chintzy RCA cables? It'll sell like mad, easily.


I really wonder what hardware it's using. If it's powered by USB I doubt it has Wii chips in it, maybe a modern version of the MOS 6502?
I wonder if it has any kind of wifi capability for firmware updates (if needed) ? It'd be a great trojan horse if down the road Nintendo offers different games, or game sets, that could be downloaded to the Mini; you'd still only have the 30 game max limit, but could customize what 30 games that list compromised.

Dragon Warrior cart (1-4)
Adventure cart (Crystalis, Faxandu, Legacy of the Wizard, Battle of Olympus)

and so on...

I like you.
Maybe SEGA should do this too!

You mean like this?




The only think that is missing is a card slot so they could sell more packs, but I think that I will be hard to make more volumes in a way that is viable for them
I really wonder what hardware it's using. If it's powered by USB I doubt it has Wii chips in it, maybe a modern version of the MOS 6502?
Someone speculates it could be based on the New/3DS' motherboard but getting HDMI out at 1080p seems tricky there too. Maybe they shrank the Wii chipset to get it to run on even lower power and just added the HDMI trappings the Wii U has?


or, How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Realize This Assgrab is Delicious
I glazed over the list quite a few times and didn't notice Final Fantasy on there.

Buying. This.


Wildcard berths that can't beat teams without a winning record should have homefield advantage
Bubble Bobble is a Legit System Seller on this for me...but...

My heart will always lie with the Master System's version.

Maybe SEGA should do this too!

Who doesn't want Cool Spot?!


Cool Spot was also released for SNES.


I glazed over the list quite a few times and didn't notice Final Fantasy on there.

Buying. This.

It's there. 10th game down on list.

Nintendo Life said:
The console arrives on the 11th November and will come with 30 pre-loaded titles:
Balloon Fight
Castlevania II: Simon's Quest
Donkey Kong
Donkey Kong Jr.
Dr. Mario
Ice Climber
Kid Icarus
Kirby's Adventure
Mario Bros.
Punch-Out!! Featuring Mr. Dream
Super Mario Bros.
Super Mario Bros. 2
Super Mario Bros. 3
The Legend of Zelda
Zelda II: The Adventure of Link


There was no reason for them to add that feature when they haven't been making money off carts for over 2 decades. Adding on to the system would increase the price, which could potentially lower the target audience for this.

Then make a premium version that has a slot for those of us who do care. Nintendo doesn't even have to advertise it, and can sell it directly through their own website. I'd pay extra for such a thing, but as it is now, I am not terribly interested in its current incarnation.

I do see how it might interest the general audience as the cheap retro consoles with pre-installed games seem to be fairly popular, but those are not for me.
Then make a premium version that has a slot for those of us who do care. Nintendo doesn't even have to advertise it, and can sell it directly through their own website. I'd pay extra for such a thing, but as it is now, I am not terribly interested in its current incarnation.

I do see how it might interest the general audience as the cheap retro consoles with pre-installed games seem to be fairly popular, but those are not for me.
They're not going to make things specifically for you.


Will definitely pick one up November 10th. Not all games are holding up still, but there's still some really good gems and I just like that you can play with a semi original NES controller.


or, How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Realize This Assgrab is Delicious
I imagine the cartridge slot flap is just a facade.... but it would be neat if there were something under there. Even a place to store the NES controller would be cool.

It's there. 10th game down on list.

Yup. That's what I'm saying. Didn't notice it before.


Atari Flashbacks and Genesis Minis sell great around the holidays, and the NES and the games included here have WAY more recognition and cultural relevance than those systems and their games. It'll sell like mad, easily.
The thing is is that the build quality on those other mini consoles are trash. When I worked retail, I would see the same thing every holiday.

"Oh hey, I remember this, I'll pick it up since it's a cheap way to relive my childhood"

*2 days later*

"This thing sucks, I want my money back"

Since Nintendo themselves are doing this, I have more faith in it, but a lot of people may be soured from previous attempts.


this thing looks awesome and i would love to pre-order it. but why not release those 30 games on the virtual console for $40? i'd still probably buy the controllers.


You know what Nintendo should do?

Have a huge NX ad in every box. Alongside a $60 coupon (the price you just paid for the NES Classic) off the price of the system when it launches in 2017. And if they really want to get crazy, include a one-time code on said coupon that unlocks every NES Classic game on the NX VC for free.

Use that newfound mindshare to your advantage, Nintendo.

...This would be incredible! Just go all out for this!

amazon link for this in US


it isn't available yet, hopefully they open it soon


Come on, come on, come on...


Make a SNES one and I'm there day one. Might be there day one for this too, but my nostalgia runs deeper for the SNES (and it had better games).


This is weird and out of line with their current philosophy. Oh so now it's totally fine to devalue retro games? Okay so let us collect games in Animal Crossing again, throw in classic games as bonus unlockables in new installments again. Just pull thr trigger already, dump every rom at their disposal onto the eShop and offer them for a few bucks or a flat subscription fee.


Did they say if the flap for games can be opened? I wonder if they'll have a connector in there to release new game bundles via little carts that you can put in there. The game list is nice but it's missing so many good ones. The other Mega Man games (with the MM collection, I guess they probably made a deal just for that one game. But we need MM3 at least), Tetris, Contra, Tecmo Super Bowl, Ice Hockey, RC Pro Am, etc.

I'm guessing there are copyright issues but I'm sure Nintendo can work something out.


or, How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Realize This Assgrab is Delicious
It's kind of bittersweet for me that I already own most of these games, and play NES on the regular. I think it'd be fun as hell to get all these games at once. Some people are gonna have a LOT of fun with this collection.


or, How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Realize This Assgrab is Delicious
Did they say if the flap for games can be opened? I wonder if they'll have a connector in there to release new game bundles via little carts that you can put in there. The game list is nice but it's missing so many good ones. The other Mega Man games (with the MM collection, I guess they probably made a deal just for that one game. But we need MM3 at least), Tetris, Contra, Tecmo Super Bowl, Ice Hockey, RC Pro Am, etc.

I'm guessing there are copyright issues but I'm sure Nintendo can work something out.

If i were Nintendo I'd put an NFC reader in the slot, and release NES cartridge shaped Amiibos with games on them.


How much would it cost Nintendo to just re release some original NES's?

probably a lot for many reasons, one of them is that many of the original components are not made anymore, the other reason is that they would require to dedicate a factory to make something that is not as in bulk product as a 3DS, so the production costs would make it a lot more elevated
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