Iwata giving gamers what they deserve
Hmm...watch this, or play Sunset Overdrive...
Rookie set-up. You display the video on your TV and GAF on your PC.
Rookie set-up. You display the video on your TV and GAF on your PC.
Another big part of the Direct will be that Nintendo bought Rare back and hired all of the original staff from the 90s. They're all currently working on DKR2 and Jet Force Gemini U.
I'm sure you actually meant GAF on the gamepad and the Direct on the PC connected to a 42 inches HD screen. Because that's the right way to do it.
I hate dropping bombs after I eat.Just got back to my dorm with food. I am ready for bombs to be dropped.
I will be watching gaf's inevitable meltdown when the direct segues from MK8 DLC into amiibo functionality for about 20 minutes.
Aint we all?!! Thats part of the rideI'm ready for some soul crushing disappointment.
LAST CALL for the hype train!!!