That's not an XL. There is no White N3DSXL.
Yeah I forgot =/ That's the N3DS... that NOA never wanted to give the US.
That's not an XL. There is no White N3DSXL.
That magenta 3DS XL is pure sex.
Just imagine...
Bad Photoshop, I know, shhh.
Alas, it is the past. I couldn't give up the wonderment of the n3DS for a color.Just imagine...
Just imagine...
Bad Photoshop, I know, shhh.
Thanks for the further impressions, both of these will probably be in my purchase bucket eventually.Excave is pretty OK. It's an extremely basic rougelike with a story that's told through notes that have left around the dungeon. Really basic presentation, essentially a single menu and a the dungeon. It's good if you're looking to scratch that itch and don't want to put more than ~$5 in to it. (Otherwise, probably wait for Etrian Mystery Dungeon)
Adventure Bar Story is my favorite 3DS eShop game of the year. Like I said, it's repetitive, but building up your bar, finding new recipes and going through tiny dungeons is really fun. I do wish the leveling mechanic was different though. (You have to eat food as opposed to just battling monsters.)
Remember to use the save backup function* to alleviate the problem of saves having a chance to corrupt if saving certain locations (mostly puzzle rooms but also other parts of the game).
*- Hit the <| icon but the manual button for a quick access.
That issue makes it hard to recommend the cartridge (where you don't have such things).
Wii U Virtual Console
Pac-Attack (US Version) 7.99 / £5.49
Any impressions of Pac-Attack? I've always meant to try it but I'm reluctant to spend $8 on a puzzle game.
Also knock it off with Pac-Attack and Pac-Land and give us Pac-Man 2 The New Adventures already! That game will send Miiverse into a tizzy.
I should have mentioned this in the last post but I forgot (and the daydreamer bumped the thread anyway): I asked Pringo Dingo games why Paparazzi isn't out in Canada and one of the devs said their "next step is to expand to the rest of North America" and they'll "announce when that happens."
I think that's terrible business sense but apparently it is coming. In the meantime we Canadians just see the game pop up on Wara Wara Plaza with no way to buy the game. I really, really hope Nintendo cracks down on this.
Well.... Usk is expensive. There is a big difference to not releasing in Canada, where its free to do so and easy, to Germany where it requires a paid rating.That's how we feel in Germany when devs don't bother to get a USK rating and we see people post from all over Europe in the community and we're sitting here looking like idiots (Ittle Dew, Master Reboot, etc).
Well.... Usk is expensive. There is a big difference to not releasing in Canada, where its free to do so and easy, to Germany where it requires a paid rating.
Its like $300ish for a DL only game below 400MB or so. Above and becomes $1000.
And that isn't taking into the wire transfer bank fee.
True. I think those devs (the big guys)are lazy and incompetent. Esp as Germany can be 100% English with no language requirement.
Getting my own rating was as simple as 1.2.3.
That's how we feel in Germany when devs don't bother to get a USK rating and we see people post from all over Europe in the community and we're sitting here looking like idiots (Ittle Dew, Master Reboot, etc).
I empathize with people in Germany and Australia who really truly have it bad. The thing about Canada is there's really nothing holding them back.
Any impressions of Pac-Attack? I've always meant to try it but I'm reluctant to spend $8 on a puzzle game.
Also knock it off with Pac-Attack and Pac-Land and give us Pac-Man 2 The New Adventures already! That game will send Miiverse into a tizzy.
Stupid question, when is the eshop updated with the new deals?
thanks!I believe Thursday afternoon.
I empathize with people in Germany and Australia who really truly have it bad. The thing about Canada is there's really nothing holding them back.
Australia has it the worst though.
And Japan is impossible unless you have a publisher.
So I guess Excave II is coming out in the West soon
found the australian rating early today and decided to look it up and found that it's one of the most recent things on the USK ratings as well.
It's also weird how the original was published by Teyon but the sequel is getting published by Bergsla Lightweight
We really should have a thread for games not out in Canada/Germany (but in PEGI). As we need a list to help put those companies in their spot.
Yeah, it will come out, Namco has been pretty good with Virtual Consoles releases.I always wanted to try Sky Kid. The music even made it into Smash. Actually, chances might not be so bad if Mappy made it out here.
Are there any good Picross games on 3DS eShop?
E: I don't like Mario Picross because I hate games that give me a time limit and also tell me when I put a wrong mark on.
So, I basically just gave up on NOA releasing Zero Mission and decided to dust off the GCN GB Player and play the original cart instead. I really wanted it on the Wii-U but they lost a sale for now since they waited too long. I'm having a lot of fun with the game and I haven't played it in many years. Makes me want another 2D Metroid even more.
Oh my God Japan is getting Sonic Advance.
I love that game
The Reddit /r/WiiU eShop thread "/r/WiiU's Nintendo eShop News & Discussion Thread" ran by our own Sylverstone14 always lists what games are on sale, even if not in NOE's PR/etc. That would be your best bet.
For example:
No idea on 3DS.
Thanks will look into it. Was trying to filter Nintendo Life's feed to only include the download press releases but yeah they don't add in tags nor categories with their feed :/
You could go to their list directly here:
Downside, is it would only show new sales and not all currently going on. That and if any EU sale goes live not in a PR, won't be listed.
use GoNintendo them and look for "this week's european downloads"