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Nintendo Downloads - June 2015

They're offering E3 demos? How comes these Ninties can does it while intendo make you go to best bye because a Supper Mario maker demo might brick yer Wii U.
Sorry but might glitch and make game look bad is a valid reason and these indie games should be in a much more complete state. Given some of them are ports I'd hope so...

Nintendo UK and Europe twitter accounts were posting late in the night last night, maybe they have jet lag now.
Chances are a lot of them are in America due to E3. That said it is weird the person with the buttons on the twitter account would be one such thing. Especially as you would expect most of these to be scheduled or there to be more than one person on the button.


Man is "Nindies" ever a terrible name for a heading.

And what's with the "@home?"
Trying to ride off of stuff like "folding@home?"
Makes no sense at all.

"Play nine free #Nindies demos?"
No thanks.

I know everyone else thinks I'm strange for ignoring stuff/passing on stuff due to the name.
But man is "Nindies" ever a horrible heading.

You really make no sense. :D

Nindies is an awesome name, btw :p

...with that logic, how did you end up with a Wii U? :D

I nabbed Earthbound Zero Beginnings because while I don't know if I'll play through it soon, I do want to support this decision that Nintendo made.

..................also I REAAAALLLLYYYYY hope this leads them to release Star Fox 2 on SNES via VC as well considering how that was just about finished.

It actually was completely finished.

Dylan Cuthbert said:
Even after the decision was made we went ahead and completed it, taking it to be fully QA'd through Mario Club.

During development [of Star Fox Command] we received a copy of the mastered Star Fox 2 ROM to play, and it was quite a blast.


The issue with Star Fox 2 is the same issue with all of the Super FX games. There was a patent that Nintendo didn't own, but seems to have expired last year and there were legal proceedings that seem to have some affect on releasing the games as well.


The 30% off is for Europe too. My GamePad just turned on with the news.

UK prices

Hyrule Warriors - Was £39.99, now £27.99
Metroid Prime Trilogy - Was £17.99, now £12.59
Fire Emblem: The Sacred Stones - Was £6.29, now £4.40
Mario Power Tennis - Was £6.29, now £4.40
Mario and Luigi: Superstar Saga - Was £6.29, now £4.40

That's all there is. The majority of the games listed in the American sale are still full price here.


The 30% off is for Europe too. My GamePad just turned on with the news.

UK prices

Hyrule Warriors - Was £39.99, now £27.99
Metroid Prime Trilogy - Was £17.99, now £12.59
Fire Emblem: The Sacred Stones - Was £6.29, now £4.40
Mario Power Tennis - Was £6.29, now £4.40
Mario and Luigi: Superstar Saga - Was £6.29, now £4.40

That's all there is. The majority of the games listed in the American sale are still full price here.
Huh. There's actually 3 games there that look pretty cool. Hyrule Warriors huh...

OK Download Pros, if I want to get Hyrule Warriors, and all the Nindie Demos, and Metroid Prime Trilogy, and maybe keep buying Virtual Console stuff and DLCs and maybe more games in future a) what do I need to attach to my Wii U? What storage does it take and how much will I need? and b) where do I get whatever it is I need at a good price?


The 30% off is for Europe too. My GamePad just turned on with the news.

UK prices

Hyrule Warriors - Was £39.99, now £27.99
Metroid Prime Trilogy - Was £17.99, now £12.59
Fire Emblem: The Sacred Stones - Was £6.29, now £4.40
Mario Power Tennis - Was £6.29, now £4.40
Mario and Luigi: Superstar Saga - Was £6.29, now £4.40

That's all there is. The majority of the games listed in the American sale are still full price here.

I can't list them right now but there are definitely 3DS games on sale, too.


it was okay. the only conference worse than it was EA's :x

if i had to give it a number, a 6 sounds about right for Nintendo's show.


Go on, old chap....

Just a little underwhelming, overall. Some nice stuff, but no real surprises and a few kicks in the teeth. (Animal Crossing for Wii U? Yay! Oh, it's a board game. Metroid? Yay! Oh, it's a bad looking spinoff co-op thing, without Samus.)

6 is a good score.
Pretty great sale. Anyone make a thread yet? I'd hate for it to get lost in the shuffle of E3.

Where's the Sony sale at BTW?

BTW, what did you all think of the Digital Event?

It was filled with games I want to play. That's all I can ask for. They told us from the beginning that it'd be all about games coming in 2015/Q1 2016. Paper Jam, both AC games, Star Fox, Fire Emblem. Don't sleep on the probable roundtable, either.


I mean, I'm not at all interested in Animal Crossing Party, but I also didn't want an Animal Crossing U. The game fits much better on a handheld system, particularly when you're playing with family/friends.

But yeah, overall, there wasn't a whole lot there. I want Super Mario Maker, I'm sure I'll get Super Four^H^H^H^HThree Swords, but eh.


Oh no doubt I want things from the event. Star Fox Zero, Mario Maker, Happy Home Academy, Fire Emblems, Xenoblade X, Yoshi's Woolly World.. But of those, only Star Fox was new, and the other new things just weren't interesting at all.


Gives all the fucks
This is what I said in another thread.


Geez, people act like they were gonna announce Mother 3 Remake and Half-Life 3 Kickstarter, but it never happened.

......though that Metroid Prime game looked more like Metroid Hunters. That was really the only thing I didn't care about.


Oh wow, there are like 63 eShop games on sale now on the eShop. That is a lot, but I hope it makes people check out the other games on sale.


I became a lot more interested in the new Metroid Prime game once I realized that Next Level Games was making it, and not NST as I'd originally assumed. Next Level Games has a pretty good track record.


Thanks for sharing your thoughts, guys. Here are mine. 😃

I have to say huge swaths of Nintendo's show focused on games I don't really care about. Xenoblade, Fire Emblem. Just not my thing. Animal a Crossing either and I can see how it would be a massive bummer as an AC fan to have this be the Wii U game. Looks like Mario Party but someone forgot the minigames. Seems charming but not unlike staring at a charming wall. As for Metroid I was hoping it would be an attraction in a Nintendo a land for 3DS as some were speculating. Meh. I'm not a Metoid fan but nothing about this seems to speak to fans or newcomers to what the series is usually about. Then again NLG are some talented folks so maybe it's awesome. Either way not for me though. Hyrule Warriors also not my thing. So lots that wasn't my jam, and multiple things we knew about like Yoshi that looks like my GOTY and Mario Maker which looks more and more fun each time I see it but neither was something surprising.

Gosh, I am such a fan of Zelda and of LBW but I have to say I have mixed feelings about Tri Force Heroes. (I dunno what's up with that spelling.) I thought 4 Swords Anniversary addition was a bit odd in single player and I don't really have IRL friends with 3DS systems so I wonder how the online component will work unless you have to do the whole game in one sitting. Because how could you save where you are online with multiple others? Seems odd somehow but maybe I'm missing something there. Maybe Jen and I will play it together but I kinda doubt it since we usually play console games together so the idea of sitting together looking at different tiny screens seems odd to me. So then I think about SP and wonder how they're going to make it more compelling than the SP mode in 4S AE, because backtracking to catch up with each Link you're playing as gets kinda tedious. Come to think of it there as a whistle that could summon all the Links so there will probably be a similar mechanic herein, so maybe that aspect was different than I'm remembering, but I can san say I remember that game being more on the mildly fun side of things. So I'm cautiously hopeful for this one.

They really should have done a "one more thing" moment. What an odd missed opportunity to skip out on that since they're usually so good at it.

Okay, Star Fox, I've barely if ever played one of his games and while I'm uncertain how the two screen approach will feel, the game definitely looked like a lot of fun.

New Chibi Robo trailer really did look fun. I know that was outside of the Direct.

Had an odd experience where I accidentally saw Bowser in 3D tearing things up before I saw the Digital Event so I was like dang, spoilers then thinking Ohhh man Bowser solo game. So Skylanders was a crazy disappointment for me for a second in that regard, haha.

The one big E3 moment for me was the new Mario & Luigi and Paper Mario teamup game. Dang. Looked INCREDIBLE. I don't understand how any fan of PM isn't also a M&L fan and as someone who absolutely adores both series I am so ridiculously excited to play this game. Everything about it blew my mind. The return of gyro mechanics. Petey Piranha! And another chance to use the gorgeous engine they created for Dream Team. I'm sure tye LST will be incredible again, too.

Oh, and Yokai Watch looked surprisingly solid to me. Pokemon esque but maybe with more hands on action?


They really should have done a "one more thing" moment. What an odd missed opportunity to skip out on that since they're usually so good at it.

That's the main thing I felt was missing.
Heck, they could've saved Earthbound Beginnings for that and it would've been good.


Gives all the fucks
Triforce Heroes feels like Three Swords Adventure. I like the costume concept (you can have Link wear Zelda's dress heh heh heh), but I'll have to see how multiplayer-focused it is. Might try a demo or something.

I do kind of wish there was one more "big" reveal, but I think it was gonna be hard to top Sony considering they had THREE huge announcements in the same conference. But Star Fox by PLATINUM (omg yes) left me satisfied.

Also M&L Paper Jam looks like it'll be the closest I get to a Paper Mario RPG. Though for some reason, now that it's announced, I'm now hearing "Ooooh, I don't know, Dream Team wasn't that good" which is weird because I heard mainly positive stuff for it at launch (aside from too many tutorials).


Wow, such even-keeled reactions! Is this really the thread that brought us "No Metroid Zero Mission, fire Reggie!" and "What is this River City Ransom garbage, I need Mario GBA 6: Mario Game 4"?

heh...Apologies for the generalization. I was underwhelmed by the conference, but it had its highlights. My reaction after watching it was "oh, I guess they've shifted their focus to NX".

..................also I REAAAALLLLYYYYY hope this leads them to release Star Fox 2 on SNES via VC as well considering how that was just about finished.

Sorry man


Gives all the fucks
Well, that's a bummer. I still like the fact they took inspiration from Star Fox 2 (like the transforming Arwing) and put it into Star Fox Zero.


At least they're consistent. Every week feels like a "Worst VC ever! F U NoA" event from some as if Nintendo peed in their coffee. Lol

I'm mostly teasing
The 30% off is for Europe too. My GamePad just turned on with the news.

UK prices

Hyrule Warriors - Was £39.99, now £27.99
Metroid Prime Trilogy - Was £17.99, now £12.59
Fire Emblem: The Sacred Stones - Was £6.29, now £4.40
Mario Power Tennis - Was £6.29, now £4.40
Mario and Luigi: Superstar Saga - Was £6.29, now £4.40

That's all there is. The majority of the games listed in the American sale are still full price here.

I'd have some of those Wii U games if they were discounted for Europe. the decision to go with a U.S. 3DS still pays off though. kid Icurus get!
The 3DS/Wii U sale isn't bad. I'm not going to expect Steam-level discounts from Nintendo, so the prices are ok. The only sticking point for me personally is that most of the games for sale are retail, and I strongly prefer physical over digital whenever possible. Because of that, there isn't anything for me this time. Great for those who prefer digital though.

I haven't watched Nintendo's E3 presentation yet, but I read about it. Sounds fine to me. Yeah, people are going to be upset that none of their pipe dreams became a reality. It's a little disappointing that some of the new stuff announced isn't exactly what people want either, like an Animal Crossing board game or the Metroid Prime that isn't really Metroid. But in general, it looks like quite a few top notch games are coming and almost all of them are exclusive. The only thing I'd ask for is a little more between now and September as the release schedule is looking a little barren, but once we get to that point things will pick up nicely.

Also I'm a big amiibo fan/collector, so all the new ones shown are both good and bad. Good because I want them, bad because they are probably going to be a pain to get.
Wow, such even-keeled reactions! Is this really the thread that brought us "No Metroid Zero Mission, fire Reggie!" and "What is this River City Ransom garbage, I need Mario GBA 6: Mario Game 4"?
Don't forget the hate towards Mega Man and even Kirby that one time. It's just that during E3 this thread is comparatively sane next to the rest of GAF. Even terrisus is starting to look like a normal person to me.

All I know is that there's a bunch of games I hope to play in the future. I'm a huge Star Fox fan so I'm really glad that it's back to the style I like the most after a few not-so-amazing games. On-rails-shooters are too few and too good a genre to have Star Fox try to be something else. Also, now that there's a Star Fox Zero, I hope there's also an F-Zero Fox coming up. They got the perfect title! They have to do it now.

The one big E3 moment for me was the new Mario & Luigi and Paper Mario teamup game. Dang. Looked INCREDIBLE. I don't understand how any fan of PM isn't also a M&L fan and as someone who absolutely adores both series I am so ridiculously excited to play this game.
YEAH! But you gotta remember that we're absolutely cuckoo weirdos for liking Sticker Star, so what the hell do we know?

...with that logic, how did you end up with a Wii U? :D
Or with the username terrisus in a forum named NeoGAF, no less... But he did make fun of Che Guevara the other day, so that gets him a few points in my book.


Nice analysis max!

I was disappointed with the Direct because I thought it was lackluster. The "one more thing" at the end was really a missed opportunity.

Good to see that there's still support for 3DS (I liked Dream Team so I'm stoked for Paper Jam) but the Wii U support was average at best. It's nice for me because I have a big backlog so if I end up buying only 3 titles (Super Mario Maker, Starfox & Xenoblade) until 2016 I won't be mad ;D

It's the first half of 2016 what seems barren for now (only Fire Emblem x SMT) but there's still time for some directs and announce new titles for Wii U (I won't hold my breath)..

5/10 to the conference for me. Hoping that next year is much better!


About that...

Digital event not including anything VC related is again mind boggling. N64 and Wii releases is just sad.

Tell me about it. I guess the Digital Event isn't really the place for VC releases unless it was something like GameCube VC, but it would've mitigated the Digital Event a little.


The one big E3 moment for me was the new Mario & Luigi and Paper Mario teamup game. Dang. Looked INCREDIBLE. I don't understand how any fan of PM isn't also a M&L fan and as someone who absolutely adores both series I am so ridiculously excited to play this game. Everything about it blew my mind. The return of gyro mechanics. Petey Piranha! And another chance to use the gorgeous engine they created for Dream Team. I'm sure tye LST will be incredible again, too.

Only thing about this that was disappointing to me is that it's not on Wii U (with the last two Mario RPGs being on 3DS already).

Still pretty stoked though.
Bought Fantasy Life on sale.

How much of my life am I giving up for this thing?

Just give up sleep then you have no problem.

As for the Digital event it wasn't anything amazing, but I saw a bunch of stuff I want. At the start of the year I was worried about the 3DS line up first party wise, but man we got the Paper Mario/Mario & Luigi crossover, actual online multi player four ( well three) swords Zelda and online co-op Metroid.( yeah I actually kinda want the thing) Plus I saw more of games like Fire Emblem, Star Fox and Yoshi that I know I want.

They are continue to kill it with the tree house as I will be watching to get more in depth looks at games like Chibi Robo, Animal Crossing Home Designer, Mario Tennis Ultra Smash, and Yoaki Watch. However I'm bummed out that we didn't get a New 3ds announcement as I really do need a replacement. Also I seen a lack of Rhythm Heaven localization, so that bums me out too. Everything else that bums me out is just lack of localization from other companies as of right now .
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