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Nintendo Classic Mini - NES Coming on November 11th (30 NES games)

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Somewhat related: I've been playing Soda Popinski and Bald Bull 2 in Punch-Out!! this weekend on a real Famicom and CRT, and on the N3DS VC, and I swear the latter has at least a frame or so of lag and is messing me up. I can't see playing this specific title on the Mini through an HDTV.

Probably old age.
It is more than likely input lag through the LCD/emulation combo.

Going to be interesting for me, since the last time I played most of these, were on the NES/CRT combo.

It's hard to imagine that it won't be a lot worse on the Mini, unless the Mini is plugged into some PC monitor with sub-frame lag. FWIW I think the mini is cool and might even pick one up, I just don't see playing Punch-Out!! on it.

I've looked through Punch-Out!! Wii U VC videos on YT and so far I haven't found one where anybody does a full playthrough or even a run through any of the later circuits in their entirety. It's got to be tough!


Gold Member
It's hard to imagine that it won't be a lot worse on the Mini, unless the Mini is plugged into some PC monitor with sub-frame lag. FWIW I think the mini is cool and might even pick one up, I just don't see playing Punch-Out!! on it.

I've looked through Punch-Out!! Wii U VC videos on YT and so far I haven't found one where anybody does a full playthrough or even a run through any of the later circuits in their entirety. It's got to be tough!

It definitely has to be. That game required the utmost perfect timing, and introducing any amount of input lag, no matter how small, can throw all of that off.

I will find out though later this year, lol.
Punch Out is my favorite NES game and I'll be bummed if this has bad input lag. I've been waiting a long time for the ability to retire my NES cart and play this in my living room without a CRT.
Yeah I'm definitely worried about input lag for Punch-Out!! Bought it on the Wii VC and had trouble with lag. Couldn't get past Popinski either. His laughter really started to piss me off.
Yeah I'm definitely worried about input lag for Punch-Out!! Bought it on the Wii VC and had trouble with lag. Couldn't get past Popinski either. His laughter really started to piss me off.

Popinski has some RNG stuff going on for sure, moreso than up until that point. Reflexes become more critical because of it, getting by on patterns is harder.

Is this punch out the same as Mike Tyson's punch out?

Yeah, Punch-Out!! plays identically to the Mike Tyson licensed game. You'll never see the latter released again.


Sorry if it been answered, but will the UK/EU version be 50Hz?

there was a post earlier where someone linked to somewhere that got confirmation that it would be 60. Lemme search for it.
Probably mentioned already but Computerbase.de got confirmation from Nintendo that games will run at 60Hz in Europe: https://www.computerbase.de/2016-07/nintendo-classic-mini-neuauflage-nes/
Never heard of the place, to be honest, but it's something.


there was a post earlier where someone linked to somewhere that got confirmation that it would be 60. Lemme search for it.

Never heard of the place, to be honest, but it's something.

I'll take it for now.

I have to say though, apart from this lingering 60hz uncertainty, that I'm beginning to doubt my decision to pre-order 3 of these, one through Amazon.co.uk (as a safety backup) and two through Dutch retailer Bol.com (one for myself and one for my mom who I used to play NES with a lot) who after a few days went from "available" to "sold out - if you pre-ordered one we'll do our best to deliver it," which basically gives no guarantees at all I feel.

Jim Sterling's criticism of anti-emulation stances, the high pricing of these kind of legal roms, the mini NES' closed system, as well as the quality of NES games nowadays compared to phone games, somehow has made me weary that I'll fire up the thing once and then never again. Sure, there are some games I'd happily play again, like Zelda, Mario 3, Super C and Double Dragon 2 but for the majority I have my doubts if they'll manage to keep my interest after an initial boot-up honestly. Did any of you feel your hype go down after the initial reveal and after realization set in about how basic and especially how difficult / player unfriendly many of these games can be, or is it just me going through some phase?

I think I'll keep my pre-orders for now, just in case I get hyped again, but there is a chance I'll cancel them later. Maybe I pre-ordered them because I actually want a mini SNES to come next (or an official mini Mega Drive for that matter) as those games do still scratch my retro itch perfectly and are usually less frustrating to boot. Oh well, first world problems.


Junior Member
Why wouldn't you want 50 Hz versions? Sure the music isn't synched up properly sometimes, but at least you have multiple languages. The US versions will only have English languages.


It boggles my mind how many people are actually interested in this. Probably the same gullible people that re-bought NES/SNES/N64/Gamecube titles multiple times over the last 10 years on Wii and Wii-U.


It boggles my mind how many people are actually interested in this. Probably the same gullible people that re-bought NES/SNES/N64/Gamecube titles multiple times over the last 10 years on Wii and Wii-U.

What if I haven't bought anything of those VC titles more than once? What if I bought them once on the wii, played them for a good amount and then I never bought them again? (And even then they were like 4 of them)

What if I love this idea?


Dear God...

I'm oversimplifying here of course. Jim is aware that piracy is wrong and illegal, but for the most part he seems to be trying to give some nuance as to why it's not always as black & white as that either, especially when dealing with companies that refuse to offer their old titles for more reasonable prices (like Nintendo on VC one could argue) and beyond a drip feed of the most well known ones.

I'm not saying I necessarily agree with this, but somehow it did diminish my interest in the mini NES. Not because I can download the roms for free if I really wanted to but because Nintendo could have done a bit more than offer these particular 30 titles, which include quite a few throwaway ones that don't really hold up imo, on a closed system perhaps.
It boggles my mind how many people are actually interested in this. Probably the same gullible people that re-bought NES/SNES/N64/Gamecube titles multiple times over the last 10 years on Wii and Wii-U.

lol I'm not sure you know what the word gullible means. But thanks for your contribution!


It boggles my mind how many people are actually interested in this. Probably the same gullible people that re-bought NES/SNES/N64/Gamecube titles multiple times over the last 10 years on Wii and Wii-U.

Why would anyone buy those titles multiple times on the Wii & Wii U?

If you bought it on your Wii it moves over to your Wii for free, so you're not gonna buy it again.

If you bought it on your Wii U, it's your first purchase.

So I mean...wat?


Maybe, but I'm not sure how well that works with a single holiday toy item like this.

That is my thoughts too. I think Nintendo will want to push this hard for sales this year since they have nothing else big besides Pokemon. I'd imagine these will be available in ample supply.


I'm oversimplifying here of course. Jim is aware that piracy is wrong and illegal, but for the most part he seems to be trying to give some nuance as to why it's not always as black & white as that either, especially when dealing with companies that refuse to offer their old titles for more reasonable prices (like Nintendo on VC one could argue) and beyond a drip feed of the most well known ones.

I'm not saying I necessarily agree with this, but somehow it did diminish my interest in the mini NES. Not because I can download the roms for free if I relly wanted to but because Nintendo could have done a bit more than offer these particular 30 titles, which include quite a few throwaway ones that don't really hold up imo, on a closed system perhaps.

I'd say that if you were choosing between illegally downloading the games and purchasing this console, then it very well may not be for you.
I bet a bunch of those Toys R Us pre-orders get cancelled.

Pretty sure there's a reason why Amazon, Best Buy, GameStop, Target, and Wal-Mart haven't taken pre-orders yet. Retailers likely don't have any clue what their final allocation will be.


It boggles my mind how many people are actually interested in this. Probably the same gullible people that re-bought NES/SNES/N64/Gamecube titles multiple times over the last 10 years on Wii and Wii-U.



Gold Member
It boggles my mind how many people are actually interested in this. Probably the same gullible people that re-bought NES/SNES/N64/Gamecube titles multiple times over the last 10 years on Wii and Wii-U.

Not I. I have not owned a Nintendo home console since the SNES. The Wii I had very, very shortly before giving it away around it's launch to a family member.


So this is perfect for the nostalgia bug for me when I was 8 having the original.
Would be alot cooler if the door opened and they sold mini NES carts with like 30 games each or if it had NFC and they loaded games to Amiibos. Will probably still get one.
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