History of Nintendo, yes. Seems on the Amazon marketplace, you can get it for about $20, which is a great price. It talks about all the different things Nintendo tried out in the 1900s (the cards, making different toys, etc.), then has some sections dedicated to talking about said products. As someone who's also been getting into reading about books relating to games, its history, & such, it's a fascinating read if you're a fan of gaming, especially of Nintendo, because it feels like the only book that talks about Nintendo BEFORE the NES with a good amount of depth. You can
see a few preview pages here.
Before Mario, it's more of a collected piece of some of the different stuff shown off on the blog of the same name. I like to think of it as a "coffee table" book where you notice it's there, decide to flip to a random page & see "oh, this is a picture of this product, neat" & then read the little description of it. Again, you can get a
preview of some pages here. I see it as a complement to HoN because I get some better pictures/close-ups of the products that were talked about.
What sucks is that I'd love to get Vol. 2 of HoN, but you either have to pay a rather high price from Amazon (I think not many English copies were sent to retailers) or deal with importing it. There's suppose to be a 3rd volume on the NES days, but it's not even out yet, let alone translated.
There's also a book about all the different Mario merchandise (Mario Goodies Collection) plus one on Gunpei Yokoi, but I don't have those (yet). Just be sure to check if it's the English version of the French version since that's where the people who make the books are located (though the Before Mario is bilingual).